Chapter Seven

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• K A I S S O •


I was waiting outside for Kai, last Friday he said he wanted to go to school with me and first I said no but eventually I agreed so here I am waiting for him "Kyungsoo" Kai shouted I turned around and saw him Kai

"Sorry I took so long," he said, he was a grey dressed pants with a white button-up shirt with the first two buttons open

"It's ok," I said and smiled

"Did you I make you wait for too long?" he said

"No I wait for about five minutes, " I said and we started walking to the station, I was looking around and I didn't see his bodyguards anywhere

"What are you looking for," he asked

"Where are you bodyguard, " I said

"I got away from them, "he said and I slapped his arm, I don't know why i slapped him I just happened

"Ow Why did you do that for," he said and rubbed his arm I was suprisses that he didn't say anything

"you have bodyguards for a reason it to keep you safe," I said

" yeah but I can defend myself that's why I train and practice magic so I don't see why my mum gave me bodyguards," he said he did have a point

we walked down the streets I only now noticed that exoplanet was a lot similar to earth, but the street was clean no rubbish and chewing gum stuck to the floor there was a lot more tree, bushes and flowers the animals were playing and walking on the pavement there were a lot of birds flying around on the sky

"I only now noticed, This place is Really clean," I said

"Littering is not allowed and if someone does they get punished and chewing gum is not allowed because it can hurt the animals," Kai said

" is the same for all the kingdoms," I asked and he nodded

"You know how about we teleport to ikkeyria," he said

"Ok," I said he grabbed my hand then I a second we were in ikkeyria inside the train station

"Are you feeling Ok, many people who teleported for the first time get dizzy or doesn't feel well?" Kai said

"Yeah I'm ok," I said when we heard Baekhyun shouting my names and he was running towards me

"Why is he so loud," Kai said and I chuckled

"You better get used to it, but the worst thing is that if you put Baekhyun and Luhan together you can say goodbye to you hearing for a couple of days," I said and he chuckled I looked at him and he was already staring at me

"Why are you staring at me like that do I have something on my face," I asked

"Nothing your just cute, even cuter up close," he said and my face was red and hot,

"OMG so I have so Much to tell you," Baekhyun said grabbing my hand and shaking it

"Hey Kai, What are you doing here," Baekhyun said once he saw Kai

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