Chapter Eighteen

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• A U T U N M • W O O D S •

Kyungsoo pov

It's been three since I've been here and it was hard for me because I had to drink blood but I couldn't hurt those animals but a Bear was trying to kill me so I killed him instead and drank its blood,blue kept me company he was a magical marten then I met up with Yixing I asked him how he got here and then he said that he used a portal to get here

At first everything was fun but then we encountered a group of shapeshifters they managed to get Yixing a crystal ring of him and ran away we have been looking for them but no avail, right now we were sitting under a tree while blue playing in the leaves with custard Yixing's marten,

"he should be around here somewhere" I heard someone say, I quickly went up to a tree to see what was going on and I saw a group of boys standing there I couldn't see their face as the were far away

" Let's keep walking he maybe around here somewhere" someone else said and the kept walking, their voices sound really familiar

" do we turn left or right," one of them said

"How about we split up"

"Are you crazy you want to split up in these parts of the woods, with live plants everywhere" the small guy said

"They are here" blue sudden appeared with custard and Yixing

"The. Than must be them" I said

"They could be shapeshifters"Yixing said

"Let's take a left, I'm pretty sure kyungsoo said to alway stock to the left"the other said, I never go into these parts of the woods but I did just in case they need help, and they other follewd me

"I'm pretty sure he said the right luhan,"Tao said.

They kept walking but the way they were heading was straight into the live part of the woods where the plants move by themselves, they have a mind of their own and are carnivores, I was about to jump onto the next tree but the branch I was standing began to crack when Yixing jumped on it we stopped our movements but blue sat on the branch and that made it snap and we fell on the ground.


Baekhyun heard the trees rustling, he thought to himself that I was just the birds going back to their nests he looked up and saw a shadow jumping from tree to tree "I hope we can find soo quickly and get out of here" he said to himself then a sound of a branch snapping made Baekhyun stop walking and looked to the tree next to him, he heard groaning and whispers for some reason he walked toward to see what or how was it

" is someone there, " Baekhyun asked but the person kept groaning he walked past the bushes to see two boys on the floor with their hands on their face, the person stood up with his back facing Baekhyun

"Are you alright? "Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo froze when he realized, who it was, tinie got off his shoulder and went to the blue and custard marten on the floor

"Yeah I'm alright," the person said, Kyungsoo slowly turned around to face Baekhyun

" B-Baekhyun," Kyungsoo said with tears in his eyes, Baekhyun eyes widen looking at Kyungsoo standing there with blood on his neck

"Kyungsoo" Baekhyun said, they both ran to each other and hugged

"I missed you so much,"kyungsoo said, tears are now streaming down his face

" I think I may have broken a bone" a voice says behind them, Baekhyun pulls away from kyungsoo and sees Yixing laying of the floor

"Yixing" Baekhyun said and walked towards him

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