Chapter Thirty-two

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It was the end of the day, Irene and I were walking back to my parents house " I can't wait to find my mate aren't you" Irene said, she always wanted to have a mate since she was little but doyeon made that impossible for her for years and now that she is out she can finally find one unless her mother makes an arranged marriage

"No, not really," I said

"Sorry I forgot you were dating Taehyung," she said

"we're not dating, "Jungkook said, I wished we were dating because I have liked taehyung ever since I sixteen

"but you guys like each other," she said and I nodded

"Jungkook" I heard Somi call out we turned around and saw her running towards us

" what," I said but she handed me her phone

" play the video," she said panting and I clicked on the video

" Taehyung" the girl in the video said, Taehyung turned around and smiled at Here they started talking but you couldn't hear what they are talking about But what happened next made me drop Somi's phone on the floor, Taehyung and that girl kissed I couldn't believe it, I tried to not to cry but I couldn't because I know Taehyung wouldn't do such a thing, he told me he would never leave me and now my worst fears have come true he has lost interest in me and is with another girl

"Come to Jungkook Let's go home," Somi said and I nodded then I got a text from an unknown number

From: unknown

So you saw the video, what did you think of it?

Who are you? and what do you want

I want you to break up with him, Jungkook

Why would I do that, besides we are not even dating

well just stay away from him, If you don't you're friends will pay the price, but if you break up with taehyung I will set them free, but you can still save them if you come with us

The picture came up and the picture was jin and hoseok and my family beat up, I handed the girls the phone, I looked around to see if anyone was there and I spotted a black car on the other side of the road I couldn't see inside because the windows were tinted,the car then took off

" OMG Who would do this" Somi said

" I'll call Jongin," momo said, we waited for Jongin to pick his up, we arrived at my house and Taehyung and the others were already outside my house

"Jungkook" Suga said


"Where's Jin and Hoseok, "Suga asked

"Huyng They're not here," I said

"what do you mean they are not here, he and hoseok said that they were going to your house,"namjoon said even more worried

"someone kidnapped them and they won't let them got if I don't stay away from Taehyung "

"And you are going to, "Taehyung asked

" I don't want to but if it saves Jin and hoseok then I'll have to"

"Jungkook Don't Be naive, do you really think by staying away from me that they are going to let them go," Taehyung said

"I'm sorry Taehyung but they also have my family," I said and turned around and started walking away

"Jungkook" Taehyung growl and made me stop

"Don't even think about it, I told you this before we are in this together you don't have to do this alone we can do this together?" he said and I kinda scared because Taehyung never used that tone of voice on me, then a portal opened in front of me

"Come Jungkook with you come with us everyone here will be safe," a voice said

" Who are you and what do you want, "Taehyung asked

" that not important now, "the voice said then Electric wire being wrapped around my body making it impossible for me to move it lifted me up and I screamed as it electrocuted me

"come on jungkook all you have to do is agree and then I won't kill you, or maybe the quickest away to get taehyung all to myself is to kill you" it said and the electrocuted me more, more electric wires were coming out of the portal and were trying to get the others but a man in a red hoodie stopped them and he also managed to close the portal with a green powder, once the portal was gone the wires around me were gone and made me fall of the floor

"Jungkook" Taehyung whispered and ran towards me

"Are you ok?" he asked and hugged me

"Yeah I'm fine," I said

"Let's go find jin and hoseok and your family before it too late," the man said, his voice sounds very familiar

"Who are you,"yoongi asked

"You can't remember your best friend," the man said and took of the hood once it was off we all gasped we didn't think we would see him this soon

"Jimin, "we all said at the same time, it's so good to see him recently he has been really busy and we don't get to see him that often

"The one and only," he said and smiled at us

"what are you doing here," I asked trying to stand up but I fell back down as my legs felt numb

"well i found something very important and we don't have much time come on" jimin said and opened a portal we all looked at each before following jimin, Taehyung kneeled down in front of me and told me to climb on and I did, he adjusted me on his back before walking through the portal jimin opened


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