Chapter Forty-two

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• S E E D S •

Jimin found it really hard to keep werewolf Chanyeol hidden so he made Tom look after him because he's really good at handling stuff and people hardly notice him when he walks into the room "jimin Eric wants you" one of the guards said, And jimin followed the guard to Eric's room

"You called," jimin said once He entered the room

"Yes I want you to do something for me," he said getting up from his armchair and got two small boxes of his desk

"What is it," Jimin asked, looking at one of the boxes he noticed that there was a symbol on the box and he recognises the symbol

"I want you to give this to 201 and he'll know what to do with it and also I want you to destroy these seeds," he said And handed jimin the small boxes

"Yes sir," I said and bowed before walking out of the room, as Jimin was walking down the corridor he saw Sam and Marcus walking towards him

"Hi hyung, Where are you going, "Marcus asked

"Come with me," Jimin said Sam and Marcus both looked at each other before following jimin, Jimin gave person 201 the box and said it was from Eric and he nodded, the three of us walked out to woods

"Where are we going, "sam asked

"I have to go back to exoplanet," Jimin said

"What Why, "Marcus asked,

" I have to give these to Baekhyun," Jimin said showing them the seeds

"Wait, you're going to risk going to exoplanet just to give some seeds you can buy at a supermarket," Marcus said

"These aren't normal seeds Marcus, they are crystal seeds and I bet they are really important," sam said still looking at the seeds inside of the box

"Sam's right these are the seeds of the tree of life and Eric asked me to destroy them that means he is planning to do something to the tree" Jimin explained and they both nodded

"What happens if the tree of life is destroyed," Marcus asked

"I don't know, but something really bad will happen, sam I want you to come with me and Marcus I want you and Tom to continue on with the potion and if anyone asks about us two tell them that we had something important to do and also the princes will be arriving today I've left pictures and note their so you know who they are," Jimin said and they nodded, before walking away, Jimin opened the portal to take him and Sam to exoplanet

"Are you ready?" Jimin asked Sam and he nodded, once they both walked into the portal they arrived at exoplanet at the BTS house

"Do you know where Baekhyun is? "sam asked, Jimin got his phone out of his pocket and rang yoongi, it rang a couple of times before he picked up

"Jimin," he asked in disbelief since they haven't heard from him in a long time

"Yeah it's me, where are you now," Jimin asked him

"I'm in the car with Luhan and Jin, why," yoongi said

"I'm in exoplanet right now can you come to pick me and sam up," Jimin told him and hears yoongi talking to jin

"Where are you," he asked jimin looked around and saw we were standing in front of the library

"Next to the purple library," Jimin said and hung up

"Who did you call," sam asked paying with a cat

"Yoongi," Jimin said smilling

"Is he you boyfriend?" sam asked nudging jimin

"We are not official yet," Jimin said, they heard a car honk and looked to where the sound came from and saw three cars parked in a line yoongi got out of the car first and hugged jimin

"I missed you," he said and kissed jimin

"I missed you too," Jimin said, then sam coughed behind them

"You remember sam right," I said while pulling away from the hug

"Junmyeon's son," he said and Jimin nodded

"Ok, do you know where Baekhyun is," Jimin asked yoongi

"Yeah," He said

"Where" Jimin asked and yoongi pointed to a white car

"Wait before you have to do what you came here to do can you just come and hang out with us, we missed you," yoongi said jimin looked at sam and he nods

"Sure," Jimin said And smiled

"Sam let's go" jimin called out while walking to the car

"Where are we going now," Sam asked and jogged to catch up with jimin

"We are going to hang out with my friends," Jimin said

"I always wanted to meet your friend, the way you talk about them I bet they are really funny," sam said  before getting inside the car

"Oh they are," jimin said

"Hey jimin, Sam, long time no see," Luhan said, jimin looked at him and was shocked to see Luhan with a baby bump

"Your pregnant" Jimin said surprised and smiled

"Yeah, I sent you a message saying that but I guess you didn't see it, "Luhan said

"Well I've been really busy," jimin said and Jin started driving to where they were going to hang out  and for the rest of the ride they were telling their most embarrassing stories


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