Chapter Thirty

580 28 2

3 months later

Momo pov

I woke up and it was nine in the morning, I went to the bathroom and took a shower and washed my hair, once I finished I walked out of the bathroom and walked in my closet I put my black t-shirt and tucked them in my red high waist shorts and I put on my black ankle boots,I walked out of my room  and into the living room where everyone was "ahh you're up, I thought that I was  going have to drag out of bed" jungkook said  and stood up

"Let's go before we late" Jin said and handed me a sandwich, today we are going to a water theme park and we had to get there pretty early so we can get the best spot also the theme park opened at ten thirty

We walked outside, where the cars were waiting in the first car, was me, Jin, taehyung, yoongi And Somi
in  the other car were Irene, Jungkook, namjoon, hoseok, and jimin

the car  behind them was baekhyun,chanyeol,minseok,jongdae,kyungsoo, and junmyeon

and the others were in the other car

once we were all ready the driver drove us to school

When we got there we went to wait in line "there are so many people here already" jungkook said

"Where's Sehun, "Somi asked once she got out of the car

"I don't know, him and Luhan weren't on the car with, us, "Tao said

"We better check on them to see if they have killed each other"Baekhyun said and pulled out his phone and called luhan

"Are they still angry with each other"Somi asked and Baekhyun nodded

"Why are they mad at each other, "I asked

"I forgot what it was about but Donghae has something to do with it, "Kai said

"it was weird they suddenly became angry with each other which is hard to believe because they never fought like that before," taehyung said

"I think it the work of a potion, it can make even the most loved up couples be angry at each other and constantly fight over nothing and deep inside they don't mean anything they say"jungkook explained to us and that made a lot more sense

"you know yesterday luhan called me and started telling me how mad he was at sehun whilst crying and then he would say how much he loves sehun's smiled then say that his smile makes him look like an idiot," baekhyun said putting his phone in his pocket when luhan did not pick up

"that is exactly what happens but it is also different depends on the person, how does sehun act," jungkook asked

"well he has become really possessive of luhan he keeps following  him around and only argues when luhan says something he doesn't  agree with," kai said

"it seems like sehun was not affected that much" jungkook said

"why wasn't he affected as much as luhan," taehyung asks

"well that potion has a great effect on people that has a lot of doubt or insecurities about their relationship, so sehun doesn't really have a lot of insecurities but he does have one which is that luhan would leave him hence why he has become very possessive of luhan, so if they are under a potion then it can be a while for the potion to get out of the system"

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