Chapter Four

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• S A V E D • S O M E O N E •

Baekhyun pov

It was now 10 pm and I was now only now getting off the train, I did not expect to go home at this hour, I walked out of the station and to my apartment which was about ten minutes away, I know what my mom meant when she was talking about how magical and beautiful the night creatures were, there were a lot of small little creature flying above me and leaving a trail of falling sparkling dust, then Tinie came out of nowhere "what's wrong" I asked he was acting strangely

'someone is hurt' Tinie said, tiny the flew into an alleyway and I followed him, it was too dark so I snapped my fingers and a ball of light appeared in front of me lighting up my way, I stopped when I saw a man with brown hair with a white face mask with blood covering his face and he was laying on the floor and he was really bloody, I knew he wasn't dead because I can hear his heartbeat, I crouched down and placed my hand on his arm and shook him slightly

"hey can you hear me," I said and he groaned, I searched his pocket to see if he had a phone or anything that could tell me who he was but then I saw that his shirt was ripped and there was a really big cut on his chest and belly

"hang on I'm going to call for help," I said and took my phone out of my pocket but before I could dial the number a hand was placed on mine and I nearly screamed, I look at the man and he was trying to sit up I placed my phone back into my pocket

"don't call for help they... they"his voice was breaking throughout the whole time he spoke

"ok I won't call for help just stay still your badly injured, " I said, I started to panic I didn't know what to do but then I heart voices

"where do you think he went," a man said

"I don't know but he could have gone far we beat him up badly," the over one said

" it's them y-you need to get out of here," he said, for some reason I felt compelled to help him normally when this happens I just call the police even if they say no I still do it, but this time I couldn't it was just something about him.

"I'm not leaving you here," I said and grabbed his arm and put it around my shoulder and stood up slowly, he was really heavy and tall he was crouching while I stood up straight up

"tiny teleport us back to the house," I said and tiny flew on top of our heads and then teleported, once we were in my apartment I took him to one of the spare rooms and laid him down on the bed I lifted up his shirt and saw that he also had cuts in his chest and some on his neck, I pushed him to the side to see if he had any cuts on his back when I took a look I gasped his back is worse than his front, honestly I never been in this situation before I got out my phone and rang kyungsoo

"hello" kyungsoo once he answered

"hey soo, I need your help," he said

"what is it you sound stressed," he asked concerned

"one my way home I found some injured guy on the floor so I took him home and I don't know what to do his wounds aren't healing I was going to call the hospital but he said not to, "I said

"is he still bleeding," he asked


"ok the first thing you need to do is stop the bleeding then clean his wound, after that you should bandage it up and it has to be really tight then you have to give him food and some medicine if he needs some and let him rest he should be fine in the morning," he said

"ok," I said

"do you need me to come over," he said

"no you don't have to, thank you kyungsoo," I said

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