Chapter Twenty-six

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• A V O I D I N G • M E •

Taehyung pov

After doyeon left the castle chanyeol wanted me to back into to castle so I can look out for doyeon's spies. baekhyun and kyungsoo were taken yesterday and jimin reported to us that they were ok and doyeon has been to busy to plan what he is going to do with them, I was currently walking around in the garden looking at the flowers and the other types of plants that are not on earth, then a dog ran into me "hello" I said and looked around to see if anyone was coming to get the dog

"where is your owner," I asked, I looked at the collar and it said 'ROCO' all in capital letters

"let's go find your owner," I said and picked up his leash and we walked through the garden after a couple of minutes of walking I saw a girl looking for something

"excuse me" I shouted and she looked up at me

"is this your dog" I shouted and picked up ROCO and showed the girl, she ran other to me and smiled

"Oh thank you I thought I lost him," she said taking ROCO out of my arms

"glad I could help, " I said and she looked at me then her eyes widen and then bowed

"I'm sorry I didn't greet you, prince Taehyung," she said, I'm never going to get used to people calling me that

"it's ok, you don't have to, by the way, what's your name," I asked her

"My name is Kira," she said, Kira was very nice we walked around the garden for a little bit talking about random stuff

"Kira what are you doing, "someone said behinds us, we turned around and saw jungkook walking this way

"you were supposed to be in the kitchen ten minutes ago," Jungkook said and I could see he was a little bit angry

"Sorry it's just that ROCO ran outside and I went to look for him and then prince Taehyung found him for me," Kira said

"I don't care, go back to the kitchen now or you'll lose your job," he said and Kira bowed before running away towards the castle

"you didn't have to be so rude you know," I said a little bit angry with the way he spoke to her

"well I had to she causes lots of trouble around her if it wasn't for me she wouldn't be here right now if you'll excuse me I have to go," he said and was about to walk away, but I grabbed his arm making him stop

"why are avoiding me, "I asked him calmly

"what are you talking about I'm not ignoring you, I'm just really busy," he said and I scoffed

"yes you are, every time I walk in the room you get up and leave or make an excuse to not be around me, what happened we used to always together and I could always tell you what was bothering me weather it was serious or stupid, but now I can't do that because you're being selfish and ignoring me," I say and he turns around and looks at me straight in the eyes and I could tell that he was feeling guilty with the look he had on his face

"tell me why, " I say and pull him closer

"I was ignoring you because I didn't want to get to close to you then get hurt,after baekhyun made you remember what happened years ago you have not said a single word to me about it" he said but I don't know what he was talking about

"Why didn't you tell me about it, honestly not all of my memories have come back so I don't what happened after we met that day in the forest so I was just wanted to come and talk to you about it but you've been, avoiding me," I asked

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