Chapter Three

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•T A O ' S • B I R T H D A Y


Once school was finished, we met up with each other before walking out of building and headed to the shopping centre to celebrate Tao's birthday "where do you want to go first" I asked Tao

"I want to dye my hair" he said, the walk to mall was not that long it took us about ten minutes to get there.

There was lot of people at the mall mainly students who came out, we headed to the hair salon which took ages for us to find as we got kind of lost and kept going around in circles

"there is one over there" baekhyun said and pointed to the one across from us

"what colour are you dying it" yixing asked

"I was thinking of dyeing back to black "Tao said,

"black does suit you but I think you should dye it light brown" Luhan said and ruffles his blonde hair making Tao push luhan away

"kyung, I think you should dye your hair; I have never seen you with colour in your hair apart from brown" minseok suggested, I never thought of dyeing my hair

"I think you should dye it red," baekhyun said, I was thinking about what they were saying but I don't think I should right now

"you know maybe next time" I said, and they nodded

When we reached the salon, we were greeted and Tao went to dye his hair, it only took thirty minutes as he was dying it a darker, when he was done, we came out of the salon

"that colour really suits you" Luhan said

"thank you" Tao said, next we ended up going to a load of shops since Tao is a shopaholic and buys weird thing and doesn't end up using them, we were in the mall for two hours and my feet are hurting from all the walking when Tao was done and had his hands full of shopping bags it was 6pm

We decide to go back to Tao's apartment where we prepared his surprise, when we got to the station we didn't have to wait for the train as it was already there "how is Theryndior at night" I asked him, since there louds of dragons there

"you know it's quite peaceful, it just that you hear roaring every now and then, it also very cold at night so I had to keep the heating on all night" Tao said

"what about you baekhyun is still hot at nigh as well"
luhan asked baekhyun,

"yes, but not as much as during the day, but last night was freezing I don't know if it was just me or my house" baekhyun said and we nodded

We arrived in Theryndior twenty minutes later, walking out of the train we were sit with very strong wind "why was it so windy" Yixing asked

"a dragon just flew by and it was close to the ground, this happens a lot "Tao explained, and we nodded

Once we reached Tao's apartment, we let him go in first, we all walked in and took our shoes before following Tao "turn on the light Tao" minseok said once Tao started walking into the apartment in the dark

Turning on the lights Tao gasped once he saw the living room "omg when did you guys do this" Tao asked us

"we asked Jihyun if he could decorate while we were in school" I said, there were balloons on the floor and some on the wall and there was a big banner that said happy birthday in Chinese which it was luhan who made the banner, on the coffee table there was his two layered Gucci cake, with some snacks around it and on the sofa there were the presents

"thank you so much" he said and put his bags down before hugged each of us, we sang happy birthday and played lots of games and ate tons of food and cake, the Tao opened his presents which he was very pleased with, I brought him a new Gucci wallet which I was kind of cheap I think it is fake but he will never know, luhan got him a box full of jewellery, baekhyun got him a brand new makeup set, yixing got him his favourite Chinese food and snacks, minseok got him three pairs of shoes, we had takeaway for dinner before watching movies

"guys it's 9:45pm we should get going" Minseok said looking at the time, we got up and saw Tao was fast asleep on the sofa

"you guys go I will put him in bed" Minseok said we nodded and put on our shoes and picked up our bags before walking out of the apartment, and headed to the train station

"couldn't we just have stayed there for the night" Baekhyun asked yawing

"yeah, we could but we have to get used to living by ourselves told him, once we reached the station, we each separated to go different platforms

"see you guys tomorrow "Baekhyun shouted

"bye" we all said, walking onto platform 4 the train was not there, I saw that Baekhyun's and Yixing's train was there, and luhan's was now stopping, I looked at the boar to see when the train would arrive, and it should be there in five minutes, I sat down on one of the benches and waited for the train.


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