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I woke up with my head pounding. I got up from the bed holding my head. I got my toothbrush from my bag and brushed my teeth. I walked out the room and saw Juanpa cooking. " good morning sunshine " he said kissing me head. " ow ow ow " I said holding my head. " haha u have a hangover and a really bad one " he said. " yea is there any medicine " I asked. " yea here " he said handing me a pill. I took it and sat down on the couch. I grabbed my phone and saw that everyone was trying to call me and text me. " here is your food my lady " he said handing me a plate. " why thank you kind sir " I said. " so umm Juanpa I need to tell you something " I said. " ok good because I need to tell you something " he said. " ok then you go first " I said. " ok so last night when I saw you I thought you were so beautiful and then I met you and fell for you Mia " he said. " Omg Juanpa " i said. " and i want this to go further I want us to be together " he said. " Juanpa I can't right now " i said. " wait why " he asked. " the only reason I was with Chloe yesterday is because my boyfriend and i got into a really bad fight well ex boyfriend now " i said looking down. " then let me treat you right " he said. " i just need time Juanpa that's what i need I don't need anyone I just need time " i said. " yea ok well take your time " he said getting up. " no wait Juanpa " he said grabbing his arm. " no it's fine I'm just going to eat at the table " he said. I sighed and ate my food. When I was done I put my plate into the sink and walked into the room. I took off my shorts and put on my leggings but I decided to keep my sports bra on. " LETS PARTY BITCH " Chloe yelled. " IM COMING " I said. I sighed and walked out. " hey u have a really bad hangover too " she said. " yea " I said. " well u know they do say that to get rid of a hangover u gotta drink more so let's " she said. Let's just say I got drunk again. " shit " I said. " what " Chloe said. " I have to go but I'm drunk so I can't drive " I said. " I can take you home " Juanpa said. " ok well then Chloe we are going to leave I'll call or text you later " I said grabbing my bag. " ok come back soon " she said. " don't worry I will " I said. I gave Juanpa my keys and got into the car. I gave him my address and we sang along to music. When we got to my house he helped me out the car and into the house. " let me unlock it " I said. I unlocked the door and we walked in. " IM HOME BITCHES " I said laughing after. " Mia shh be quite " Juanpa said. " no this is my house too " I said giggling. " here sit down " he said sitting me down in the couch. " no I don't want to " I said. " Mia " he said. " Juanpa " I said laughing. " how about we play tag " I said. " no your too drunk " he said smiling. " try to catch me " I said. I turned around and started running. " MIA " he yelled running after me. When he caught up to me he picked me up. " JUANPA " I yelled laughing after. " I see you moved on then " jack said from the stairs with the rest of the guys. " LOGAN " Juanpa yelled putting me down. " JUANPA MY BOI " he yelled. They bro hugged then talked. " what are you talking about jack " I said. " u and this juanpa guys just come in here after we broke up yesterday " he said. " OMG he gave me a ride home calm down " I said. " why " he said. " because I needed one " I said trying to stand up straight but ended up failing. " ARE YOU DRUNK AGAIN " he yelled. " is it bad if I am " I said laughing. " MIA WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU THIS IS NOT THE GIRL IM IN LOVE WITH " he yelled. " ok I'm sorry jack I won't get drunk anymore " I said walking up to him. I tried to hug him but he pushed me off. " oh come on jack I know you want me " I said. " Mia ur drunk get away from me " he said. " so u don't want me " I said. He just stood there. " fine u know who does want me juanpa " I said. I walked up to him and kissed him. " Mia stop " Christina said running up to me. She pulled me apart from juanpa and held me. " what since jack doesn't want me anymore I'll just move on like how he did the last times we broke up because I mean nothing to him. Let go of me LET GO OF ME " I said. She let go and backed up. " do you want to know why I got drunk and high this weekend " I said. " why" jack said. " because of u. U thought I was cheating on you and then u thought I wasn't go to give up the house such a dick move this is right there with the bet " I said. " Mia i didn't know ok I'm sorry " he said. " U SAY THAT EVERYTIME I FEEL SO BAD FOR YOUR FUTURE WIFE " I yelled. " wait what u are my future wife " he said. " no I'm not u lost the wife and girlfriend that u say u love so much when u called me a cheater. I'm going to my room and like I said have a good time on your trips " I said. I turned around and walked into my room slamming the door. When I walked in I saw all the stuff that I bought jack on my bed. I looked at the stuff and broke down into tears. I grabbed my stuff and walked out my room. " where are you going " Daniel asked. " to have more fun with Chloe and get even more drunk and high " i said. " why " he said. " so that I don't feel the pain that jack has caused " I said. " who are you " zach said. " what " I said. " who even are u do u hear yourself right now " he said. " Zach calm down it's me Mia ur older sister " I said. " no ur not my older sister anymore " he said tearing up. " wait what " I said tearing up. " since U want to go out and do all of this stuff our friendship is over goodbye Mia " he said crying. He turned around and ran up the stairs. " Zach Zach ZACH ZACH " I said chasing after him. " no no no just leave him alone " Daniel said grabbing me. " but he just broke off our friendship " I said. " ik but that's something u have to deal with now bc u went out did all these bad things " he said. " but Danny it's Zach my little brother " I said sinking down to the ground. " yes shh ik and it's Daniel " he said. " what " I said. " u can't call me Danny anymore only Daniel and if u can't do that then we can't be friends " he said. I let go of him and backed up from him. " so none of you guys are my friends anymore " I said. They all stayed quite. " corbean " I said. He looked down. " I can't believe this I need to start packing " I said crying. " for what " Jonah said. " so I can move Into that house if u think I'm staying here with people who aren't real friends I'm leaving " I said. " did u just call us fake " Christina said. " yes I did " I said. " how are we fake " she said. " CHRISTINA RIGHT NOW I AM GOING OUT AND DRINKING AND SMOKING U GUYS SHOULD BE THERE FOR ME AND MAKING SURE THAT IM OK BC THIS IS A ROUGH SPOT FOR ME AND U GUYS JUST DIP AND LEAVE ME WHEN I NEED YOU GUYS THE MOST " I yelled. She looked down. " Logan I was there for u when u and Chloe broke up " I said walking up to him. " Daniel I was there for u when it came to jack saying shit " I said. " what do you mean " he said. " what do I mean everytime we would argue U would get brought up and he would bad talk u and who stood up for u ME I DID but now I can see that it was a mistake doing that " I said. " Jonah I was there for u when u needed money " I said. " Christina I was there for u when u didn't know if u wanted to go to college or wanted to come here and live with corbyn " I said. " corbyn I was there for u when u thought Christina was cheating on u " I said. " ZACH I WAS THERE FOR U WHEN U GOT SHOT AND THOUGHT U WERE GOING TO DIE " I yelled so he could hear me. " and jack I was there for u when It came to taking care of isla even though i had plans so you could go out with the guys. I was there for u when u thought that u weren't good enough to be my boyfriend I have been there for u through everything " I said. " that's just I alittle bit guys and u know that but since u dropped me now I'm dropping u I'm not doing this anymore " I said.

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