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We pulled into the driveway and got down from the car. " so Jake " I said before she cut me off. " look I know your my bsf and all but I don't want to talk about it ok so just leave it alone " she said grabbing some stuff. " wow ok I was just going to tell u what was actually going on " I said. " what that he got tired of me " she said walking into the house. " no that he was only talking to her for ur stupid Valentine's Day gift " I said. " wait what " she said. She put the stuff down and looked at me. " and u would know that if u would've just let him explain but no u didn't want to " I said. " whatever I don't have time for this " she said walking upstairs. " get down here we are not done " I said. " well I am " she said. " I'm so sick of this Erika " I said. " SICK OF WHAT MIA " she yelled. " SICK OF THIS IM ALWAYS THERE WHEN U NEED ME BUT U ARE NEVER THERE FOR ME UNLESS IT INVOLVES DRAMA " I yelled. " WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT " she yelled. " LIKE WHEN JACK AND I FIRST BROKE UP DID U ASK ME IF I WAS OK, OR IF I WANTED TO STAY WITH U NO U ASKED ME WHAT HAPPENED THEN LAUGHED ON THE PHONE " i yelled. " oh sorry Mia how are u feeling would u like to stay with me " she said walking upstairs. She walked into the room and slammed the door. " did she just " I said. I walked upstairs and opened her door. " GET OUT " she yelled. " NO U GET OUT THIS IS NOT YOUR FUCKING HOUSE U WILL NOT DISRESPECT ME THEN COME INTO ONE OF MY ROOMS AND SLAM THE FUCKING DOOR SO IF U DONT LIKE WHAT I SAY TO YOU GET OUT OF MY MOTHER FUCKING HOUSE BITCH " I yelled. Before she could say anything I left slamming the door. I walked downstairs and outside to bring in the rest of the stuff. Once I was done I stood there for a second and screamed at the top of my lungs. " baby " jack said. " oh yea sorry we ruined your movie guys " i said. " no no ur fine " Jonah said. " what was that all about anyways " jack asked. " her and Jake just ugh yea " I said. " are u ok " Daniel asked. " yea at least I think " I said. " well forget about her I did and come enjoy a movie with some snacks with us " Jake said. " thanks guys " I said. " for what " corbyn said. " for being the best friends and best boyfriend a girl could have " I said. " anything for u baby " jack said. I sat down next to jack and we cuddled while watching movies all day. " it's getting late " Jonah said. " yea maybe we should go " Daniel said. " ugh I have to deal with that Bitch upstairs " I said. " I HEARD U " Erika yelled. " GOOD " I yelled. " we would love to stay but we have to go to the studio Tomorrow " jack said. " no u guys are fine go home get some rest " I said. " what time is it anyways " Daniel asked. " 1 " Logan said. " I'm the morning " I asked. " yea " he said. " yea u guys should go get some rest " I said. " u sure baby " jack said. " yes I'll be fine now go get some rest " I said walking the boys to the door. " ok well if u need anything or if anything happens just call me and I'll be right over " jack said. " ok I will " I said. " ok have a good night " he said. " ok love u " I said. " love u too " he said kissing me. I closed the door locking it and cleaned up the living room. I walked upstairs and got into bed. I soon drifted to sleep. I woke up the next day from my phone ringing. I got out of bed and picked it up.

Mia: hello

Mom: Mia?

Mia: mom please it's too early to deal with your bullshit

Mom: no no I was calling to say sorry

Mia: for what

Mom: bc I got into an argument with you and I was trying to stop u from finding love again

Mia: mom I'm never going to forget that

Mom: I know and I'm so sorry please forgive me

Mia: I'm sorry mom but I can't.

Mom: Mia please

Mia: Look mom i gotta go ok

Mom: but mia i

Mia: goodbye mom and stop calling me I'll call you when i'm ready to talk to you ok bye

I got off the phone and sighed. i got out of bed and walked downstairs to see Erika watching TV.  " good morning " i said. " hi " she said with an attitude. " what's your problem " i said. " nothing don't worry about it " she said. " whatever i just need to get out of the house and you do too " i said. " don't tell me what to do " she said. " damn  just trying to help but ok " i said. " yea well just don't i'm fine without your help " she said. i rolled my eyes and walked upstairs. i walked into my room and decided to call jack.

Jack: good morning baby

Mia: good morning babe

Jack: so it turns out we have studio time all week

Mia: wait really

Jack: yea

Mia: aww ok that sucks

Jack: yea i know sorry baby

Mia: it's fine. your chasing your dreams becoming such a big star keep going till u get to the top

Jack: aww thanks babe

Mia: so umm my mom called me

Jack: when

Mia: this morning

Jack: what did she say

Mia: she said sorry and she told me why she was acting the way she did

Jack: did you forgive her

Mia: no

Jack: babe

Mia: i'm sorry she just really pissed me off and think about it if i would have stayed in ohio you would have been married by now but not to me

Jack: don't worry soon my love soon

Mia: what do you mean by that

Jack: i promised you that i would marry you and make you my wife

Mia: so...

Jack: so i'm going to keep that promise

Mia: ok good

Jack: alright well baby i would love to talk to you all day but i have to go

Mia: ok babe have fun

Jack: ok i'll try love you

Mia: love you too.

when i got off the phone i started getting ready for the day.

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