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" jack lets go we don't want to miss our flight " i said. " ok come on " he said. We ran out the house and got into the uber. We are on our way to the airport right now for our honeymoon our wedding was about a week ago and i want to go back. Jack and i have been so happy together it's amazing. " hey so zack is done with our pictures and he sent them to me " jack said. " oooo send them please babe " i said. " idk what if i want to keep the pictures all to myself " he said. " no don't be like that " i said pouting. " ok fine i can't say no to that face " he said kissing me. We got to the airport and got onto our plane. We were now seated and i looked at jack. " you look tired take a nap baby " he said. " are you sure you should take a nap " i said. " no you take a nap i'll be here protecting you " he said. " thanks babe " i said kissing his cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. Jack woke me up and we got off the plane. " alright one more flight we will reach our location " i said. Jack interlocked our hands and we walked to go get some food. " oh wait daniel's calling me " jack said letting go of my hand. " hello " jack said walking off. I ordered jack and i's food. I walked to the table and jack got back. " hey sorry " he said. " don't worry about it " i said eating. " why did daniel call " i asked. " he uhh was asking if we made it yet " he said but i could tell he was lying. " jack " i said. " hmm " he said. " why are you lying to me " i said. " how could you tell " he said. " i know my manz " i said making him laugh. " daniel called to tell me that we are going on tour again but we don't know when " he said. " oh ok where maybe the girls and i could go to a couple shows " i asked. " asia " he said.  I looked down sad. " oh for how long " i asked. " you know you ask alot of questions " he said. " sorry you know what just forget about it " i said standing up. " your mad " he said. " no we just need to get to the next flight in 5 minutes " i said grabbing my stuff. We were now sitting down and jack was asleep. I couldn't sleep knowing that jack was going on tour soon to asia that's not a couple hours away that's 15 hours away almost a whole day. " mia " jack said snapping me out of my thoughts. " you ok " he asked. " yea sorry " i said standing up. We walked out grabbed our suitcases and got into our uber. We got to our hotel on the beach. We walked in and i stopped. " WE MADE IT TO CABO " i yelled jumping around. 

" i'm so tired " jack said

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" i'm so tired " jack said. " but you were asleep on the flight " i said. " hey so were you " he said making me laugh. I sat down on the couch while jack laid down. " so back to our conversation that we had in the airport " jack said. " oh um ok " i said. " why did u get mad " he asked. " i didn't " i said. " mia just how you know when i lie i know when you lie " he said. " i'm just scared that what if you are gone and i give birth and your not with me " i said looking down. " hey i'll make sure tour is after you give birth ok " he said rubbing my back. " and then what your just going to leave " i said. " woah " he said. " i mean why be there when i give birth then leave a couple weeks after " i said. " because we need to continue our tour mia i thought you would understand that " he said moving away from me. " whatever have fun on tour " i said getting up. I walked into the kitchen part and sat at the table on my phone. What is wrong with me why am i acting like this. Oh wait because i'm pregnant. I looked at the time and saw that it was 6:30 and i had been sitting here since 5 so i decided to get up and talk to jack. I walked into the room and saw jack asleep on the couch. I looked at him he's so cute. I walked to my suitcase and took out a swim suite. I changed and walked down to the beach. I starred off into the distance when jack walked up to me. " i'm so sorry " i said hugging him. " no i'm sorry " he said. " i shouldn't have acted the way i did " i said. " it's ok hey so i sent you our pictures " he said. " really " i said. " yup they are waiting for you on your phone " he said kissing my cheek. " cool " i said. " wanna take a couple of pictures " he asked. " how " i asked. " tour guides over there " he said pointing at a group. We waited for the group to walked up to where we were and there were fans in the group. We took pictures with the fans then took pictures of just us. We went back into our rooms and i looked at all of the pictures. " alright get ready to like some posts babe because it's time for me to post " i said making him laugh. 

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