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I ran into my room slamming the door. I looked over at my night stand and saw a picture of jack and I. I grabbed it and hugged the picture. I slid down to the ground and started crying. My phone went off and I saw that it was my fans asking me why I did what I did the night before to that I fan. I grabbed my phone and threw it at my wall as hard as I could. I put the picture back on my nightstand and went to find my phone. When I found it the screen was out of the phone. " just great " I said. I grabbed my phone walked out my room to the kitchen and grabbed the box to my phone. " what happened to your phone " Daniel asked. " fuck u " I said walking to my room. I sat my phone down on my nightstand and sighed. I threw all of jacks stuff that was on my bed onto the ground and laid down. I need to sleep my head is still killing me and today has been the worst day of my life but tomorrow is going to be even harder great. I drifted off to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up and turned over to grab my phone but saw the box instead. I sat up and sighed. " so it wasn't a dream great " i said. I got up brushed my teeth put on one of the hoodies I bought jack and a new pair of leggings. I grabbed my keys and phone so I could get a new one and walked out my room. " where are you going " corbyn asked. " none of your damn business " I said walking out the door. I got into my car and drove to the mall. When I got to the mall I walked into apple told them what happened and they got me a new phone. I walked out with my brand new phone when a fan stopped me. " OMG hi Mia can I get a picture " she asked. " yea sure " I said. We posed for the picture and she hugged me. " thank you Mia have a good day " she said. " you too sweetie " I said. I got into my car and drove to the nearest u-haul to get boxes. Once I got my boxes I drove back home. I took down my phone, wallet, keys, and food that I had gotten myself on the way home. I walked into the house and sat my stuff down on the counter to go grab my boxes. I got all my boxes out the car and sat them down. " what are those for " jack asked. " for u guys " I said. " why " he said. " so I can put u in the box and ship u off somewhere so that u will leave me the fuck alone " I said. " wow " he said. " now if you will excuse me I have to go pack " I said. " wait your actually moving " he asked. " yes I am and I'm so happy with that " I said. I grabbed my stuff and walked into my room closing the door behind me. I put down my boxes and sighed. " I knew that we shouldn't have gotten back together " I said to myself. I was about to play music when I heard the doorbell. " ILL GET IT " I yelled walking out my room. " no no Mia it's fine " jack said. " to late I'm already at the door " I said opening the door. " hi " a girl said. " oh hi can I help you " I asked. " yea I'm here to see jack " she said smiling. " jack " I asked. " yea does he not live here " she asked. " no he doesn't sorry " I said. " oh ok " she said turning around and walking away. I smiled and closed the door. " what the hell " he said. " fine " i said. I opened the door and chased her to her car. " hey I'm sorry yea he's here I didn't know " I said smiling. " but I thought u said that he didn't live here " she said. " look bitch I lied he does live here now do u want to see him or not " I said. " woah easy on her tiger " Chloe said walking up to me. " hey clo " I said laughing. " OMG ITS U " the girl said. " umm I have a name " Chloe said. " UR CHLOE BENNET " she yelled. " yes now shut up and get into the house " I said. We all walked into the house and I closed the door. " JACK UR TOY IS HERE " I yelled. " WHAT THE FUCK MIA " he yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room with Chloe. " so how are things going with everyone " she said. "  did i tell you what happened yesterday " I said. " no what happened " she asked. " so they dropped me " I said. " what " she said. " they dropped me " I said. " what do u mean " she asked. " I have literally no friends in this house they told me yesterday that since I have changed they don't want to be friends with me " I said. " so jack moved on " she asked. " I guess I'm not really tripping " I said starting to fold my clothes. " then why don't u invite juanpa to help " she said. " that a good Idea and invite your boy toy " I said. " ok " she said. We invited the boys over and waited. We were laughing and talking when the doorbell went off. I looked at Chloe and ran out my room. " who is it " jack said from the couch. I opened the door and smiled. " JUANPA " I said hugging him. " ugh " jack said. " why don't u go back to fucking your hoe then forgetting about her in a week after you've gotten everything you wanted " I said. " wow Mia can I talk to you upstairs" he said. " no " I said. " what " he said. " I'm tired of talking I'm done bc every time we talk nothing good comes from it so I'm done wasting my breath  " I said. " wow ok fine " he said. I rolled my eyes and let the boys in. " ok so can you guys help me pack " I said. " yea " they said. " cool come on " I said. We walked into my room and Chloe kissed her guy. " so are you guys like an Item or something " i asked. " no " she said laughing. " ok" I said. We packed some more when juanpa turned around. " Mia I want to say something " he said. " ok what is it " I said. " I want to say thank you for letting me help you pack " he said. " ok why are you saying this " I asked. " bc I got the good drawer " he said. " and which is that " I said. " the one with your panties " he said smiling. He turned around and grabbed a pair showing me. " no give it back " I said. " u will have to catch me first " he said. He ran out my room and to the living room. " GIVE THEM BACK " I said chasing him. " NO MAKE ME " he said running away. He ran around the couch where jack and his girl were sitting.

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