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It is 4 in the morning and we are all in the airport to catch our flight to ohio. " are you sure you'll be ok during the flight " jack asked. " yea i've gotten better a little bit " i said. Jack and i were sitting down together and i felt someone pick me up. " NO STOP " i yelled. " hey hey baby calm down " jack said calming me. I looked to see jake looking at me. " sorry mia i didn't mean to scare you " he said. " it's ok " i said. " come on guys we gotta go now " logan said. We got onto the plane and i drifted off to sleep. " hey mia wake up " daniel said shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked around to see no one else. "where is everyone " i asked. " off the plane come on " he said helping me stand. We walked out and walked up to the group. " there she is " zion said. " hey mia can we talk to you " jake said. " yea sure you guys go get into the uber outside " i said. The whole group walked away except for logan and jake. " what's up " i asked. " mia do you know where we are " jake asked. " of course we are home we are in ohio " i said smiling. " and your body is all bruised up how are you going to tell mom " jake asked. " i'm not " i said. " what about when we go swimming " jake asked. " i won't get in so she can't see the bruises on my body " i said. " and your face " logan said. I looked down i don't know what to do. " mia you need to tell her she's your mother " jake said. " ik i'm just scared " i said. " don't be we will be there ok but you need to tell her and dad " jake said. " ok i will can we go now " i said. Logan nodded his head and the 3 of us walked out the airport. We got to my mom's house and my brothers knocked on the door while the rest of us were hiding. I walked up to the door and took a deep breath ringing the doorbell. " mia " she said surprised. " hi mom " i said smiling. " OMG MIA " she said hugging me. " ahh " i said hissing at the pain. " are you ok " she asked. " yea but mom i brought the crew " i said. " what do you mean " she asked. " my whole crew " i said walking in. Then right after everyone else came in. My mom looked at me with a worried face so i looked away. We have been here for a couple hours now and the boys are in the living room playing video games while the ladies are in the kitchen cooking dinner. " so mia what happened to you face " my mom asked. " oh i umm got into a fight " i lied. " over what " she asked. " over stuff i don't really want to get into it " i said. " well by the looks of it she beat your ass " she said. " yea but trust me pam mia won for sure " jack said. We all ate dinner and now we were in my old room. " when are you going to tell your mom " jack asked. " idk i'm hoping later than sooner " i said. " knock knock " my mom said walking in. " hey mom " i said. " hey so tomorrow we are going to have a pool day so get ready to go swimming and we all have to get in " she said. " ok mom for sure " i said. " alright goodnight " she said walking out. " goodnight pam " jack said. He got up and closed the door then he looked at me. " guess it's going to be sooner " he said. " i'm screwed " i said. " just tell them baby it's better to be honest " he said. " yea your right " i said laying down. " come on let's go to sleep now " he said. We both cuddled then fell asleep. 

Jack's POV

We were both sleeping peacefully when. " NO NO PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME LET ME GOOOOO " mia yelled waking up. " hey hey " i said hugging her. Mia has been waking up from nightmares of what happened every night since she got back that night and i'm trying to help but i just don't know how. I feel so bad i want to help so bad i really do. 

Mia's POV 

We were both sleeping peacefully when. " NO NO PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME LET ME GOOOOO " i yelled waking up. I put my head in my hands and started crying. " hey hey " jack said hugging me. I have been waking up every night because of night mares. I think that they are taking me again and i know it's not possible but i can't stop thinking about what happened." i can't do this anymore jack " i said. " i know baby but you have to push through " he said. " i'm trying i really am but some days it's so hard i can't stop thinking about that day " i said. " come on you need sleep " he said. He laid down and opened his arms so we could cuddle again. I laid down in his arms and we both fell asleep again. Will i ever be the same. By the looks of it. No i won't be. 

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