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2 Weeks Later

I woke up today with no jack. He's been acting weird lately since i posted the post about us being together. I got up and put on adidas pants and a sports bra. I walked over to my phone and saw that it was 8 so i decided to walk to the boys house and surprise jack. I walked upstairs and quietly walked into his room aww he's so cute when he's asleep. I walked over to him and jumped on him. " mia get off " he said pushing me off of him. I fell on the floor and hit my head on the ground. " oww fuck " i said holding my head. I stood up and looked at him. " what the hell was that for " i said. " why did you wake me up so early " he said. " are you kidding me right now " i said. " u know what go home and come back later i'm going back to sleep " he said rolling over and falling asleep again. " this asshole " i said. I walked downstairs and got a cup of cold water with ice. I walked back upstairs into jack's room and poured the water on him. " WHAT THE HELL MIA " he yelled getting up. " HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PUSH ME OFF OF YOU LIKE THAT THEN GO BACK TO SLEEP WHILE WE ARE TALKING " i yelled. " WHY DO YOU CARE " he yelled. " BECAUSE YOUR MY FUCKING FIANCE " i yelled at him. He looked down and i just starred at him. " are you breaking up with me " i said. " mia i just " he said but stopped. " u just what jack " i said getting teary eyed. " i need some space ok " he said. " need some space what happened to talking stuff out " i said crying. " I'M TIRED OF TALKING STUFF OUT MIA " he yelled. " AND YOU DON'T THINK I AM " i yelled back. " ALL THE TIMES WE TALK STUFF OUT IS BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO FUCK SHIT UP " i yelled. " wow " he said taken back. " i think you should go " he said opening his door. " why because you need some space " i said. " YES NOW LEAVE " he yelled. " fine " i said walking out crying. I made it downstairs and realized that i left my phone in his room. I walked back upstairs and walked in. " i forgot my phone " i said grabbing it. " mia i " he said. " how long have you been feeling this way " i asked looking down. " 2 days after we got engaged " he said. " so then why did u ask me to marry u if u need space " i said still looking down. " do you know how this makes me feel " i said. " no i don't " he said. I looked up at him and started crying even harder. " this makes me feel like shit this makes me feel like i'm not good enough for you or the i'm not giving it my all to be seen out in public with u it makes me feel like i don't deserve you " i said. " no don't think that it's just i need space " he said. " fine i'll give u space " i said walking to his night stand next to his bed. " but when you for sure know that you don't need space anymore u can give this back to me until then u are single " i said putting the ring on his night stand. " what are you doing " he said. " you need space right " i said. " yea but that doesn't mean we are breaking up " he said. " jack it means you need space from me so u can do it single " i said walking past him. " no please no just give me some space give me two days " he said about to cry. " ok " i said. " ok " he said. " then in 2 days u can give me back the ring " i said. I turned around and walked out his room. I walked downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen. " mia what's wrong " jonah said. " nothing don't worry about it " i said walking out their house. " no mia stop " zach said but i started running. " MIA STOP " he yelled running after me. I hid behind a car and he ran past me about 5 minutes later he walked back to the house. I got out from my hiding place and started walking i don't know where i just didn't want to be there at all. About 2 hours later it started raining really hard and i was 2 hours away from home. I pulled out my phone and called brandon.

Brandon: hello mia

Mia: hey can u come pick me up

Brandon: mia are you crying

Mia: can u come pick me up or not so i can call someone else

Brandon: yea of course i can where are u

Mia: at starbucks the one by your house

Brandon: ok i'll be there in 10

Mia: ok

I sat down and cried about 10 minutes later brandon walked in. " mia " he said. i turned around and ran up to him hugging him. " why are you wet " he asked. " do you have a extra hoddie i'm freezing " i said shivering. " yea here " he said giving me his hoddie. " let me buy you a coffee " he said. He bought me a coffee and we got into his car. " can i stay with you guys tonight " i asked. " yea but do you want to go to your house to get some clothes " he asked. " yea that would be nice " i said. " ok " he said. " uhh so i'm single " i said looking out the window.

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