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Mia's POV

I woke up again in the same room i looked around and saw no one there. My head was killing me i looked at the ground and saw there was a stain that looked familiar. I looked up at the wall and saw there was a hole in the wall. " what the OMG " i said realizing where i was. I'm in logan and i's old apartment i'm in my old room. I needed to escape i live a hour away from here. I started pulling my arms trying to get them lose. The hole is big enough for me to slip my hands through. I got my hands free and untied the rope at my feet. I walked up the door quietly and looked under seeing someone was asleep on the couch. I opened the door quietly and ran up the the front door opening it. I walked out and closed the door making sure it didn't slam so i wouldn't wake up the guy. I got into the elevator And walked out the the lobby. " hi excuse me " i said to the lady. " omg mia what happened to your face " the lady said. " don't worry about it what time is it " i asked. " 7:30 " she said. " thanks stacy i gotta go now " i said walking away. I walked out the building and the group was walking to the building the other way. I started running and they dropped their stuff. " GO GET HER " the waiter yelled. " PLEASE HELP ME " i yelled as i ran through the crowd. I ran up to a cop and got his attention. " what's going on " the cop asked. " nothing it's just for a video i gotta go " i said running away. I looked back and didn't see them but then i saw them again. " shit " i said running faster. " JUST LET HER GO " the waiter yelled. I continued running for 20 more minutes then i stopped and walked the rest well more like limped. I finally got to my neighborhood and it was dark outside so i walked to the boys house. I was almost to their house when i fell down. " hey are you ok " a lady asked running up to me. " yea just a little weak " i said looking at her noticing she was my neighbor. " OMG i will be right back don't move " she said getting up. " no please help me " i said reaching my hand out but she ran away. 

Jack's POV

I got up and opened the door to see the lady from earlier. " we haven't found her yet just leave us alone " i said about to close the door. " the girl " she said. " mia what about her " christina said. " i found her " she said. " wait what " i said. She pointed down the road and i looked to see mia on the ground. " BOYS GET DOWN HERE NOW " corbyn yelled. " OMG " i said running up to her. " mia " i said. " jack " she said. I couldn't see her that well but i picked her up and took her to the house. " thank you so much we will give you money " logan said. " oh no need just to know she's safe is all that matters " she said then she walked away. 

Mia's POV 

When she ran away i felt my world come crashing down this is it i can't make it to the boys house and she just left me until i heard. " mia " jack said. " jack " i said. He picked me up and took me to their house. He put me down and i tried standing up but ended up falling. " hey sit down " he said sitting me down. " turn on the lights zach " he said. The lights turned on and everyone looked at me. " OMG " christina said and instantly started crying. " baby " jack said. " what " i said. He just looked at me and then he hugged me crying. " im sorry i should have stayed with you " he said. " no no it's no one's fault right jonah " i said. " i can't do this " he said running upstairs. " IS SHE HERE " brandon yelled running into the house. " OVER HERE  " jack yelled. The boys walked around the group and looked at me. " who the hell did this " edwin said mad. All the guys were mad. " do you guys remember when i first got to LA we went to ihop and this was when we started talking " i said. " yea so " daniel said. " it was the waitress and waiter " i said. Jack stood up and looked angry. " did he put his hands on you " he asked. I looked down not wanting to answer . " that's how i got the black eye and the cut on my face " i said. " he's dead " logan said. " do you know where you were " logan asked. " our old apartment " i said. " boys let's go girls stay here with mia get her cleaned up " Zion said. " i'll be back baby " jack said kissing me. " oww " i said hissing at the pain. " did he cause your busted lip too " jack asked. I looked down not answering. " he's a dead motherfucker " logan said. All they boys were about to leave when i started crying. " baby you ok " jack asked running to my side. " yea i just hurt " i said. Jack stood up and looked pissed. " be safe " i said. " let's go boys " logan said. They walked out and the girls rushed to my side. " ok first things first u need to shower " tif said. " to wash all the dried blood off " char said. " so how do you want to do this since one of us have to help you " christina said. " erika come on she has seen me naked before so you guys can relax " i said standing up. Erika helped me up the stairs and we walked into jack's room. I got into the shower and then got out. " what about underwear and a bra " she asked. " oh i have some here " i said. " oh from when he's taken it off " she said making me laugh but then i fell to my knee's. " hey you ok " she said. " yea just hurts to laugh " i said standing up. " i'm gonna go get you pain killers ok " she said walking out. " ok " i said. I put on one of jack's hoodie's and walked to jonah's room. " knock knock " i said walking in. " yea " he said looking at everything else. " jonah did i do something wrong " i asked closing the door. " no " he said. " then why won't you talk to me your like another brother " i said. " it's just " he said then stopped. " it's just what " i said. " it's my fault you look like that " he said crying. " what " i said. " i heard you hitting the door last night and i thought the neighbors were having a party so i put on my headphones and went back to sleep " he said crying even harder. I walked up to him and hugged him. " i'm so sorry " he said. " no you didn't do this to me you did what anyone would do just go back to sleep and i can't be mad at you for that " i said. " but i should have checked instead of going back to sleep " he said. " hey stop beating yourself up it wasn't your fault ok " i said. " i'm sorry " he said. " for what you didn't do anything " i said smiling. " thanks mia " he said. " anytime now get some rest it's been a long painful day " i said struggling to stand. " you ok " he said. " yea i'm good " i said walking to the door. " nite " he said. " nite j " i said closing the door.  

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