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We got out the car and walked into the house a couple minutes later everyone else got home. " so guys before i forget char wanted to know if u guys wanted to go to disneyland this weekend " i asked. " i'm sorry but who's char " zach said. " charolette Brandon's girlfriend " i said. " oh yea what about her " he said. " oh zach you hit your head too much " i said making everyone laugh. " anyways i have to tell them today so yall wanna go or not " i said. " we're down " corbyn said. " same for us " jonah said. " logan " i asked. " i'm down but i need a girlfriend " he said. " just take ayla problem solved " i said. " wait what if i don't wanna go " jack said. " well do you " i asked. " i do " he said with a cheesy smile. " ok also do you guys want to leave monday or tuesday " i asked. " tuesday " they all said. " ok let me go tell them " i said taking out my phone when Brandon started calling me.

Mia: Hello

Brandon: hey come outside because we here

Mia: wait where

Brandon: At your house

Mia: ok and who's we

Brandon: me, char, tif, ed, nick, austin, and z duh

Mia: ok coming i'm not home but i will be there in less than 5

Brandon: Ok well hurry up

Mia: Don't rush me

Brandon: whatever bye

Mia: bye

I put my phone in my pocket. " alright babe i gotta go " i said. " wait why " logan said. " because they are at my house " i said. " who's they " daniel asked. " B, Char, Tif, Ed, Nick, Austin, and Z " i said. " why " logan asked. " i don't know brandon just told me that they are so i gotta go now " i said. " k let me walk you out " jack said getting up from the couch. He walked me to the door and kissed me. " alright gotta go bye " i said running away. " LOVE YOU " he yelled. " LOVE YOU TOO " i yelled. " HEY GUYS " he yelled. " HI JACK " zion yelled. I ran up to my door and unlocked it. " does jack live there " char asked. " yea well the why don't we boys and logan " i said. " also they said yes and that we leave tuesday " i said. " ok good " she said. " that's so smart " zion said. We looked at him not saying a word. " he's in space again " nick said. " what is " i said. " your boyfriend lives 5 minutes away " zion said. " not even 1 minute walking, 30 second running, and 10 seconds in a car " i said laughing. " your house is boring " nick complained. " i'm sorry would you like to go to the boys house instead " i said sarcasticly. " way ahead of you " he said walking out the door with everyone else. " wait " i said running after them but they held my front door closed. " you can't get in anyways " i said. " we have the key " brandon said. " no " i said. I ran out the back door and ran out the side of the house. " shit " brandon said running. " NO NICK STOP " i yelled. Everyone else stopped at the front door while nick unlocked in. "NICK STOP " i yelled. I caught up to them and nick opened the door. " NOOO " i yelled jumping tackling all of them to the ground. " what the fuck " logan said. " oh hi boys " i said looking at them. " GET OFF MIA " brandon yelled. " make me " i said. " ok " he said getting off knocking me on the ground. " oww fuck " i said. " haha " he said. " GUYS WHAT WAS THAT THUMP " jack yelled walking downstairs. " them " daniel said pointing at us. " oh hey babe " i said. " that was the funniest shit ever " zion said walking into the house. " what the hell were did u go " i said. " i moved when u jumped i didn't want to get tackled " he said. " ok what happened " jonah asked. " basically we were at my house and nick said my house is boring so i said i'm sorry would you like to go to the boys house and you know me i was being sarcastic but nick grabbed my key and they ran out the door and they were holding onto the door so i couldn't leave my house through the front so i left through the side of the house anyways they were about to walk in when i tackled all of them except for zion " i said. " oh well u guys could have just come over " logan said. " yea ik but i didn't know if you guys wanted company or not " i said. " she was just trying to be a good person " nick said. " but we didn't want to be good people we wanted to chill with yall so " edwin said. " oh logan and jake can i talk to you guys outside " i said. " sure " jake said. We walked outside and logan closed the door. " so i'm inviting mom to my wedding " i said. " good she should be there " jake said. " yea that's what i thought anyways i thought that we could go to ohio and surprise her " i said. " that's a good idea jack should come too " jake said. " he is but we need to come up with a plan " i said. " how about when we get to moms jake and i knock on the door and say your kids are here then a couple minutes later you knock on the door surprising her " logan said. " sounds good " i said. " when do you want to leave " jake asked. " in the next month " i said. " ok after you get your dress " logan asked. " yea " i said. " ok " he said.

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