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Jack's POV 

We got to the old apartment and already knew the plan. I knocked on the door and the girl answered the door. " jack " she said surprised. " hey " i said. " what are you doing here " she asked. " i'm here to see you of course is your boyfriend home " i asked. " no but he should be here in 10 minutes " she said. " oh then i should get going but we should hang out tomorrow " i said. " yea for sure u know where i live " she said smiling. " yea well gotta go before your boyfriend beats my ass " i said. " yea bye " she said closing the door. I ran to the elevator and got down to the lobby. " he should be here in 5 minutes " i said to the guys. " alright everyone get where u need to be " zach said. We waited out in the dark and finally he came home. " hey man long time no see " i said. " what who's out there " he said looking around. " me " i said walking out so he could see me. " and us " logan said and the rest of the stepped out. " so u put your hands on my girl after you kidnapped her " i said. " oh yea you should have heard the way she was crying for help it was hilarious " he said making me even more mad. " yea and this is hilarious " logan said. " what do you mean " he said. " sir you are under arrest anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law " a cop said arresting him. They walked out with his girlfriend and i walked up to her. " aww someone looks scared " i said. " mia looked like that before and after i hit her " the guy said smiling. " officer can i " i asked. " go ahead kid " he said. I walked up to the guy and punched him in his eyes, lip and backed up. " officer also he cut her " i said. " did he really " the officer asked. " yea you wanna see what my girlfriend looks like as we speak " i asked. " yes " the officer said. I took out a picture and showed him. " alright since you want to put your hands on females we will make sure you look like that or worse by tomorrow the inmates will love you " the officer said. " walk bitch " the officer said pushing him. " i wanna kill him " logan said. " your not the only one but we can't " i said. " i know lets go back home now " he said. We all got back into the car and drove home. 

Mia's POV

I walked into jack's room and grabbed my phone then i walked downstairs. " hey how are you doing " christina asked. " alright waiting for my pain killer " i said. " yea we ran out i'm about to go to the store you wanna come with " char asked. " sure " i said. " ok char be very careful with her she is very weak " christina said. " don't worry she will be good plus it would be good if she got out and went to the store really quick " char said. " alright be careful " erika said. We walked outside and got into the car but i laid the seat back. " are you ok " she asked. " i've answered that question so many times " i said. " no mentally are you ok " she asked. " oh umm well no " i answered. " do you wanna talk about it " she asked. " no it's a little too soon " i said. " ok i understand " she said. " yea i'm sorry " i said. " no no it's way too soon " she said. We got to the store and she helped me down. We walked into the store and a fan ran up. " OMG mia can i get a picture " she asked. " umm i'm sorry but no something happened and i'm not ok " i said. " when are you going to tell all the fans " she asked. " when i am ready but a video instead of a tweet " i said. " ok well feel better sorry for bothering you " she said walking away with her head down. We bought the stuff and we walked out. We got into the car and drove home. " you have been quiet are you sure you don't wanna talk about it " char asked. " i just made a little girl sad because i couldn't bring myself to take a picture with her " i said. " it's ok what else could you have done " she said. " taken the picture " i said. " mia calm down ok " she said. " char my fans are the reason i am where i am they have helped me grow and they have helped me through everything and i just let one down " i said. " it's ok don't take it so hard mia " she said pulling up to the house. Char got out the car and i opened my door." hey i'll help you out " Brandon said running up to me. " thanks " i said. He helped me out the car and the other car pulled up. Jack jumped out the car and ran up to me hugging me but i fell down because of the pain but jack caught me. " OMG baby i'm so sorry " he said holding me. " it's ok " i said. " hey what's wrong " he asked. " char and i just went to the store " i said. " ok " he said. " as soon as we walked in a fan ran up to me asking me for a picture but do you see me i could't bring myself to take the picture so i told her no and she walked away so sad " i said looking down. " aww baby don't be too hard on yourself you couldn't take that picture " he said hugging me. " i know but i just feel so bad because they are the reason i'm where i am today " i said. " i know come on lets go inside " he said. " ok " i said.   

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