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8:00am which means it's time to actually get up and get ready for.. School

I'm absolutely dreading school, I could honestly deal without it. I could be doing so many other useful things.. Like watching Netflix, eating food .. All the good stuff, you know?

"Miss Rinhi Lee are you ready for schooool~" My mum sang as she made her way into my room to see me sprawled out on my bed, she wasn't impressed..
"Rinhi!! What are you doing? Eunji is taking you to school any minute now!!" Mum squealed as she lifted the covers off of me,

I replied with a sigh..
"Do I have to go in today.. I could come to work with you or-" I began to say but got rudely interrupted,

"Shush up and get ready.."

Why did I think that would work?

So after all of that, I got fully ready in an impressive 10 minutes.. Besides the fact I was a little scruffy and everything was a mess, I think I did a decent job. I tied my hazel brown hair back into a messy bun and quickly put on my uniform.. The uniform was so basic.. It was legit a Navy hoodie with the school logo on and then I just wore my black jeans with it - So basic, what can I say..

"Rinhi hurry up I'm leaving nowww~" Eunji shouted loudly as he saw me running down the stairs in desperation.. He's so annoying..
He does this everyday. As he's my older brother he thinks he can boss me about like a little dog.. I can't even answer back as I would get yelled at by my mum - my dad doesn't even care anymore either, he doesn't even care about our family..
I live such a wonderful life lool oops,

"Okay Eunji chill out I'm coming, let me grab some toast real quick.." I pleaded as I dashed into the kitchen to make my hungry self some toast,
I just heard him huffing and puffing in the hallway like a little grumpy grandad - it made me giggle slightly. Finally my toast popped out and I just grabbed it and ran out of the door barging through the fed up Eunji,

"Woah someone's excited to get to school.." Eunji stated through knitted eyebrows as he glared at me through his fierce eyes,

"Pha No.. I just want to see Sunny so hurry up.." I replied as I took a bite out of my toast hastily giving him the evils back,
He just scoffed and got into the car with a thud, then we made our way to school.. It only took around 10 minutes to get there as there was no traffic, the streets were quite quiet.. Not many people were around.. It is 8:30 so it is meant to be rush hour?
I stepped out of the car and gave my goodbyes to Eunji whilst he parked, then I made my way into school..

Even the corridors were quiet - the only people who were around was the students in Eunji's year - nobody from my year were seen.. Weird..
I walked alone towards form to then come across Mr Carter who stood by the entrance to the senior hall,

"Rinhi! You're late!! You were meant to be here at 8:00am on the dot to have the assembly hosted by the new teachers, Your form is in there now talking to your new teacher for the year.." Mr Carter whisper yelled as he scurried towards me with a disappointed face,

I have never been told about any assembly?
Let alone any new teachers?

"I-I'm sorry sir, but what happened to Miss Yoona?" I asked as I turned back to look at him with a puzzled expression plastered onto my face,

"Shush child.. I'll tell you later - anyway get going!! Mr Jeon will be expecting you.." Mr Carter said as he signalled me to enter the hall,

I just sighed and made my way into the hall to see all of my form facing a handsome young man who seemed to be my teacher.. He is handsome.. He's too handsome to be my teacher?.. He had light brown hair which was messily ruffled up and his shirt was tightly fitted which outlined his toned upper body nicely, his black tie was loosely hanging down his chest and I couldn't get my eyes off of him - I have a little problem right now..

"Ah Lee Rinhi, how nice of you to join us after half an hour.." The teacher snickered sarcastically, a slight grin made its way up onto his devilish face whilst he stared at me with his piercing eyes, HIS VOICE WAS SO HEAVENLY,

"I'm sorry.. Mr- Mr.. Ah sorry I've forgotten your name.. What was it again?" I asked nervously as I fiddled with my fingers in embarrassment, of course I had to forget his name ..

"I'm Mr Jeon.. Now you Miss Lee, please take a seat next to your classmates who actually made it on time.." He replied as he shot me a cold glare which made its way all the way to my soul,

I just bowed to him and took a seat next to Jisung.
The whole time I felt like I couldn't look at Mr Jeon - I honestly felt that his eyes were on me the entire time so if I look at him it would make me turn the colour of a tomato which I did not want.. He slightly intimidated me.. He was so good looking that it made me nervous - why am I like this?

"Okay and Rinhi.. What did I just say?.."
His voice sent shivers all the way down through my spine, I got that worried that I slightly jumped in my chair. Suddenly, all of the students had turned around to look at me whilst I just sat there like a lost potato,
"Uh.. Well.. Okay I didn't actually hear you - please can you say that aga-"


What the hell?
How could he do this to me?
I don't even know him and so here he is throwing detentions at me?

"But sir I need to meet my brother at break !! I can't leave him.." I pleaded with puppy eyes - he just stared at me with a blank expression signifying that he doesn't care,

"I don't care.. You're with me.." He said through his expressionless face as he went back to teaching,

'You're with me'
What type of teacher says that? It slightly made me feel a little creeped out - his whole essence creeped me out..

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