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If my teaching assistant knows about mine and Jungkooks ..going ons.. then there's bound to be more people who know?

I'm probably looking like some mentally disturbed person at this moment in time.. I'm sat at the back on the class staring at the door basically reflecting on my life and my god - it's a mess.

"..Welcome class, to another gloomy Monday here in class P3.." Mr Jeon joyfully stated as he barged through the door not holding back one bit. As he walked in he didn't even bat an eyelid at me - he didn't even look at me.

Then it hit me.
I couldn't even communicate with him yesterday after he pulled his little stunt - with the 'L' word - So of course he won't want to talk to me.. probably ever again.

"..Firstly let me introduce you to Mr Lee - Our new assistant.."

Everyone immediately turned around and gawked at the incredibly handsome teacher as he strutted confidently towards the front of the class,

"..Nice to meet you all, I'm rather excited to be here in all honesty.." Taeyong grinned as he glanced around the class making all the girls start squealing - including Sunny, which she never does over a boy.

I couldn't care less at this point.
My mind is spiralling over the fact that Taeyong seems to know things which nobody knows - Except me and Jungkook.
That fact scares me.

I decided to get on with my day like the "Grown up" I am, and what I mean by that is that I completely ignored everyone's existence throughout the whole 2 hours I was sat in that classroom - Alone.

"-And Rinhi" Mr Jeon said as he interrupted my daily daydream, "-Equation for photosynthesis please."

Thing is I can actually do this-
"Ah photosynthesis," I began proudly, "..This is carbon dioxide plus water leading to glucose and oxy-"

"-Okay Lacey equation for photosynthesis?"

Is he really that petty?
Just because I answered correctly he decides to make me look like an idiot being cut off?
I'm mad- No I'm raging.

"-PHOTOSYNTHESIS IS CARBON DIOXIDE PLUS WATER LEADING TO GLUCOSE AND OXYGEN," I quickly shouted making sure the whole room could hear the aggression through the tone of my voice, "-That good enough for you, Sir?"

Everyone was silent.
Jungkook was shook.
Taeyong was smirking.
Sunny was worried.
Lucky was giggling.
My classmates were staring at me.
It was great - really really fun.
Can you sense the sarcasm?

"Miss Lee get out of my classro-"

Before he could say anymore I had grabbed my bag and stormed out of the class.
I feel humiliated.. really Humiliated.
He has the audacity to make me look like a complete idiot.. This is why I prefer to sit silently in the classroom.

The thoughts in my head are running wild. Is he doing this because I didn't say I love him back? If so, that's very petty.
Hence the reason why I'm going home.
The amount of shizznicks that I've been through is mind blowing - So I'm not taking anymore.


Jungkook💩< Rinhi I can see you walking home.

Now he has the audacity to TEXT me? I have has it with this man-

Me< Good for you.

Jungkook💩< You know if you go home you can get in biggg trouble.

Me< Yeah.

Jungkook💩 < Why are you so salty??

Me< Why are you texting me when you should be teaching??

Jungkook💩< Well I left the room to text you - that's why.

Me< You annoy me.

Jungkook💩< You annoy me.

Me< Mr Lee doesn't annoy me, I like him better than u

Sorry for the insanely short update, I had abit of a writers block;( I promise it won't happen for awhile!!
Thankyou for giving this book a lot of love lately:) I would really appreciate if you guys would give it a vote every once in awhile - it would mean a lot 🤩
If not it's fine - I'm still super overwhelmed with the amount of support ❤️
Thankyou lovelies,
- Milly XX

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