Twenty Seven

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"Rinhi where the hell were you?.." Eunji called desperately as he hobbled his way over to me, "..I've been calling up everyone asking where you were an nobody has seen you!"

Really? As soon as I enter the door I Get whining voices complaining? Where's the respect in this household, jeez,
"Well I just spent the night around a friends house - she offered and I decided to take it so yeah.." I sighed, avoiding the deathly eye glare Eunji was giving me,

"Oh yeah and who's this friend then?.." He added as he stood up straight trying to act all sly,

"..Rena.." I stated confidently, immediently facing the needy brother of mine with proud eyes of proving him wrong.

"Rena?.. Who the heck is she? A made up friend?" He laughed to himself,

I took a huge sigh and began, "No Eunji.." I chuckled sarcastically, "Rena is my friend from school actually, she tutors me and gives me work to do in maths - go check her Instagram if you don't believe me, @RenaPledisPristin17.."

I honestly felt like the most savage queen of them all - of course Rena is real, she is literally the nerdiest kid around yet I still love her anyway.. Hence if Eunji asks, she will stick up for me.. Good idea am I right?

His eyes then began to slit in suspicion, "..For all I know, you could've been around some boys house.."

How did he guess? wow..
"Eunji, do you really think I would do that?"

"Of course not!! You're my angel sister!!" He beamed whilst embracing me tightly, "..Talking about angels, Hoseok was beaten up pretty badly yesterday.. do you know who might've done it?"

Oh Jesus Christ
Did Hoseok not tell anyone is was Jungkook?
What's he hiding?

"Uh- no Eunji, I have no idea.." I stated, trying to act the tiniest surprised as I could,

Eunji huffed, "..Weird.. He won't tell us anything.."

Oh bless him
I feel bad. Like really bad.
But no- I shouldn't .. he tried to rape me.

"Rinhi~" Eunji sang, "~You look tired, go to sleep."

Pft.. Gladly.
I slowly made my way up the stairs, dragging my feet along the hard wooden floor lowkey looking like a zombie, but worse. I looked a hungover, tired, dirty zombie - so that's lovely.
All I wanted at this point was my bed but soon got interrupted by what seems like stones being chucked at my bedroom window..
When can I go to bed? Like seriously?
As my bedroom peers from the complete opposite of the house it makes me worry as to where these stones are being thrown from - is there an intruder? Frick please no-
I managed to pluck up the courage to peer through the window, and my God was it a scary sight-

"Jungkook what the actual hell? You scared the living day lights out of me.!!" I whisper yelled out of the window towards the masculine figure as he stood with a huge smirk plastered on his face,

"Is Eunji in?" He said with a more serious tone which took me back a little,


"..Uh really?.. Okay okay.." He said through a wave of disappointment which baffled me slightly, "..Okay I'm going to climb up.."

My eyes then blurted open by his stupid remark, "-Are you actually mental? You'll fall and probably break a couple of bones in the process-"

"Shush princess, be happy I'm here to see you and only you."

Jungkook has a talent of making me feeling butterflies in the most bizarre situations, and one of the situations is now.
In a matter of seconds this man was already at the top of my window hoisting himself up into the comfort of my room,

"I remember this room from the time you were wrapped up like a cute burrito.." He whispered gently as he gazed around my room with his huge doh eyes, I couldn't help but smile.
"But miss Rinhi, we need to have words." He whispered whilst glaring into my soul intensely,

"Oh okay fire it- What have I done now?" I whispered back whilst trying to hide my growing smile,

"You called me Sir."

I then snorted so loudly to him which broke the sensual vibe between us both, "oooh no, how could I? Sorry sir-"

Bad idea on my behalf.
I am now pinned down on my bed by a fire breathing dragon, AKA, Jungkook.
"You want to say that again Rinhi?.."

Go for it Rinhi.
"What.. Sir~" I whispered back, my hot breath and his hit breath colliding together in heavy breaths,

"Do you know that you make me mad?" Jungkook whispered whist removing his shirt,
"Do you know how much I want you?" He carried on, now starting to undress even more,

His golden abs are now demonising me in the process, his golden, honey tinted abs..
I'm staring. This is bad.

"Rinhi.." He said whilst hovering over me like a lot bird stalking its prey, "I think I like you."


More spice to come lads, don't you worry..

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