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"..Do you know how crazy you make me?.."

What a brilliant situation for me to be in at this moment.. 1:25am to be precise..

"..uh-Uhm.. Well-" I began, ""

The word I gave to my teacher who just confessed..
This is a weird situation. Very weird.

"..You know I think th- " I started but got cut off by Jungkook pressing his finger against my plump lips,

"..Do you ever stop talking?.." He asked with brooding eyes staring at me with satisfication,

His expression was lustful - very lustful.. His eyes showed some darkness in them which I've never seen before in him, they were pure black. Black with Lust.
His tight fitting clothes were not helping with this situation either.. They were clinging to him like frickin leaches, however I was not complaining due to the sweat on his chest making his t-shirt become transparent showing his toned body underneath - yeah, was a pretty good moment until he saw me CHECKING HIM OUT-

"You like hmm?.." He asked as he glared at me with his devilish smirk piercing right through me and all the way to the butterflies in my stomach, ".. Well I don't mind if you want to .. Touch?.."

I'm pretty sure my face is a tomato right now but you know what, it's dark.. Who cares?

"Go on Rinhi.. Be teachers pet.."


You know what I did.. I screamed..I bloody screamed. It wasn't meant to come out but guess what - it did.
"..Oh HOOooly Fiddle sticks.." I squealed as I jumped out of my bed and ran towards the door away from Jungkook.. I didn't seem to get far because as Soon as I got up, Jungkook had his hand planted onto my waist keeping me in a secure position.

"Where are you going ?.." His alluring voice sang through my ear, it was heavenly. It was like gods call.. Except it wasn't - it was my teacher who's trying to kill me mentally.

I gulped.
"..B-Bathroom.." I nervously stated through my shaky voice, he was getting so much pleasure out of my awkward state, I could tell.

" you want me to come?.." He said through another mischievous smirk,

You know what.. He's drunk. He doesn't know what he's talking about.. This is all just an act, the little jokester..

"Ah Jungkook you're so funny!.." I forcefully chuckled as I hit his shoulder playfully,

Bad idea.

He then took me by the wrist and stared into my eyes menacingly,
"..You think this is a joke?.." He growled, "..Explain why I've been thinking about you 24/7 for the past month.. Explain that Rinhi."
His expression had changed. It was even more darker than before.
I'm in trouble.

"Uhm well you are my teach-" I began,

"Your teacher?.. I think I know that Rinhi." His sarcastic voice stated as he looked at me with his sweaty face,

I gulped again, swallowing down all of my fears. Except I'm feeling quite scared at this moment. He still has his hand clamped around my wrist so he basically has the power to control me, kind of..

"..What don't you understand?.." He snapped, bringing me out from all of those thoughts I was having, it made me slightly jump,

"Uh-um-" I began but soon got interrupted by being slammed down onto my bed by a very powerful Jeon Jungkook.

There I lay like a potato amongst a bunch of cucumbers. I was lost.
Jungkook however, he was hovering over me looking like he was enjoying this way too much. His face showed the most lustful smirk I've ever seen, his eyes were glued to mine and my eyes were glued to his - I was in pure shock.

He finally took his fierce grip off of my arm and began riding his hand up my naked thigh, as he got to the rim of my shorts he began tugging at them subtly.. He wanted me to take them off..

"..Not happening sunshine.." I whispered to him quietly making him immediately stop what he was doing to face me with an amused face,

"Playing hard to get are we?.." He whispered back in a very alluring way, it sent shivers all the way through me - Never has anyone made me like this.

I replied with a slight smirk.

"..Don't smirk at me - it's drives me insane.." He said breathing heavily as he still hovered over me giving me a deep stare,

I couldn't help but bite my lip to stop me from squealing,

Jungkook had then wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up so I was now straddling him in his lap.

Send help for Rinhi

"..Yeah I wouldn't bite your lip either, that makes me want you even more.."


Our faces were inches apart and I could feel Jungkooks hot breath on my skin. He was breathing super heavy. Super heavy.
The sweat had now also formed around all of his body so he was basically a sweaty mess, the sweat was also dripping from his face which was lowkey gross but it didn't seem to bother him but before I could even think anymore Jungkook suddenly pulled off his T-shirt to reveal his heavenly toned body which I was also inches away from, he then got his Tshirt and used it to wipe his face from all of the sweat..

"..I'm very hot.." He said through a mischievous smirk, "..You're making me very hot.."

I can't handle this.
Me, innocent Rinhi, is stuck in a situation with a thirsty teacher.. A Drunk, thirsty teacher.

I just noticed I'm still straddling him. I'm still sat in his lap whilst he is bare chested and to make things even worse, I have shorts on which have ridden up to now, which looks like, my underwear. Luckily I still have on my huge over sized hoodie.. Thank the lord.

"Um..Jung- Sir.. uh I need a wee.."
wow great excuse Rinhi

"Say that again.." Jungkook pleaded as he immediately sat up to face me, his eyes were wide and his breathing had intensified again,

"What? I need a wee?.." I said with a slight giggle in my words,

"N-No.. the Sir part.."

"Sir?." I replied back with confusingly, "..what? Wh- oh.."

I then felt 'something' start to evolve from down there.. You know that 'something'..

"JUNGKOOK YOU HAVE A BLOODY BONE-" I yelped as jumped up in slight terror,

I thought he was just joking about that whole thing.. nope..

"Uh.. Rinhi really?.." He huffed and got up from the bed, he looked pretty disappointed,

I just stood there trying to contain my laughter but however I was still slightly scared of this man..
He IS my teacher after all.

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