Twenty Four

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"Mrs Jung! I've brought the two numpties back," I sang cheerfully which completely contrasted with my true thoughts of pure confusion in my brain, "..Turns out they were kissing in the back alley.."

"What n-"

"Save it Jungledoodledo, it's okay to be gay, remember?.." I stated proudly towards a baffled Jungkook and Hoseok, they didn't know what hit them.

Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just being a complete savage again - it's not like I mean to be, it's just this savageness comes out when I don't know what to do.. It's like a nervous twitch.

"Oh you're a star Rinhi!" Mrs Jung cooed as she squeezed me tightly in her arms, "I always knew it Hoseok, I'm so proud of you coming out!"

"..Oh and Jungkook aswell.." I added, just to make sure Jungkook was also included in this,

"Ohh yes my little baby Kookie.." Mrs Jung added with a motherly smile on her face, "..You boys make me heart flutter.."

Oh I love her.

"Thankyou mum and Rinhi, but we better be going now.." Hoseok inturupted abruptly - not looking too happy may I add.

"Okay sweetie, have fun!!" Mrs Jung said whilst happily waving us off, except I was not happy. I had an angry Jungkook and Hoseok behind me pushing me fowards without my consent - the little toads.

Of course, two fully grown men were much, much stronger than little me trying to fight against them, because trust me.. I tried..
However, even though I was trying to escape, I still managed to take in the beautiful sight around me. The shining marble floor, the lightly creamed paint on the walls, the diamond chandelier which was gracefully displayed above us - Hoseok really went all out on this party wow..

Before I could think anymore, I was pushed rather harshly by Hoseok making me stumble a little, "Jesus Hoseok what the hell?.." I snapped aggressively,

"Don't you what the hell me.." Hoseok growled, "..I was angry before but now, now I'm fuming."
The tone of his voice was so full of aggression it made me slightly flinch in response, this was a new level of anger.

"Hahah so a minute ago you both loved me and now you both hate me?.." I laughed mockingly, "..Grow up.."
The two words which shatter hopes and dreams.

"How dare you." Hoseok roared, making me flinch yet again.

I'm now lowkey very scared of these two beasts in front of me. One roaring at me like a wild bore and the other - to be honest he looked as scared as me.

"Okay guys lets just leave it now-" Jungkook tried to say but soon got slammed in the opposite direction by a fuming Hoseok. Of course this only made things worse..



A punch straight in the nose causing Jungkook to fall back onto his bum in pain, he was a bloody mess - literally.

"..No no this isn't the way Hobi-"

But before I could say anymore, Hoseok smashed his lips onto mine. The tension was felt through this forced action making me slightly fall back into the hard wall behind me - my back earning all the force from the movement.

I couldn't stop him.

A warm, slender hand then crept up to my thigh in a very fast second which belonged to Hoseok - Again, I couldn't stop him.
Tears from my helpless self then started to form, it was literally like I was accepting what was about to happen - there was no escape.
I tried pushing him off, I really did, except.. it was useless. I really did just stand there. Weak. Helpless. A mess.

"..W-what the.." A weak voice said from behind, ".. N-no Rinhi.."

Jungkook please help me - was all I could say inside my head.
Thank god my wish came true-

"..GET THE HELL OFF OF HER.." An angelic voice yelled which of course, was Jungkook. Jungkook then proceeded to punch Hoseok repeatedly in the face, leaving his face battered and bruised.. This was a nightmare.

"Leave him Kook." I whimpered, "Kook please.."
Little cries started to bawl out, the ones which I had saved from that terrifying moment.
It was almost as if my cries struck something in him - he immediently stopped punching Hoseok.

"Rinhi lets go.." Jungkook panted whilst grabbing my wrist tightly and dragging me out of the building, leaving Hoseok slouched up on the wall laughing to himself like some crazy psychopath.

I obediently scurried alongside Jungkook as we ran through the desolated corridors in a hurry, no way were we staying here any longer than we had too. Jungkook was a mess as much as I was, his suite was now all torn with his tie just about hanging around his neck and his hair was now no longer neatly combed back - it was messily ruffled around his head, just like it would look when you wake up. It was different from what I usually see.. This whole night was different from what I normally see.

We finally made it out of the grand building and into the carpark. It took a good 5 minutes of running until we reached it - it is a massive building - and so the thought of running anymore made me feel sick.

"I-I just beat my b-best friend up.." Jungkook stammered, his once honey coloured skin now turning pale.

"N-no Kook please, you saved me."

His tearful eyes then connected to mine in an instant. Almost as if I said something I shouldn't.

"You." He hissed, pointing at me with swollen eyes, " were the reason this all happened.. This is your fault.."

His voice was full of hatred, full of anger, full of guilt. He was grieving.
This is not my fault, it was not my intention to be raped by my 'best friend.

"Please leave me alone." His broken voice stated, tears now flowing like a fountain out of his eyes,

No way am I leaving him in this state.

"Get up." I said with an emotionless voice, almost monotone..

The expression on his face soon changed from a face of anger to pure helplessness and worry, he looked exactly like a sad dog - not the normal Jungkook that's for sure..

"R-Rinhi I just beat up my best friend.." He stammered in between cries, his face cupped in his palms,

"Well Kook, my best friend tried to rape me." I mumbled to myself lightly, hoping he didn't hear my weak voice as it was that quiet not even a bat would hear it.

"But he didn't," Jungkook said abruptly, ".. I saved you Rinhi.."

"You did.." I smiled.


What is this chapter I'm so sorry, let's just say I tried:)


Hands down The Truth Untold is my fave, the vocals are absolutely beautiful! & fake loveeeee ahh, HOSEOK IS DRIVING ME INSANE I LUV HIM
But fr they are all so incredibly talented so let's all support them endlessly 💗 also support my books aswell;) love u guyssss💗💗

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