Twenty Nine

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He said love.
Mind = Blank

"Rinhi?.." His echoed voice hallowed through my ears sending slight shivers through my spine,
My body feels like it cannot accept love from anybody except the ones closest to my heart. Hearing Jungkook say that, it took me back a little.
"I'm sorry- it was too soon." He stated, "..I should leave"
Jungkook then began dressing himself up again and looked at me with a worried glare. I couldn't move - let alone talk.
Then before I knew it, he was out my window- gone.

What the hell just happened?
Why did my body just do that?
Help me.

"Rinhi you okay up there?.." Eunji's clueless voice shouted from downstairs,

"Uh-ah yeah-yeah we-I mean, I'm good.."
Nice Rinhi,
Real smooth..
I'm just going to shrivel up in a ball right now and sleep for the rest of my life - Sounds good..


"Rinhi, wake up beautiful~" My mothers heavenly voice called as she pulled open the curtains making me wince just like a vampire not seeing daylight,


"Yes morning to you aswell hunny.." Mum giggled, "..I'm dropping you into school today as Eunji isn't going in, so be ready in 30 minutes please."

30 Minutes.
Slightly different to the normal of having 10 minutes to get ready - I'm not complaining.
"..Okay~" I chirped back to my cheerful mum,

This morning I actually decided to take my time getting ready.. I can straighten my hair, put on some makeup and sort out my uniform like any other normal student would do.. except me.

I straightened my chocolate like hair and put on some natural makeup and for once I actually looked decent. Even my uniform was clean and ironed - like what?
My gleaming white shirt, with my plaid tennis skirt and my DocMarten shoes completed the whole 'school look' - Honestly I couldn't care less but why not make an effort for once?

"..Rinhi we are going now!!.." Mum called from downstairs,
Sheeshing hell,
Where did that 30 minutes go?

I didn't even have breakfast - good one Miss Rinhi Lee..
I had to result into grabbing my trusty granola bar and a bottle of water and then quickly ran out of the house after my mum who was already leaving.

"You took your time.." Mum said in a snarky tone,

"I did.." I stated, feeling proud of my little glo-up session,

Mum just huffed just like a mum would seeing their daughter finally put some effort in for school. You see, she's so used to seeing me look like a mess so this is a very rare occasion for me and her..

"Well..At least you look nice.."

Why is she surprised by that?
Loving the amount of support from my family these days..

However, soon enough we made our way too school and for once I was actually on time.

"Miss Lee.. Nice to see you're on time.." Mr Carter said whilst smiling at me in utter shock,

"I'm always on time sir - everyone else is just early.."

I could tell he was laughing from behind me because of my diva like statement, however I carried on strutting my way through the corridors all the way to my class like the Queen I believe to think I am.
However, it was a little bit of a struggle as the corridors were completely packed with students, completely packed - And I hate people so this doesn't work for me at all.
Maybe it's a good thing I'm always late.. The corridors are isolated then..
Maybe it's because I'm not used to it? Yeah, grow some balls Rinhi.

"Miss Lee?.." A youthful voice said as they suddenly broke me out of my little trance I was having in the middle of the corridor,

I quickly snapped out of it and turned behind me to be faced with a very handsome - yet unfamiliar - face.

"Uh- Hi?.."

The man smiled, ".. I've been looking for you .."

Not creepy at all.. No no-

"My name is Taeyong Lee," He stated, staring at me intensely with his big doe eyes, "..But for you I'm Mr Lee."


"O-okay?.." I awkwardly smiled, "..I'm sorry but who are you?"

His smile soon faded and a new, more serious, expression returned.
"I'm helping Mr Jeon with his class, he says you're all a handful and simply needs my help."

The way he says his words is mesmerising. His formal tone of voice really draws me into him - like literally.. I'm drooling over this man.
Like how the heck is that allowed?!
I'm not complaining - not at all.

"Miss Lee?"

I'm zoning out again.
"Sorry- uh, so why does he need help? I'm a great student.."
Without even thinking I seem to be smirking whilst talking about being a great student - That Mr Jeon has destroyed my innocence.

"Oh Rinhi, I have heard.. That's why I'm here sweetie." He whispered whilst proudly strutting past me in a sensual manner,

Holy Moly.
He knows.
I don't know what game these young men are playing - but whatever it is, it's making me mad.


Hope you enjoyed my little character introduction - it's going to be fun ;)

But OMG this book man.. It's slowly ending.. I think?
I'm aiming for around 40 chapters? So that means 11 chapters left!!
Don't stress - it's not over yet..
I hope you've enjoyed this? This book is less loved but I absolutely love writing about it hence why I'm still here writing hahah - I hope the small majority of you guys enjoy it anywho 💗
~ Milly XX

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