Thirty One

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After that fricking man left me on read I've been going mad - insane even.
Did I offend him?
Is he planning to kill off Taeyong?
Is he not interested in me anymore?

Anyway it's the next day and I'm currently strolling through the corridor contently, hoping and praying I don't come across Jungkook because hell up - it wouldn't be pretty if I saw him now, with the state I'm in.
I put 0 effort in today - No makeup, My natural frizzy hair and finally my scruffy uniform which had been left on the floor the whole night..

When I put in effort (yesterday) it didn't seem to go too well considering I left after the first hour and a half so I'm taking that as a hint that I shouldn't put effort in for school again - kind of sad really as I quite liked feeling presentable..

"Hey Rinhi," A voice spoke from behind me making me snap out of my thoughts. It was Taeyong. Well at least Jungkook didn't kill him?

"Oh Mr Lee.." I smiled, "..Sorry I'm in my own little universe at the minute hahah-"

He smiled back to me, "I'm sorry you had to leave yesterday - I was excited to get to know you.."

His voice is so heavenly.. Almost as smooth as honey - Just trickling off of his mouth so effortlessly-

"-Rinhi?" He interrupted again however this time he looked more concerned, "-Hey I've been calling your name around like five times now.. Are you okay?"

Frick sake- why does this keep happening to me? I keep falling into my own strap of day dream.

"Ah sorry.. I-I'm a little tired," I stuttered awkwardly as I clenched onto my books I was holding super tight,

"Hey let me take your books for you, if you're tired?" He smirked and took my books off of me suddenly, leaving me bookless and slightly flabbergasted by his gentlemanly nature. He then continued to walk in front of me all the way to class where we were soon greeted with Jungkook as he stood by the door greeting students as they flooded into the room,

"Mr Lee and Rinhi, nice to see you," Jungkook said through a forced smile, "..Mr Lee I'm sure Rinhi is capable of carrying her own books."
The stressed tone of his voice made it clear Jungkook was not overly happy with Taeyong.

"Okay well Rinhi, need anything just ask me.." Taeyong smiled whilst plopping my books down on my desk,

"Okay thankyou Taeyon- I-i mean Sir-"

"No don't worry lovely, you can call me that," he smirked,

"-excuse me, everyone sit down." Jungkook suddenly roared over the many students in the room, "Let's get straight into work."

Everyone seemed to obey and eventually sit down at their desk to face the demanding teacher who stood before us.. Everyone was lowkey scared scared of him.

"Rinhi, the answer to this equation?" He ordered whilst pointing to a very complicated maths problem,

I sat there surprised and shocked at his sudden out burst in maths equations... therefore I didn't answer..

"Okay Rinhi.. Try this.." And in a matter of seconds the equation was changed to be a little bit easier,

"Oh that's 5 isn't it? X is equivalent to 25 so 5 is the square root.."

In all honesty I have no idea what I'm really doing but it's seeming to work as Jungkook soon started to grin.
"Good Rinhi."

Thank frick that's over - me and maths do not get along.

There was a moment of silence as Jungkook wrote more equations on the board, "Okay Rinhi now this equation?"

Are you having a chuckle?
Frick sake, he knows I'm terrible at maths.

"Uh- I don't know.." I stuttered, hiding my face from the many students who thought it would be funny to giggle to themselves about me,

"You don't know?" He repeated out of pure disgust, "..This is easy stuff Rinhi, so do it."

With his harsh toning voice made it very easy for me to burst out crying. All the students in my class were laughing at me, and my teacher didn't even stop it - I looked like some type of freak in a circus who everyone could laugh at, it wasn't a nice feeling.

"I don't know." I muttered quietly under my breath,

Jungkook obviously heard and soon enough, stormed his way over to my desk. His eyes slitted and his nostrils flared,
"If you don't know you can get out of my class-"

"-Jungkook please, she doesn't know so why don't you teach her?" Taeyong said out of pure panic, his soft eyes turning weaker by the second,

The tension through the room was insane. Jungkook was scarily tense and looked as if he would blow any second - however I believe Taeyong had just crossed over the line.

"Mr Lee." Jungkook growled. "-if you have a problem with my teaching methods then leave."

What's going on.
I want to burst out crying but I won't - I'm not that weak.
Not today.

Without a thought Taeyong buffed himself up and walked closer towards Jungkook, his eyes slitted with anger as he did so, "You know what, this is why she doesn't love you." Taeyong spat and walked out in an instant,

'She' being me I'm guessing?
Frick this.

The students in the room were gobsmacked.. Not even gobsmacked - They were completely flabbergasted.

"Class dismissed."

As soon as those words fell out of Jungkook's mouth, I ran.
I ran as far as I could - away from as many people as possible. The tears I was holding back completely failed me and balled their way out of my eyeballs just like a waterfall crashing through thin air.
Though I had to scurry my way through teachers and students, I finally managed to get to my destination - The Janitors closet.. Classy, isn't it?
The Janitors closet was the only place which allowed me to ball my eyes out without getting judged by everyone.. It was my hideaway.

"..Rinhi are you in there?" A sweet voice whispered quietly,

I know who this is.

The door creaked open and there stood Sunny with a concerned look plastered on her face, a sigh was soon released as she spotted me huddled up in the corner,
"Well how did I know you were in here?"

Sunny came back woooo I love her !!
We couldn't have lil Rinhi suffer on her own could we?

Stay tuned for next chapter you lovely people 💋💋

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