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"Yah Rinhi!!" Sunny shouted as she pushed past all the students in her way,

Her voice lowkey made me poo myself..
I was in the middle of all my thoughts aswell..

"Rinhi..w-why didn't you.. A-answer me.." She gasped in between breaths, she was really out of breath from running up the corridor..

"Uh-well, I just was.. thinking.." I finally said as I turned to look at the exhausted Sunny, "..Sunny, dude. Are you really that out of breath?"

She didn't answer but instead answered me with a nodding of her head,
She really is a special kid..

"Okay come on kiddo lets get to class.." I said with a sigh of defeat as I dragged Sunny with me, her arms and legs dragging along the floor in exhaustion.

Altogether, with this whole party thing, I feel not prepared at all. Normally I would have time to change and get ready but not today - I have to take a ride with my bloody teacher?! That's not normal.. Is it?

Suddenly a small familiar face peered from the doorway, who ever it was seemed slightly flustered as they made direct eye contact with me and soon went back into the class.. I couldn't make out who it was though?
As we got closer the voices from inside the class grew louder, weird comments were being made such as "She's coming!" And "Oh look it's your babe" - stupid comments which I believe are about me..

"This she is here.."
My diva comment which shook the whole class just randomly came out my mouth.. Why does this always happen?
However I'm so glad I just did that - the faces of half the people were priceless..
Even the popular kids of the class were smirking at me which is a very rare occasion due to them actually acknowledging other people in the class apart from themselves,

"Ah Rinhi, this little Jisung boy likes you a lot.." Kijung said laughingly as he ruffled up Jisung's hair, "..Little boys like you Jisung don't get pretty girls like Rinhi.."

Honestly Kijung is hot.. Very hot.. but his personality is shocking. He treats people who aren't as 'popular' as him like trash - complete trash.. Just like he's doing with Jisung. He's a complete-


Sheesh kabab I did it again,
Pray for me,

"..What did you just say?.." The stern voice of Kijung now rose which made many quiver away from the scene leaving just me and him in the centre of the class,

"..You're a jerk.." I confidently stated still standing my ground like the stubborn person I am giving him my ultimate death stare which honestly works wonders on jerky people,

"..Okay Angel face, just wait till you come back to me wanting my body and my handsome face.." Kijung spat as he looked down at me, "..Or if not I'll claim you for my own if you like it or not.."
Kijung was now super close, it was nearly a whole face touching face scenario. His vicious eyes glared down at me spitefully whilst I still didn't budge from my spot, our eyes were glued to each other - not in a good way - and the air was becoming heated. This was all too tense,

The bellowing voice of our teacher ringed around the class making myself and most of the class jump 50 miles. Kijung immediently shot his head up in which looked like pure terror.. His eyes were no longer vicious- now more cowardly.. And weak.

Jungkook slammed his feet down one by one until he reached Kijung and I, there was pure hatred and anger shown in his face as he stared Kijung down viciously.

"..If I see you threatening my student again- there will be a huger punishment from myself.." Jungkook sternly threatened as he held his fist up to Kijung's head, "..Don't touch her.."

And with that he left and went back to being his old teacher self, just like normal. How can you be normal after that?
Meanwhile Kijung looked as if he was about to burst out in tears - Jungkook definitely knows how to make Kijung look weak, I mean - Karma. Am I right?

The rest of the lesson went surprisingly quicker than expected - before we even knew it, it was already 10:50am meaning only 10 minutes till break which of course I was spending in detention over 'Mr Jeons orders' - pft


There goes all the students desperately running out for break whilst I was stuck at my desk with a rather impressed Mr Jeon,

"Surprised you didn't duck out of this Rinhi.." He snorted as lifted his legs up to the desk to have them resting peacefully on the surface. He seemed very happy for some absurd reason - Maybe because he got Kijung to cry?.. Maybe because he has me here?.. Who knows.. But a all we know is that this man is a little messed up in many varies of ways.

"Oh Sir, I would never miss a detention.." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes in the process. I then faced towards my teacher to see him smiling uncontrollably - His bunny teeth proudly being shown on display making me squeal inside a little bit due to the cuteness, but no he's my teacher.. Nothing. NOTHING. Is cute about him.

"You know Rinhi," He began as he then took his feet off his desk and placed his elbows there instead so he could look deep into my eyes, "..As much as you're a complete twat sometimes - I do like you."

My eyes widened at his words.
'I do like you'
I am confusion.

"..Oh chill out, you know what I mean.." He huffed as he took a bite out of an apple he just brought out of his bag,

"..Well I obviously don't .."

"Yes you do"

"No I don't"

"Rinhi, yes you do"

"No I d-"

"For bloody God sake child," He frowned, "..I like you as a student you pabo.."

Thank the Lord Jesus
Had me in a bit of a state then,
But how come I still don't believe him?

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