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"..Okay detention over, the students will be back in a minute so you may aswell stay here." Mr Jeon said whilst walking around the class putting books out on each desk, "..you can help me with these books.."

I felt like I couldn't really say no so I just helped - this teacher has a way of doing that to people..
I got up from my desk and began helping. Seems like we are now studying 'Romeo and Juliette' now - A tragedy, brilliant.

"..Rinhi your skirt is still very short.." My teacher said whilst looking me up and down like a bloody piece in a museum,

"..Uh-well this is how it's meant to be.." I said a little flustered, a pink shade was now beginning to form across my cheeks - Nice one Rinhi, make him feel even more better about himself..

"..Hmm well I'm not complaining, I just don't want the students looking at you.." He said with a smirk as he kept glancing down,


I did it again, I need to start keeping my thoughts inside instead of leaking them - For god sake Rinhi.
Before I even knew it, I was slammed against the wall with a hot teacher right before me trapping me in his own personal cage,

"You make me mad Rinhi," The teacher whispered as he brought his face closer and closer to my face, his breath was warm on my bare skin which made me feel slightly safe in his tight trap. There's tension in this trap - a lot of tension, "..I'm bloody sweating, this is because of you Rinhi.."

His words were making me actually feel something - something I've never felt before.
"..I'm glad.." I whispered back as I brought my face even closer, my whisper sounded sexy - Very sexy - Which it was not meant to sound like..

The teacher gave me a lustful grin..
"..You're beautiful.." He whispered back in my ear which he then began to nibble,
I didn't expect it all so my body tensed up by his random action, "..Don't be scared baby.."

Sheesh I've gone too deep here - way too deep. I couldn't help but enjoy his touch, he made me feel the same feeling I did earlier - like butterflies?
He then brought his head down my neck and began smooching and nibbling it leaving his touch with hickeys. I had to bite my lip to stop unwanted sounds escaping my mouth but it was not working which let to one unwanted sound coming out.. You know..

The teacher immediately stopped to look at my face, he was way too amused.
"I think you're enjoying this as much as me.." The teacher whispered as he stroked my face lovingly, "Do you know how much I want you? And do you know how frustrated I am that I can't have you?.."
He was now becoming a lot rougher. His hands were on my waistline and they were starting to travel down to my skirt, however his face was still smirking at me proudly.
He started to rub his hand up and down my thigh whilst his other hand was playing with the rim of my skirt,
"Is this okay babe?.."

I couldn't bloody think straight.
Words weren't coming out of my mouth.
It was like I was paralysed throughout my whole body - nobody has ever been this close to me before, let alone my teacher - sheesh kabab.


"Ugh Fu-" The teacher started but got stopped by a vast amount of students making their way in through the doors,

"..Look at this little stunner.." Jun, One of Kijung's friends, said as he came up to me and looked me up and down,

I hate him

"Rinhi baby, come to my house later yeah?.." Eujin, another one of Kijung's friends, said laughingly from his desk behind me,

I just ignored them both and turned to look at Jungkook who was sat at his desk at the front observing everything what was going on. Safe to say he was not happy. His face was hot ,probably from all the anger inside of him, and his eyes began twitching which is what they do when he's very irritated.

"Looking good today Rinhi, that skirt suits your bum.." Marco, yet another one of Kijung's friends, shouted from the back on the class where him and a whole group of boys were stood observing me like some sort of painting on a wall,


The teachers voice yelled loudly throughout the whole room which startled the boys - they immediately scurried out of the class from the aggressive voice of my teacher.

Where's Sunny.. I need her..

There was now just me and Jisung in the room, typical. Luckily Jisung wasn't apart of the cat callers - I appreciate him for that.

"Thankyou Jisung." I managed to get out except it was more of a whisper so I would be very surprised if he heard it,

"It's okay Rinhi - they're all just disrespectful, ignore them." Jisung quietly spoke out as he made his way to the desk beside me,

I did feel uncomfortable only because when they all come back in they will take the mick out of Jisung - especially Jungkook.

"I didn't mean for everyone to know that I like you- it all happened too quickly.." Jisung sighed as he looked down at his pencil case,

"Don't worry.." I replied back with a genuine smile which he then gave back,

For awhile we were sat in silence - it was a tad awkward, until Sunny finally entered the class with Lucky by her side,

"Jesus Rinhi, break was hilarious! Me and Lucky were hanging out when Jae and Dowoon came and sat with us!!" Sunny said excitedly as her and Lucky both squealed together - Just like me and Sunny used to do except it was never about boys.

I'm not jealous about her and Lucky. I'm just annoyed. It's like I'm not here?
Lucky is new anyway.. And she's not like us at all - she just cares about boys and nothing else, nothing funny.. She finds nothing funny hence why she always fake laughs, ugh why am I like this?

"Ah cool! I was away in detention hah.." I said slightly defeated by the whole situation. I try to not let my emotions take over but when it's about Sunny I always seem to get protective - maybe because I've known her for so long.. I don't know..

"Okay class back to work, we are already behind-" Jungkook said as he barged through the doors with all the boys behind him with frowns on their faces, however Jungkook soon saw Jisung sat comfortably beside me and soon his face turned to a frown as well, "..Jisung what are you doing?.."

Jisung immediately lifted his head up and his face looked so pure and innocent - he didn't deserve a battering from Jungkook.

"..uh-um I'm s-sorry sir- I will mov-"

"No Jisung is helping me so I need him here." I quickly interrupted which left the class in shock as I answered back,

"Rinhi it's fin-" Jisung tried to say however soon got interrupted,

"Okay." Jungkook then said as he glared at me with slitted eyes showing pure anger,

It now seemed to be an intimate staring contest between me and Jungkook - neither of us wanted too loose so we evilly stared at each other for a good minute, surprisingly the class didn't seem to care - they were more bothered about the latest gossip on instagram, typical.

"Let's get to work.. Shall we?.." Jungkook said as he still fixated his deathly eyes on me, I for some reason, couldn't look away - my glare was still focused onto him. He must've got so much amusement from that..

Bring it on Mr Teacher.

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