Thirty Eight

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We got into Taeyong's car and began the long haul home.
The sky was black at this point- nothing to be seen. It had an eary feeling to it. A dark, lonely, empty feeling.

"Cheer up spud." Taeyong interrupted, his eyes fixed onto me obviously observing my facial expression.

"I'm fine." I demanded, unaware of how spiteful that sounded.

He snorted slightly and soon focused on the wheel, "That's like me saying that I don't fancy you."

A slight smile crept onto my face, a smile showing true embarrassment.
"Seriously Taeyong I'm okay-"

"-It's Jungkook."
His voice was forceful, it was dark. Almost like he's talking about his most hated enemy.

I was shocked. More shocked over the fact that Taeyong was so forceful - he's usually so gentle.. like a child?

"Rinhi I'm not stupid." He spat, "-You love him."

It was as if something had flicked inside him, like a sudden trigger, which is obvious that the trigger was Jungkook.

I stared at him as if I had lost all faith in him. His usual sweet nature being completely thrown away, and now returning to his true self.
"You're unbelievable." I spat back,

"No don't even say that," he stated, "-I was there for you Rinhi, there for you when Jungkook cheated. Isn't that enough?"

As if my day couldn't get any worse?
My eyes were red and flamed with anger, however I kept as cool as I could, taking heavy breaths in and out to contain an emotion explosion which is soon to erupt.
"Taeyong I want to leave this car now please."

He looked at me with disgust as he slammed on the breaks in an instant, the tyres screeching as they got to the closest pavement.
"You can only leave my car if you apologise."

This was like some childish motif that he had planned all along. To get into my head - To pretend that he actually cared.
No way was I apologising.
"I want to get out now, please." I stated, sticking to my obvious intentions.

A look of pure hatred flashed across Taeyong's face, his ethereal beauty turning into a deadly weapon he used against me.
He sighed, "You're not getting out until you say you're SORRY."

His voice had now heightened in tone, becoming rather intimidating and lowkey scary.. But deep down I knew he couldn't hurt me - no way. He could hurt my feelings, yes - of course. But he would not hurt me.

He repeated again, facing me with all the shock and disgust he could possibly show before chucking me out of his car.

"Goodbye Taeyong."
And with that I left his car. Stepping out into darknesses mouth which swallowed me into the depth of the night, the night that I had to trek though for hours until I got home. I did question wether it was necessary to leave, if there was really much point. But I soon gathered that I could not face a single second with Taeyong anymore, not now that he's changed.

I just had to deal with my choice and get on with my 2 hour trek home, alone, in the dark. Not the safest option, but what could I do?

The sound of his car soon zoomed past me, driving off into the never ending darkness - Without a care in the world. It did make me sad, I can't deny that, but in the end people do show their true colours - Maybe too much.

The cold air hit against my face, leaving me a red faced mess. Luckily it was dark and I could hardly be seen, not that that's really a good thing - I may get run over.. let's hope.

No, I'm only joking. I mean at this point what isn't a joke?
I'm walking home in the freezing cold from finding out I was being played, from loosing a 'friend' and also my dad seems to hate me for having a fling with my bloody teacher.
It's all a-bit of a mess.
Kind of reminds me from when I first began school. Life was a mess, but what did I do? I just made it more of a joke - I embraced it?

Sorry for the mess of the chapter, stuff happened and boom ygm
Thanku for sticking with the book bros, I rlly appreciate it x
- M xxx

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