Twenty two

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"And you I am most disappointed in.."

I stood there in utter disgrace at his words - my mouth wide open in shock.

"Excuse me?.." I said with a confused glare in which I shot right at him, my tone of voice sounding quite serious which lowkey surprised me let alone him.

How dare he..
How dare he come up to me and shoo away my friends..

His face immediately turned from a serious frown to an amused smirk, the cheek. He then stood there staring at me with a huge grin upon his face - almost as if he was proud of what I've just said.

"I like it when you're angry.." He said in his low raspy voice as he walked closer to my petite form making sure there was no space in between our two bodies, his eyes glued to mine as he did so. He was that close that I literally felt the warmth of his skin radiating onto mine - it gave me goosebumps, scared goosebumps.

"Yah! The hell are you doing you freak.." I whispered rather loudly as I stepped back away from him as discreetly as I could, trying to avoid any awkward glares from the people around us,

"Rinhi think.." He muttered under a warm breath, "..You look stunning okay? So you should know that this obviously turns me on-"



Suddenly all eyes were faced towards me and Jungkook, the look of disappointment shown in every one of the elders eyes. I couldn't help but grow red in the face - just like a beetroot.

"Frickity frack.. There's cheesecake- wow!!.." I exclaimed through a sarcastic smile in which I tried to cover up my stupid choice of words a second ago, however it seemed to work and most of the elders went back to chatting their problems to each other.. Just like normal?!

As soon as it went back to normal I heard a pig like laugh from behind me which, of course, belonged to the one and only Jungfrickitykook.
"That was absolutely golden wow.." He said through a hearty laugh whilst clapping his hands together like some over excited kid,

"..That was your fault.." I stated, not at all happy with the situation which he created. Whilst he carried on laughing to himself I just decided to walk away - no way am I spending this night with him.. No way in hell..
He didn't even seem to notice I left him so it was abit of a bonus really. I carried on walking all the way through the endless halls until I landed in the part of the building which seemed to be the 'party area'.. It was pretty obvious that this was the party room due to the loud base I could hear from outside-

"Ah Rinhi you made it!!" A cheerful voice belonging to Hoseok beamed from the other side of the hall,

I smiled genuinely to him, "Of course Hobi! I wouldn't miss it.." I said kindly whilst walking over to his lonely self, "..Why are you alone on your birthday?.."

As soon as I said that his eyes then turned to look down to the floor shamelessly, almost like a huge burden of sadness just drowned him.
"..Well everyone is either getting drunk or getting laid.." His monotone voice stated as we then finally met together in the middle of the hall,

"Ah dang.." I sighed deeply as I faced him, "..Well lucky you, I'm here!!"

His face suddenly lit up at those words,
"You mean get freaky with eachother?.." He squeaked just like a 10 year old boy,

My eyes turned to pure confusion,
The heck is he going on about?
"Get freaky?.." I spoke up sheepishishly as I stared at the child in front of me,

"Yeah you know..the deed.." Hoseok winked whilst giving a cheeky smirk,

My eyes widened immediately at his perverted thoughts. How could this innocent man think so dirty - it's weird to think what goes on in this mans head,
"HOSEOK NO." I stated rather loudly whilst giving him the ultimate stare down with deathly eyes - he knew he messed up..

"Hah.. I'm just joking Rinhi.." He sighed whilst bringing my shoulders into his broad chest, almost like a father would when their proud of their child except I know Hoseok isn't proud.. or my dad..

"..Yeah yeah okay Hobi,.." I teased, pushing him away jokingly, "..Let's go find Jungkook - yeah?"

His face then completely changed into a sad frown, he looked exactly like a puppy would if their owner took away their cuddly toy,
"Why are you so obsessed over him?.." Hoseok spat spitefully, immediately this puppy image I had in my head was replaced with an hateful human before me,

Why am I so obsessed?
I'm not.. No that would be weird..

"I'm not obsessed.." I stated seriously, glaring right back at him with confused eyes,

"Aha that's a joke isn't it?.." The fake laugh of Hoseok snorted from beside me,

A joke? What is wrong with him today?

"No Hoseok I don't understand?"
All of a sudden a serious burden fell upon the two of us leaving a slightly awkward vibe between us. No way on earth has it been like this before.

"You like him and I think it's wrong - I can't believe you would do that sort of thing.." Hoseok hissed, obviously unaware of how horrid he was being.

My eyes started to swell up from the tears forming at the duct, no way has he ever been like this to me before - there was something really bothering him and for it to be Jungkook was super petty. I don't even like Jungkook like that, I don't think..

"Okay let's get this straight.." I ranted, ".. Before you yell at me for whatever reason, I want to tell you that if you could hear yourself speaking you would be disgusted at your words - how on earth can you claim to know what's going on in my head? Get lost Hoseok."

Then I left. Proudly - yet hurt.

"Rinhi wai-"

"Save it."

This was a whole new Rinhi. A salty, sassy one whom hasn't cried yet - I always cry when I'm angry..
I left Hoseok on his own, again. Only a sick human would do that to someone on their birthday so obviously I am the 'sick human' - Brilliant.
I made my way back into the room to be greeted with dim lighting and tonnes of people gathered by the doorway where I was - it was rather intimidating.
Then they all started to move closer and closer until I was engulfed by the human storm in front of me, yet little did I know they were all singing happy birthday to the certain someone behind me.

"Happy birthday to Hoseokiee~" the voices sang cheerfully as they all wandered over to the teary human by the doorway,

"Make a wish!" His sister cheered whilst holding the beautiful cake in front of him,

Hoseok stood there emotionless. Like his soul was sucked right out of his body. There was no life in him.

"I wish people happiness."
And with that he left. Straight out of the room.
His family and friends were all left stranded for thoughts however me.. I knew full well what's going on.

"Don't worry Mrs Jung, I'll go get him." The familiar voice of Jungkook said as he appeared out of the crowd full with a bunch of girls and strided out of the room after Hoseok,

I feel guilty. I shouldn't. But I do.
I'm just going to hide amongst this food - no more human contact for Rinhi today..

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