Thirty Five

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This isolation room is scary. The beige walls seemed to swallow me whole due to the minimal space I actually have, it wasn't the nicest.

As for Jungkook, matters must be even worse.
- he's currently getting interrogated by my father and a few officers.

However Taeyong, who the heck knows?
He filed a complaint and left apparently - which is off in my opinion. Surely he would stay to see Kook be 'tortured' as he apparently 'hated his guts'- pft, men.. When I get what goes on in their brain it would be a great day.

My dad did not take a liking to my sudden outburst, the whole "he's my boyfriend" topic didn't get taken lightly. Instead we are separated for eternity, no contact, no classes - nothing. It makes me sad to think that, however there's still a sense of hope to me that, that will not happen. We are both too stubborn.

My thoughts soon got interrupted by a new officer coming into the room, a rather handsome one if I may say so-

"Rinhi out please." The voice said sternly. It wasn't a usual masculine voice, it was a somehow forced tone? As if he was trying to make his voice intentionally lower,

I stopped for a minute to take in the features - I've seen him before,
"Taeyong?" I questioned ever so quietly, trying not to bring any attention whatsoever,

The unusual man soon brought his head up to face me in shock, it was Taeyong.
"-H-how did you even know that?" He stuttered, obviously a little taken back that I knew his act,

I snorted, "-I'm not stupid."

"Y-yeah well neither am I," he tried to say confidently but failed, he failed miserably.
"Anyway follow me,"


"Rinhi please?-"

"No," I stated, "-You made this happen Taeyong. Of course I'm not going to trust you."

He sighed inevitably, as if he knew this would happen.
"Look I saved you here," he sighed, "-I wasn't going to tell you however I feel like I should."

I began to worry.
What the hell is going on?

"Jungkook has a girlfriend he's not told you about.. I used this as a way to get you out without you getting hurt - however I failed, so I'm awfully sorry."

Taeyongs words soon became a blur after he mentioned the word 'girlfriend'. Nothing else seemed to matter after those words - only the pure disgrace and humiliation that hovered over my emotions.

"-Sorry I don't believe you." I confidently said as I wiped away a lonely tear which trickled down my cheek,

Taeyong soon grabbed my hand and placed Jungkooks phone in my hand,
"I knew you wouldn't, so look for yourself."

The cold sensation of his metallic phone collided with the warmth of my skin, as if it was some type of shock I couldn't escape. I couldn't bare to even open the phone, my body was somehow paralysed.
The lock screen was of me, it was the beginning of Hoseok's party when I had dressed up like a wannabe princess - he liked that day.
Surely this isn't true?

I typed in his password and opened up to the home screen where everything was laid out, the picture was of my brother and their whole friendship group on a night out - they all looked so happy.
Then I did the dreaded thing and opened up his text conversations.
Of course I was at the top, however just below me was someone named 'Chaeyeon🖤'.
My heart sank as soon as I saw that name - the love heart displayed next to it.. How could he be so stupid? How could I be so stupid?

My eyes began to tear up yet again as I saw the messages,

Chaeyeon🖤 - Bby I love you so much xxxxx

Me - Yeah me too

Chaeyeon🖤 - My parents are out tonight so message me when you want to come around xxxxx

Me - uh yeah okay sweet x

I mean yeah, he wasn't the most obliging however this girl stated that she loves him - in which he agreed. That- That broke me.

"Uh I've seen enough-" I said in a broken voice as I chucked the phone to the ground,

Jungkook can suck a toe.

This feeling of overwhelming sadness soon struck me, leaving me as a blubbering mess in the corner.
Tears were uncontrollably pooling down my face - mainly out of pure anger.

How could he do this?
He knows my level of trust with everyone - and now he does this.
It's lowkey heartbreaking.
But he's not my boyfriend, So I shouldn't be so upset? It hurts still.
I just told my dad he was my boyfriend to make this whole situation more "serious"  - However now I just look like the pleb who caught feelings for her teacher.

I'm an idiot for believing him - I'm an idiot for loving him.

What would you do if I ended the whole story here ahahah? I wouldn't - I would never;)

Thanku guys xxx
-M xx

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