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It's been over a week now.. I had my detention which Mr Jeon didn't even turn up for , and this Unknown number is still texting me. I've decided to ignore it but they're becoming threatening.. Telling me they're going to come to my house.. Kidnapping my mum.. scary things. I can't go to the police as I've left it for too long that they won't care and also imagine what they would do if they found out.. Bad things that I can't imagine, well try not to imagine..

School has been painfully boring. I'm not even classified as a student anymore - I'm a ghost in that class.. Well, I'm invisible.

"Rinhi focus.."

There we go.. my thoughts being interrupted by the devil himself - Mr Jeon.

"Yes.. sir.." I replied back mockingly but in my head it was meant to sound more polite, but no, of course it didn't turn out like that,

"I'm sorry are you back chatting me?.." Mr Jeon said, suddenly stopping his lesson to argue with me,

I decided not to answer back as I knew I would be told off even more so there I sat - like a lost potato.

"..Right Rinhi, you stay behind after this lesson.."

Oh brill.. just brilliant..
I give up, may as well text Sunny as I can't talk to her from here as Mr Bloody Jeon decided to split us , the bum ..
Oh look.. there's a message from 'Unknown' from an hour ago,

Unknown - Go to class Rinhi, you don't want to be late for your kinky teacher..

The weirdo - funny how I've only just got the text now I'm in class.
You know what..
I'm going to text them..

Me - Please leave me alone, or just tell me who you are.

There sent.. bet they will leave me alo-


"Oh sorry guys! Forgot to put my phone on silent-"


"Oh uhm.. class dismissed.." Mr Jeon said but soon ran out of the class in distress,

The class was confused but however me, I'm raging.
This 'Unknown' is him. Isn't it?
This is his way of punishing me..
That's it..

I stood up, brushed myself off, and stormed after my stalker teacher.. He's in trouble now..

"Rinhi where are you going?.."

"He'll be back in a second!..'

"Do you love him that much?.."

These comments from my class were golden - they have no idea what's happening.. ah so clueless..

So there I went..
Every step I took was a proud one, I could be Sherlock Holmes..

Down the steps, along the corridor, through the office and then to the car park where I see Mr Jeon every break & lunch - it's not hard to track down a clueless teacher. To my surprise, he was there sat in his expensive Black Range Rover, right next to Eunjis yellow ford brought from a dodgy car dealer - the difference of the two is hilarious..

"Oi, Jungkook , open the door now.." I demanded as I made my way closer and closer to the frowning Teacher, he didn't react at all - his frown just got bigger.

"Rinhi Leave now.. Imagine if someone saw us.." He said a little worried,

"Oh yeah well I think they'll be more concerned if they knew you were texting me, so open up.." I exclaimed, still not moving any time soon,

He then gave up and opened his door for me to get in - score.
It was pristine in his car. Full black interior and bright red decorative cup holders, so extra..

"Nice.." I said, not meaning to come out, whilst looking around my surroundings, "Oh sheesh, was meant to say that in my head.."
He let out a slight chuckle at my shook self but he was definitely very uncomfortable as such with me,

"Look Rinhi - I don't know why I did it.." He blurted out immediately which took me by shock, "I- I just liked your response I guess.."

"What? A helpless, struggling, scared, shocked and very creeped out response? Are you okay?.. do you need some help?.." I snapped, "Did you even think how I would feel? It- it scared me."
Tears were now starting to escape my eyes, little droplets falling onto his matte black seats. I can't help but cry. I'm a sucker for staying strong at things which scared me a lot,

"Oh god please don't cry.. look I'm so sorry Rinhi.. just don't tell your brother or school as I will get in huge trouble.." He Said desperately now gripping to my hand super tight,

"Well Jungkook, you threatened me?.. how could you.." My teary voice said - I look like a mess right now, I sure of it,

He just sighed. A sigh. That was it.
He looked as sad as I did.

"I don't know.. to be completely honest with you - I liked you, but I'm your teacher.." His voice had now turned completely monotone, sadness was all that was left inside of him,

Liked me?
Is he mad?

"You know what.. I'm not saying anything. We leave this behind and don't EVER do that again.." I shouted aggressively, wiped the tears away then got out of the car and stormed back into the school.
I'm not angry, I'm disappointed. Very disappointed.

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