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"Rinhi.. Where are all my clothes.." A mumbling voice said from outside of my door,
How dare I get interrupted from my beauty sleep?

I let out a loud sigh and sat up in my bed to be faced with a rough looking Eunji,

"Eunji please get out of my room, I was happy sleeping until-" I murmured as I rolled my eyes at him slightly aggravated,

"Yes well not anymore little one, we have school in 10 minutes and I can't find my clothes.." Eunji interrupted as he yanked my arm signifying for me to get up,

10 minutes?
Uh oh
My eyes shot open hearing those words..
"10 minutes"
Well looks like we are going to be late..

I quickly grabbed a hoodie and some leggings and tied my hair up into a messy bun and made my way downstairs to get some breakfast, as I was in a rush I just grabbed a banana and sat down at the table to wait for the flustered Eunji to hurry up and to my surprise he came down a minute after me..

"Okay lets go, we now have 2 minutes to get to school.." Eunji said as he made his way out of the front door in a hurry, I had no choice but to follow him.

The whole journey went super slow because , of course, we are stuck in traffic.. turns out we are now 10 minutes late, brilliant.. Mr Jeon is going to kill me..

~ School ~

As soon as Eunji parked his car I legit made myself sprint all the way to class. I was 30 minutes late and my phone was blowing up with messages from Sunny basically yelling at me through text to 'Get my bum into school' - Her words exactly.. As these thoughts ran through my mind I made sure that I got myself in as early as I could. The corridors were so isolated and lonely which signified I was the only one in a major rush.. late..

Room R7.. finally made it.. My hair and clothes were a mess along with the rest of my life but you know what - I made it..

"Rinhi Lee? Wow so you actually did make it.. impressive.." Said the sky voice of my evil teacher, He seemed a little taken back as I walked through the door - his eyes widened and a smirk appeared onto his angelic, pure- wait no.. sorry his ugly face,

I just shot him a deathly glare and took a seat at the front right beside him. Poor Sunny was at the back on her own - What I would do to sit with her..

The lesson just carried on as normal. Mr Jeon decided he would be nice to me today so he didn't make me answer the hard maths equations which I lowkey enjoyed, so I just sat there like the loner I really am.

"Rinhi!! 87302 divided by 2 please.." Mr Jeon shouted through a piercing yell making me jump slightly in my seat,

Suddenly all eyes were on me.. How am I meant to do this when I'm an E in maths?
I decided to just stare at him - I'm hoping he gives up because if not I would look like a-bit of an idiot..

"... Rinhi..." The voice said, " I would like an answer today.."

Pft trying to be clever with me?

"I don't really understand why you're asking me when there's plenty of capable students who would actually know the answer.." I said smugly showing a growing smirk appear onto my face,

There was now a very angry teacher in front of me.. maybe not sure a great idea?

"Get out.. I will talk to you after I've seen to my capable students.." He said with gritted teeth and a stern voice that slightly scared me,

I just obeyed and dragged myself out of the classroom. As I left I decided to give Mr Jeon a cute pouty face which I could tell he liked as he looked down and tried to hide his smile - See he's not that aggressive..

2 minutes, 5 minutes and even 10 minutes passed and I was still outside awaiting for Mr Jeon to magically appear.. How much time does he need?

"Rinhi?" A quiet voice said behind me - it sounded like a male voice yet it was so soft?
What shocked me the most was that this voice belonged to Yoongi - My brother and Mr Jeon's friend..

"Oh hi aha.." I said as I chuckled to myself awkwardly, I'm hoping he doesn't bring up the fact at why I have been sent out..

"Why are you out here?"
Wow too late..

"Oh, I.. Uh-I.. I wanted some air, you know it's really stuffy in there.." I beamed enthusiastically trying to dodge the truth but as soon as I said that, the one and only Jeon man walked out.. brilliant..

"Oh Yoongs!" He yelled happily, ".. yeah I'm just dealing with this naughty kid who's rebelling against my rules.."

Immediately Yoongi's face lit up,

"HAHAH, OH MY GOSH .. It's probably because you scared her yesterday when you were half naked.." Yoongi blurted out with hysterical laughter - he was loving this however me and Mr Jeon were not..

"Okay Yoongi I need to do my job now so I'll see you later.." My teacher said as he shooed the laughing Yoongi away,

"B-but Jungkook-"

"Yes yes bye bye now.."

And with that Yoongi was gone and so it left me and Jungkook, bloody fantastic ..

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