Twenty Six

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I'm sharing a bed with my teacher - What the actual FRICK
It's not like I really could say no.. I'm in his house so why can't he sleep in his own bed? 
But still - What am I doing.

His little squirms and tosses through the night basically kept me up throughout the whole night, like I knew I probably wouldn't sleep but this is taking the mick- All nighter tonight by the look of it..
Unless I move.. Why did this not go through my brain wtf

I quickly jumped out of the angelic bed and tiptoed out of the room towards the front room where the huge cinema like TV is located. Jungkook didn't even notice I was gone - like I said before, he sleeps like a rock.

It's now 2:00am in the morning and I'm legit terrified of what Eunji is going to do when he finds out I'm not home.. I'm praying he stays with Hoseok so then he'll never find out - unless Jungkook spills it.
It really isn't that bad though. I'm just in his house, in his hoodie, sleeping on his sofa - yeah, not bad..

Talking about this sofa though, it's even better than the bed.. It just inhales you just like one of those memory foam mattress' - heaven.


Oh sheeshing hell
Why can't I just sleep here in peace?

I pretended to be asleep whilst the lonely figure came closer and closer.. It's not like I could cover myself up either as there was no blankets of duvets..

"..Why is she so cute?" Jungkook whispered to himself quietly,

Ah I'm flattered..

"..She would be even cuter beside me.."

Forget I said anything, thanks.

Soon after his statement I then felt a huge warmth be lifted over me - he was throwing his warm duvet over my small figure.

"There you go.." He whispered as he pecked my forehead lovingly,

My hEaRt

As he walked away I managed to get a glimpse of the loving man, he was still dressed in his suit so he obviously crashed out soon after I did.. He was so.. Nice?
Guessing now I can sleep in peace? Thank the Lord.



The Frick?

My eyes soon blasted open by the sudden shouting, honestly made me feel a little faint.

"W-what the hell Jungkook?.." I yawned as I stood up in a hurry,

"Eunji has been calling me non stop asking where you are a-and I don't know what to do-"


His eyes then met mine with a hint of offence hidden in them. It's not like he's angry, he just looks tired and a little lost for words..

"Okay.." He sighed, closing his eyes and taking a breath,"..What are we going to do?"

Honestly I don't understand why he's getting so scared over this - he is now more scared than I was yesterday.

"Well I will walk home.." I said calmly whilst beginning to take the hoodie off that he lent me,

A sudden wave of terror then flew over him resulting in him clenching hold of me with his giant hands.
"No no no- don't go Rinhi.." He panicked whilst staring at me with his huge dough eyes,

What the Frick does he want me to do? Split myself in half? One for him and one for Eunji?

"Look.. Firstly don't take that hoodie off- it's yours. Secondly - you can't leave me aloneee~"

Now he looks like a little child, my god. He then proceeded to whine and whine as he clung onto my arms not letting me think for myself at all.

"Jungkook for one minute just let me think." I snapped, unaware of how feisty I sounded,
However, the expression on Jungkook's face didn't change in the slightest - except making him smirk even more than he already was.

"I like it when you get angry, Rinhi." He grinned as he looked at my struggling self trying to figure my life out. I couldn't help but get angry at his words - I know he's winding me up but honestly, I must just be in a bad mood because it's early.. Surely?
"Rinhi just sleep with me and watch movies all day, pleaseeee~"


My yelling voice then got hushed by one of Jungkook's slender fingers pushed against my lips - it honestly shocked me.
"Jungk-kook.. What the hell are you doing?.."

"Hushing you, " He whispered seductively, "..Your yelling will wake the neighbours up."
Oh I see where his priorities lie..
"So what do you say? Want to stay with me all day?.."

His cheesy grin made it hard to turn down.. I know I shouldn't but what's the harm? I'm just- watching films with my teacher.. Okay it does sound a little off-

"I don't know, Eunji will be worried a-and it's kind of weird.." I stated sheepishly,

His face soon turned into a pouty frown with all sorts of disappointment portrayed, this man really knows how to get me wrapped around his little finger..
"You can text him Rinhi.."

Hold up. A minute ago he was the worried one wanting me to 'get the hell up' and now he doesn't want me to leave? All seems a little bipolar to me..
"Jungkook no." I sighed clutching onto my bag and items which I brought over, ".. I should honestly go - thanks for having me though sir."
Then I left waving him off with a genuine smile.
Let's hope I did the right thing as honestly, I'm starting to regret it - No shush Rinhi, it's wrong staying around your teachers house..


I've been writing this chapter over a couple days now and honestly I don't really know what I was trying to achieve eheh


Stay tuned lovelies💕

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