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Thanks Jeon bloody Jungkook,

"WHY DID THAT JUST COME OUT OF OUR TEACHERS MOUTH?" Sunny squealed whilst pacing up and down my room repeatedly, she looked a tad insane,

I was now speechless. That was Jungkook's plan all along..

"Look Sunny, nothing is going on with me and our teacher.. he's just winding us up, he's been doing it all day.." I explained whilst holding Sunny's shoulders stopping her from pacing,

I'm not lying - it is true.. Nothing is going on.. Nothing..

"Rinhi I don't know.." Sunny said nervously, "..there's so many signs telling me that he likes you.."

"No.. no he doesn't.." I blurted out, unaware of how desperate I sound, "..He's just being weird, ignore him.."

Sunny didn't seem too sure. Her eyes were slitted as she glared at me like I was hiding something, I can't tell her.. It will ruin her innocent ears.. no I can't.. it's not fair on her.

"Sunny.. listen to me.." I said sternly, "..Nothing is going on."

"I don't believe you."

This girl oh my,
I mentally faced palmed myself and looked at her straight in the eyes. Screw it - I can't lie to my best friend,

"If I tell you this, you cannot tell anyone." I whispered to her as I dragged her to sit on my bed,

She immediately widened her eyes and nodded vigorously, she was obviously desperate for my reply,

"Jungkook was drunk last night and he blurted out he likes me.. he then.. uh-Um sort of got a boner-"

"RINHI WHAT.." Sunny yelled as she stood up in the speed of light,

"Sunny shushhh!" I whisper yelled as I brought her to sit back on the bed,

She was so shook - I've never seen her so shook in my whole life - I could tell she wanted to run out of this house and not come back however, I made her stay.

"..He was drunk Sunny, okay?.." I calmly responded not too sure how I was going to get myself out of this situation,

"..B-But Rinhi.. Our teacher.. and.. y-you.." Sunny spoke quietly- now with a more disgusted expression,

I'm so dead.. so dead..

"No Sunny!! I do not like him like that.." I reassured looking into her ocean eyes deeply,

"Well it bloody seems like it if he got a bo-"

"Sunny no." I interrupted with a serious tone of voice making Sunny slightly flinch at my words,

We both sat there in silence. Not a breath could be heard.
Awkwardness began filling the room and I could tell Sunny was uncomfortable at this moment - Well who wouldn't be?

"Uhm..R-Rhini.." Sunny spoke quietly as she kept her head down avoiding any possible eye contact, "..What I was going to say before all of this.. Well-uh.. You know that Jisung in our class.."

I replied back with a hesitant nod, staring at her with a confused expression plastered onto my face,

"Okay well he really likes you!!" Sunny exclaimed suddenly turning back to her usual bubbly self as she faced me with her huge gummy smile,

I could tell my expression did not change.. I'm fed up with boys to be completely honest. Can I be bothered to deal with a relationship? No.

"..yay?.." I said as I forced out a squinty smile, I think Sunny could sense the sarcasm and so she treated me with a pillow in my face - Thankyou Sunny..

"I thought you would appreciate it you grinch!" Sunny chuckled as she then pushed me playfully making suddenly me fall off the bed and onto the carpeted floor - THUD - oh Jesus I didn't know I was that heavy.. Laughter then over took all the awkwardness in the room leaving us two laughing freaks lying on the floor in hysterics - Anyone would think there's something mentally wrong with us..

"..The hell is going on here?.." A voice laughingly said from the entrance of my room, they were clearly observing us for awhile as the voice couldn't hold in their giggles either,

I looked up to find Hoseok smiling at us in a fatherly manner. His body was leant against the doorway with his face squished on the framework,

Me and Sunny then turned to face each other with huge grins on our faces trying to contain the giggles inside of us, "..Well.. Rinhi here has yet another lover.." Sunny blurted out with a mischievous smirk on her face. Hoseok's expression then changed into a more shook expression with his eyes and mouth both widened,

"Sunny tell me!!" Hoseok squealed as he ran over to Sunny and clung to her shoulder like a little child,

Sunny at first was a little taken back from Hoseok's childish action however soon brushed it off by whispering Jisung's  name into Hoseok's ear with a huge grin on her face - Me, however, was sat like a complete lemon just accepting the embarrassment coming my way,

"OH MY GOD RINHI THAT IS THE BOY THAT JIN HAD OVER THE OTHER DAY!!" Hoseok squealed yet again showing us his huge smile along with his eye smile he always does when he's super happy,

I just nodded to the two little children who were now giggling to themselves happily.
The things that go on in this house I swear to god..

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