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The drive to the destination really wasn't far. It legit only took around 10 minutes until we got there, however when we arrived we were greeted with bright lights, big buildings, loud noises, drunk people.. Everything I hate with a passion yet it is all there in front of me... And yes I have a phobia of big buildings..

"..Rinhi?.." A faint voice of Jumgkook said from behind me which honestly startled me a little, "..Rinhi I've been calling your name for the past 2 minutes?.."

Oh well then,
Must of zoned out oops..

"..huh- yeah okay, I'm coming.." I sighed as I brought myself back into reality whilst walking towards the huge building sheepishly,

"Ah ah ah.." Jungkook said as he stopped me in my tracks, "..The heck was that?"
His expression changed into something more serious, I could tell by how his eyebrows were knitted together in a sense of confusion,

"No no it's fine Jungkook don't worr-"

"-of course I'm going to worry Rinhi.. You're my responsibility.." Jungkook abruptly said as his eyes clung to mine with worry dripping out of them,

He really was worried.. Wow..

"Ah well you're going to find this funny.." I timidly replied, holding my head low to block out the embarrassment coming my way, "- I'm scared of big buildings like.. That.."

To my surprise there was only one little snort.. I thought he was going to find it so hilarious..

"T-that was it?.." Jungkook said whilst containing his giggles with his hand covering his mouth. I nodded in reply as I slowly lifted my head to face Jungkook eye to eye,
"Are you serious Rinhi?.." He chuckled as he walked his way over to me with a fatherly smile plastered on his smug face,

Again I nodded as for some reason my voice doesn't want to make an appearance today,

"Okay get on my back and I'll piggy back you in there.." He said with a smile, for some reason I didn't believe him but his face was totally serious,

"J-Jungkook I'm in a dress.." I stuttered as I looked down at my choice of clothing which displayed my fancy outfit,

"..It's okay I've got a blanket in here somewhere.." He said whilst checking the boot of his car in a hurry until he finally found one which had Iron Man displayed across it and my God was it amazing..

I giggled quietly to myself and took the blanket off of him and wrapped it around my bottom half, "..Don't I look great?" I laughingly said whilst I gave a little twirl to show Jungkook my proud work, he just smirked as a reply like he always does - pft little flirt..

I then quickly jumped onto his back and buried my head in the crook of his neck in order to avoid the big building coming my way - I could hear him chuckling to himself but me.. I was lowkey pooping myself..

"Comfy Rinhi?.." He questioned as he kept taking big strides towards the building - each step for him was so easy as he walked towards that building, yet see if that was me I would be striding the complete wrong way.. You know like away from the building?
"..Rinhi, we're here.." The calmed toned voice of my teacher said as he turned his head slightly to see me still clung to his back like the koala I am,

"..Oh yeah okay sure.." I said, quickly leaping off Jungkooks back in a rush to unwrap the iron man blanket wrapped around my legs,

"..Honestly I think you should leave the blanket on.." Jungkook chuckled whilst he gazed down at the blanket still around my legs, "..But really you should, you're showing a lot of your legs off anyway.."

Excuse me Mr Fussy Jeon?
Who does he think he is?

I immediately turned my stare towards him with eyes full of shock at his words..
"..I will show as much of my legs off as I want to.."
And with that I yanked the blanket off and chucked it at my flabbergasted teacher and left into the huge area where everyone was, including my brother who was already off his head on alcohol.. Typical Eunji..

This place was posh. Men were dressed in very posh suits whilst mostly all the women were in elegant prom dresses which obviously made me stick out like a sore thumb with my little pink satin party dress - many expressions on the people as I walked in seemed a little taken back at my unique outfit choice however I love this dress so it's their loss whether they like it or not. Lol help me I'm actually crying inside..

"Wow well if it isn't my babe Rinhi?.." An unfamiliar voice said from behind me, it startled me at first because of how different and unusual this voice was however as I turned to see who it was memories began flashing back,

It was my childhood 'friend'..


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