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"Jesus Rinhi be quiet you're making my ears hurt" Eunji whimpered as he held his hands over his ears like a little child, "Me and Jungkook have been friends for ever, you've just never bothered about it that's all.."
I just sat in the front seat with a huge frown plastered on my face.. How did I not know?

The drive home was painfully slow - it was silent the whole time. I don't think Eunji wanted to speak to me after I just yelled at him, I don't blame him to be honest..
Eventually we did make it home and of course there was Mr Jeon standing outside of our house. I decided to get out of the car and ignore his existence whilst I entered my house,

"Nice to see you too Rinhi.." He spoke up awkwardly,
He still had on his work clothes but his hair seemed to be more messy than before..

"Yeah hi.." I said bluntly as I made my way up to my room instantly, I was too awkward to have to deal with my teacher in my house.. Weird stuff ..

"Sorry about her, she's so rude I swear to god.." I heard Eunji say to him, little did he know that I could still hear him from upstairs.. The failure..

"Eunji I can hear you~" I yelled to him as I still kept my eyes glued onto my phone,

"Well come down here and say hi to all of them then.." He then replied,

All of them?
How many of them is there?
I just mentally rolled my eyes and plodded my way down the stairs to be faced with 7 handsome men all gathered around a TV.. Wait Yoongi is there.. That's Sunny's older brother..

"Uhm.. Hi?" I said awkwardly as I waved slightly at them all,

"Ah she's so cute~" One of them said, he looked super handsome with his plump lips and black hair,

"Jin shush she is probably half your age.." One of them added as they hit 'Jin', they were also very handsome aswell - he had the biggest smile and kind eyes,

"Okay Jin, Namjoon please be quiet whilst I introduce all of you to her - okay?.." Eunji demanded like the bossy boots he is,
"Okay Rinhi, that's Jin.. He's likes to be known as 'worldwide handsome' but you don't need to say that.." Eunji said as he pointed at Jin who was smiling intensely at me..
"That's Namjoon, he is super smart so don't go messing with him" He said as he then pointed at Namjoon who was also smiling widely towards my direction,
"Then that's Jimin, Taehyung and of course.. Jungkook, they are basically the mischievous group of them all who seem to cause all of the trouble.." Eunji giggled as he pointed them all out one by one.. Each one of them smiled at me happily except Jungkook who just looked at his phone,
"Then that's Yoongi who you know, don't bother him at the minute - he's listening to music so don't interrupt him.." He said as he pointed at the sleepy Yoongi who was sprawled out on the sofa with my fluffy pink blanket wrapped around him,
"Then that's Hoseok.. He's basically the happiest out of them all, you will get on with him so just go say hi.." Eunji smiled as he signalled for me to go and sit next to Hoseok.. There was a spare space next to him so I may aswell take it..

"Uh hello.. I'm Rinhi.." I said as I smiled at him, waiting for a reply,
I waited until he finally looked up and took in my existence,

"Oh god.. Sorry I didn't know you were there! Your voice is so quiet.." He said as he smiled at me, his smile was so cute - it showed dimples either side of his face which I thought was pretty cool..

"Oh yeah sorry.. You're Hoseok aren't you?" I questioned as I looked at him happily,

"Yes I'm the one and only Jhopeeee~" he chirped as he got up and did a little dance which made all the others laugh a little, "and you are Rinhiii~"

He seemed like such a weirdo.. But a cool weirdo..
He lowkey reminded me a bit of Sunny, the way he acted was so energetic - just like her!

"Okay well I'm going up to bed now, nice to see some of you.." I said to most of them - except Jungkook..

"Ooo Jungkookie just got rejected~" Hoseok shouted as he pounced onto to flustered Jungkook ,

"I didn't reject him - it's just weird as yanno.. He's my teacher.." I said awkwardly as I looked at all of their shocked faces,
Why were they so shocked?
They must know?


I instantly got the dreaded death stare from Jungkook, he was not happy..

"Yes I'm a teacher, hence why I'm in these clothes.." Jungkook sighed as he got up and made his way towards me with his bag hitched over his muscular shoulder,
"I'm going to get changed now actually.. Move Rinhi.."
And with that he barged past me and made his way into the bathroom to get changed.. Bizarre..

"Wait so you guys could get together and it could be some kinky teacher and student st-" Namjoon began to say but got interrupted by Eunji covering his mouth with his hand,

"Wait but Eunji.. You're the same age as Kookie but you're still in school so how does that work?.." Yoongi asked as he got himself up from being fully laid out on the sofa,

"I'm still doing my courses to get into my job but Jungkook has completed his courses and so he's free to do a job.." Eunji stated as he filled them all in on everything, I then walked back up to my room to text Sunny on everything that just occurred,

Me - Sunny!! The weirdest thing just happened..

Sunny - Oh god what..

Me - Our teacher has made his way into my house along with your brother and 5 others.. It's so bizarre..

Sunny - oh my god.. Did you want me to come around for emotional support?

Me - ah no it's okay Sunny, I'm just going to lock myself in my room until they leave ;)


She makes me laugh
She already knew he was coming over but it was still a super weird experience,

I need to shower anyway.. I quickly dressed out of all my clothes and put a dressing gown over the top of myself and made my way into the bathroom. I was about to strip off until I saw my teacher SHIRTLESS and standing in my bathroom.. He was in super tight black jeans and his Calvins were seen on the waistband just above his jeans, his toned body then was exposed and he didn't even bother to cover it, meanwhile I was stressing out - I JUST SAW MY TEACHER HALF NAKED?

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