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I made sure I strutted into that school with all the determination I had. I put Jungkook in his place and finally I can move on. Who knows what's going to happen now, it scares me as to what's going to happen now.

"Okay class that essay is due for Monday - have a nice weekend.."

There was the voice of my fake teacher again. I've been ignoring him for 2 days straight with no interaction whatsoever - he hasn't even dared to speak to me either, wimp.

"Rinhi?.. A word please."

Spoke too soon..

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face my teacher. There was now nobody else in the room which just left me and him glaring at each other awkwardly,

"..what?.." I spoke up with my brooding eyes fixated onto his masculine figure - he looked good today, not even going to deny it.. He had on a tight white shirt with sleeves rolled up to reveal his muscular arms and tight fitting black trousers with a very snazzy Gucci belt to finish off his sophisticated look,

"Please.. Sit down.." He said with a very sly facial expression,

I huffed and sat down at his desk moodily. I decided to fiddle around with his spinny chair ,as I've always lowkey wanted one, until he actually decided to pay attention to me,
" know I am here?.." I said, "..I'm not invisible even though you may think I a-"

Suddenly Jungkook turned around and grabbed onto my chair showing his gritted teeth. His nostrils flared and his face basically showing the expression of pure anger. Then all of a sudden he started to reel me into him until our knees touched at the kneecap. The tension of the whole situation made it hard to bare - My face was a tomato..

"Oh little innocent Rinhi.." He whispered, "I wish you knew who you're talking too.."

His voice tingled through my ears with a slight ringing tone to it. It was like a broken record playing on repeat through my ears - it wouldn't stop going through.
Those words were stuck inside my ear.
What's so special about him?
Why has he suddenly turned phsyco?

I immediately broke the tension by releasing myself from his human knee trap but was soon stopped by his grip on my waist,

"Running are we?.." The devilish voice spoke, His arms were now tightly wrapped around me with all of his force. I tried screaming but it was no use - he had his hand over my mouth.
Little did he know that I could lick his hand which would obviously gross him out,
"Oh, you're a cat now?.." He laughingly said, "..if you cooperate I will release you so stop struggling.."

I obeyed his statement and to my surprise he let go of me.. I made myself into a right state. My eyes were puffy due to my tears I had kept forced away in my eyeballs and my hair was all ruffled and messy.
What's he doing to me?
The feeling of terror is running through my veins, I don't know what this man is capable of,

"I wouldn't try running again, all the doors are locked.." He said with a smirk that looked right through me,

"W-what do you want?.." I stuttered, trying to hold back my tears,

He huffed and began - "Nobody..NOBODY.. Has ever rejected me before.." He growled, "..You are the first.."

I stayed silent with my eyes looking owl like. His expression had now turned slightly evil, it looked as if he was enjoying mentally torturing me.

"..why can't you get it that I lik-"

As Jungkook was about to say anything else - Eunji's head popped up at the window opposite me and began making stupid noises outside which made Jungkook immediently put all of his attention towards Eunji, Thank god ..

"Hey guys!!.." Eunji's muffled voice said on the opposite side of the window, ".. Come on we are going home now so you might want to unlock the doors to actually leave the school.."

I've never been happier to hear his sarcastic voice. Little did he know that he saved me from a situation that could've been bad. Very bad..


Sorry for short chapter! It's all going quite slow atm so please bare with me!! I've just planned everything for this book and I'm quite excited to write all of it eeeeek

I lowkey want to write another book secretly and then post it all at once but I have no clue on what to do it about :( I've been trying to get inspo from Tv shows but nothing is coming to my head loool
Maybe I will base the next book off of my life & add BTS in it ;) maybe maybe 😉💗

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