Thirty Four

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Jungkook POV

"Mr Jeon, my man" Sloan heckled from the other side of the staff room, "-You coming out for drinks tonight?"

Little does Sloan know that I have been making excuses up for the past 5 weeks in order to NOT go for drinks with him,
"-ah mate not tonight I'm afraid, got a mad tonne to mark tonight"
- See, a lie.

The face Sloan made was the look of disappointment which I had been seeing the last 5 weeks where I've been kindly declining,
"Kook, bro," Sloan slurred as he walked over to me in a dreary mood, "-there's a woman in your life isn't there."

What is he going on about?
"What? N-no-"

"-No, don't even deny it bro," He interrupted, "-we have all noticed your mood over the past term, it's sad, and it's all due to a woman.. We know, we have all been there."

Now suddenly all the staff in the room had turned their heads in agreement to Sloan's accusation of me, as if it was actually true?

"Mr Jeon, forget her." Andrea, the schools cleaner, said as she turned to face me,

"Yeah Kook, I bet she's not worth it."

"You can tell you're miserable."

"She must be a terror to make you feel like this, you poor soul."

"Not even allowing him to go out to drink with his mates, gosh I hate women like that."

Suddenly all the teachers were agreeing with Andrea and Sloan as if this 'woman' is some terrible human.. Do they mean Rinhi?
Do they not understand how much that girl means to me?
- They have no idea.

"-excuse me." I intruded to their accusations, "-This woman you're all talking about, yeah, she's special. For all of you to be making these inferences is disgraceful - you have no idea."

I didn't even leave any time to look at their expressions because I soon left that staff room in a matter of seconds.
I have a job to do.
I need to find Taeyong.
I need to prove that I'm not a fricking pedophile.

Back to Rinhi POV

Ever since me and Jungkook left that janitors closet I've been worrying - why? Is it because I actually care about this man?
If my feelings are true then what the frickaroo am I meant to do? I've never been like this before.. Is it that I'm in love?
- I better not be. I've heard some bad things about love. Everyone ends up getting hurt in the end.

Jungkook is different though. He's odd.
There's so much lust, so much sexual tension and I don't believe that's love.
He's making me fall for him ever so slightly - it's  just the little things he's doing that's making me mad. Saying he 'cares', saying how much he's 'blown away by my presence' - I just don't know.

The walk home was lonely. I normally have Sunny but she had to stay to tutor Lucky, like she always does. Eunji isn't here either - he's doing football practice.
- I'm fully alone.
Jungkook seems to of disappeared off the face of the earth aswell - just to add to my loneliness.


Jungkook💩 - I need you to come to the police station.. Now.

Texts like this really make me fall for him even more, what the hell has he done now?
I quickly trooped ahead towards the station with all types of emotions building up. I haven't experienced nerves like these before, they were the types of nerves which darted through your belly like planes.. really, really sharp nerves.

"-Miss Lee?" An officer said sternly as they greeted me at the entrance standing broadly,

"-Yes that's me, is Jungkook anywhere?"
Before I could say anymore I was soon dragged by my arm towards the back of the station, near where the interrogations take place..
- Where my dad works.
Oh shizzle
Oh no.

"RINHI LEE." A loud, bold voice bellowed from the entrance which, of course, was my dad. It sent shivering ripples through my body in fear indicating that I am fully screwed.
"-Thankyou officer, I will take her from now on." My dad strictly implied to the scary officer,

I couldn't face him - there's no way I'm facing him.

"Rinhi," my dad softly stated, making me lift my head slightly to his calm tone, "-WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?"

Immediately my head shooted back down to the ground in disgrace. My eyes beginning to swell with tears,
"-I'm sorry."

I heard a sigh, "-I'm disappointed."
He then continued, "-I had sent that text from his phone thinking you wouldn't be that stupid to turn up but here you are. Do you know how humiliating this is?"

I couldn't hold the tears anymore, they rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably,
"-I thought he was in danger." I implied through a quiet voice,
This statement only made matters worse-


Oh I shouldn't of said that-


Oh oh oh it's going downnnnn

But guys I'm back!! Before I jinx it, I think my writers block has kind of passed?!
Ahhh let's hope - I love writing too much to give it up !! 😽
Thankyou for reading this chapter, I really appreciate x
- M xxx

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