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I was stunned for the third time in the last 24 hours. If anything else happens, I think i'll have a heart attack.


"Hey," she replied. She sounded so weak. She looked so frail. She tried to sit up, but she winced in trying to do so.

"I-I'm gonna call your parents and get the doctors in here. Okay?" I told her, still freaked out that she's even awake.

"Okay. Don't be long," she replied.

I walked out of the room very slowly. She woke up. My friend woke up. I wouldn't have to know what life would feel like without her, because she woke up.

I found Dr. Prado and told him Madison was awake. He looked happy and proceeded to call Madison's parents. I walk back to Madison's room and ask her if she needed anything at all. She tells me that she wanted some water because her throat is dry. As I hand her some water, her parents walk in the room and quickly embrace her in a hug.

"Don't ever scare us like this again," her mom said sternly.

Dr. Prado followed them into the room. He explained to Madison what disease she had and that she should take the medication prescribed to her. As Dr. Prado was talking, Madison did not look afraid at all. She was so confident. She did not have a look of worry on her face. Sometimes I wish I could be Madison.

"Thank you, Dr. Prado," Madison exclaimed.

"Anytime. You can leave the hospital when your ready. Your health is back up," he notified us.

"I'm ready to get out of here. Thank you again."

Dr. Prado nodded his head and walked out of the room. Madison changed out of the hospital gown she had on and hugged her parents. She started to make her way over to me.

"Thanks for staying with me. I don't want to be alone tonight, so do you want to sleepover at my house?" She asked.

A sleepover? I don't think I've had one of those before. What do you do at a sleepover? Sometimes I wish I had a normal childhood because then I would know what a sleepover is.

"Y-yeah sure," I stuttered.

"Okay awesome! We can leave here and go to my house."

I nodded and said goodbye to her parents. I made my way over to my car and turned it on. The volume to the radio went up to drain my thoughts out. I followed Madison to her house, while listening to top 40 hit's. When we arrived to her house, I walked inside and followed her to the bedroom.

"I don't have anything to sleep in," I said.

"You can borrow some of my clothes. We should get some sleep considering we have work tomorrow."

"Okay thanks. I think I am going to call boss and tell him I'm taking a personal day. It's 5 a.m. and I don't think I'll be able to get up in 4 hours," I said.

"That's a good idea. I'm doing that too," she smiled.

I sat down on her bed and looked around. The walls were blue and she had pictures hung everywhere from her childhood. Her room looked just as happy as she was.

The words I spoke next left my month before I had time to stop it.

"Your mom said you consider me your best friend. Why?"

She was in thought for a moment. I knew this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have asked. Now she's never gonna call me her best friend again. I was surprised when she spoke up.

"Calz, I've known you for so long. You know me and I know you. I love having you around to talk to and laugh with. You make me happy."

I smiled. No one has ever said such nice things about me. I wasn't special, but madison thought I was. She made me feel special.

"T-thank you, Madz. You're my b-best friend, too."

We started to talk a little more about the most random things. I guess this is what you do at sleepovers. I liked it.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Anything," she replied.

"This house, it's huge. It's bigger than my apartment complex. I was wondering, why do you work at the crappy diner when you obviously have enough money? You could probably work in such a better place than the diner."

She frowned and stayed silent for a second.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's fine," she interrupted me. "My family is very well known where i'm from. Some people recognize me on the streets sometimes because of my family. They are loaded," She laughed at her statement. She continued, " I inherited some of their money to start my life. They wanted me to go to college and have a great job. They wanted me to have a family and to provide for them with all the money they gave me. I didn't want that. I wanted to be my own person and provide for myself without the family name. I wanted to be myself, not my family. I tried to deny the money they gave me, but instead they bought me this house and put the rest of the money in my back account. I don't use it ever, unless of an emergency. I found a lowkey job at the diner and have worked there ever since," she stated.

"Oh," was all I could get out of my mouth. I didn't know that about Madison. I honestly wish I could be in her place, but I can see where she's coming from.

We started talking again. It was getting so early in the morning but we didn't care. We were having so much fun just being in each other's presence.

"Okay so I've been seeing shadows lately," I said.

"Maybe you're going insane," she laughed.

"No, No. I've been seeing the same figure around everywhere. It's a guy with brown hair and he just looks to familiar. I just don't know where i've seen him from."

"Maybe you'll meet him soon," she said.

"Yeah maybe."

"I never got to ask you what happened at the party," she exclaimed.

"Well, I lost you and then I saw some stairs, so I walked up them. I found myself in a room. I looked at some pictures of a small, happy boy. I ended up staying in that room for a while and then left. It wasn't that big of a deal," I said.

"Where did you see pictures of a boy?" She asked.

"I don't know. I walked into a room and started to look at them. Oh yeah! and then I went to the park the next day and drew the boy. Weird right?"

"You drew him?" she asked.

"I didn't plan on drawing him. It just kind of happened," I reassured her.

"Oh, I see."

"Madz, It's 8 a.m. and I'm so tired. Let's get some sleep," I said as I yawned

She nodded and covered herself with the sheets as I did the same. Tonight Madison and I got really close and I learned things about her that I've never did. I plan on keeping Madison close to me. That night I vowed to never let Madison go like I did with everyone else.

I fell asleep, dreaming about how life is looking up for a girl named Caly Paretti.



**I love Madison and Caly. Who's with me??

name a more iconic duo? i'll wait.


Keep reading my loves. Comment and vote pretty please <3


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