seventy three

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My leg is shaking up and down in excitement, nervousness, anticipation, and most likely every other emotion I can think of. He said he would be back around this time. Where is he?

My thoughts are cut off when the door swings open showing a very smiley Harry. I run up to him and jump into his arms. I know he did a very brave thing today with Louis and I'm just so proud of him.

He lets me go and tells me all about what happened. He leads me to the couch and smiles when he says that they are friends again. I knew it would happen and I can tell that he is genuinely excited for this friendship. I'm happy for them.

"This is all because of you, Caly, so thank you," he says kissing the top of my forehead.

"Anything for you, baby," I say putting my hand on his cheek and kissing his perfect lips.

"Now since everyone is finally friends again, do you think maybe we should throw a little party here? We've never had all of the friends hang out without a problem," I say hopefully his newly found friendship with Louis will make him say yes.

"Do I even have to answer? Anything for you," Harry says smiling making his eyes crinkle. Harry is the most attractive guy I've ever seen. I'm with him everyday and the beauty in his tiniest features baffles me every time.

"You're perfect," I blurted out. He's perfect in every way possible. I don't get how I ended up with such an amazing guy to hopefully spend the rest of my life with.

"Do you know what today is?" He asks with a smirk on his face. Suddenly I'm scared to know.

"What?" I ask very hesitantly.

"Our six month anniversary." Suddenly I remembered. Today six months ago was my birthday party where I tripped into Harry. Today six months ago was the day I found those pictures in Harry's room. I remember that day so vividly. Going to that party was one of the best days of my life. I met two of my best friends, Louis and Niall, and the love of my life. It couldn't have been better.

"It is, isn't it?" I asked in a playful tone.

"Six months ago, I saw you walk out of my room and I knew I had to make you mine. I-I have something for you," Harry says leaving me on the couch.

He walks back with a small gift, "Harry, you shouldn't have. I don't have anything for you."

"Baby, it's fine. I wanted this to be special. Open it," He said handing the gift to me.

I thanked him by giving him a small peck on the mouth and started opening the present my perfect boyfriend got me. I gasp when I see what he has given me.

They are gorgeous circle, pastel pink earrings with a "C" on one and a "H" on the other.

"If you don't like them, I-"

"Harry, no, they are beautiful. They are perfect. Thank you. I love you," I say before basically tackling him. The earrings are perfect just like him. Everything he does is perfect.

Laughing, Harry says, "Baby, look on the back of the earrings. You know everything I get you is always engraved."

As soon as he said that I flipped the earrings over. My eyes start to get glossy as I read 'angel, you are' on the left earring and 'my everything' on the right earring.

"I-I don't know what to say," I exclaim. I want to tell him that I love him so much and how much I love these earrings, but my mouth is shut tight.

"I mean it, you mean everything to me. Don't leave me ever. You got that, angel?" He says using that nickname I absolutely adore. I think he's picked up on it by now.

"I'm never leaving even if you wanted me to," I confess.

I fall into his lap and he places his arms around me. He whispers, "good" and kisses my hair.

"Should I call everyone and tell them to come here tomorrow? I have to go back to school on Monday, so we really don't have much time," I say.

"That's perfect. Do you mind if I call Louis and Niall and invite them?" Harry asks. I know he's all excited about being best mates with them again even if he's trying to hide it.

"Of course. You go call them." She smiles and stands up to call his best mates.

Meanwhile, I call Madison, Hope, and Zayn. Hopefully they haven't made any plans. I want everyone together just to have a great time with each other.

Everyone is so excited when I tell them about the party. Everyone seems to be coming. Harry came back in the room with a huge smile on his face. Probably because Niall and Louis are both coming.

Harry picks me up and spins me around. He kisses me when he puts me back down and says, "You know that I love you, right?"

I laugh and say, "I know, baby, I know."

"Let's get ready for a party!" Harry yells making me giggle.

Let's get ready for a party.




thank you guys for reading this book ahhh i'm sorry for the short chapter ,,, bUT good stuff coming up i promise.

ok bye bye i love you all so much !!!! vote and comment thank uuu


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