twenty one

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Madison took my hand excitedly and walked me to her car. I buckled my seat belt and Madison took off.

She turned the music up so loud, I couldn't hear my own voice. Madison turned to me and laughed. She was so carefree, and I wish I could be that stressless. She started singing at the top of her lungs. I laughed a powerful laugh and sang along with her. We both didn't care who was listening. I loved this feeling.

As I sang to the radio, my arms and waist start to dance to the music. I was getting so into the music. Music has always been such a big part of my life and I liked that I could be a different person or I could potentially be myself depending on the music. The arts were actually very beautiful.

When the song started to end, Madison laughed and turned the volume down with one hand still on the steering wheel.

"Caly, you sing amazing! You need to be heard," Madison exclaims.

"Thanks, Madz. But I can't sing in front of people. I would choke."

"I bet you could do it. You are going to be heard one day, I promise."

I nodded, but I knew I couldn't. That was my dream when I was younger, not my dream now.

We arrived at the party a couple minutes later. I hoped out of the car and immediately smelled the alcohol. This was going to be a long night.

I walked towards the party and started to get nervous. I haven't been nervous a lot lately and I liked not having that feeling. I didn't want to be nervous, I wanted to be confident.

I headed inside and looked for Niall and Louis. Madison immediately saw Niall and ran over to hug him. I laughed and walked up to him.

"Hey, Lou," I said still laughing at Niall and Madison.

"Hey. They are too cute, aren't they?"

"They are."

"You look very beautiful tonight by the way," Louis complemented.

"Thank you, Louis! Madison did my makeup and these are her clothes, so thank her," I said laughing.

"Well, she did a great job," he said while I blushed.

I looked around to see if there was anything I could do. I didn't want to be on the outside anymore. I've been on the outside all my life, and I never knew what being on the inside of everyone and everything felt like. Now I know how it feels, and I never want to go back to the outside. Getting a little taste of the inside is all you need to become addicted.

When I first came in, I noticed people playing beer pong on a table. I grabbed my friends and went over there.

"Caly, I thought you didn't drink?" Madison asked.

"I thought it would be fun to try something new. And how bad can it be? Everyone does it. I'm 21 and can legally drink now, so why not?" I said giving my full explanation.

"Well than go ahead," Madison stated.

I joined the group hesitantly. They handed me a ball and I tried to bounce it in the cup on the other side of the table. On the first try, I didn't make it in. I was so bad at this. I had never played beer pong before.

The person on the other side of the table must play this game a lot because on his first try, he made it in. I hesitantly picked up the red solo cup filled with alcohol. It smelt disgusting. I opened my mouth and poured it in anyways. I wanted to live for a night and this is how I'm going to do it.

I swallowed the liquid, but it burned my throat. I coughed softly, so no one would hear. This tastes awful, but my body is already starting to feel more relaxed.

I tried to throw another ball into the cups, but I missed again.

"Come on!" One boy shouted.

"Damnit!," Another person yelled.

The person on the other side of the table smirked and threw the ball straight into the cup. I picked up the red cup and shoved the alcohol down my throat. I'm more relaxed than I've ever been.

I pick up a ball and try so hard to throw it in the cup. Finally after three tries, I make it in. He easily slips the alcohol in his body. It didn't phase him at all.

He bounces the ball into my cup once more and I drank the liquid. I'm starting to feel really comfortable in my tight outfit and my pounds of makeup on.

I bounce the ball into the cup for my second time in a row. I'm feeling really proud of myself as I throw my hands up in the air.

The person bounces the ball, but misses the cup. I smirk at him and bounce the ball on the table, but I miss the cup. He instantly gets a ball and throws it directly in a cup. I took the shot.

After a couple more rounds and more alcohol, I felt like it was time to quit. I was drunk at this moment and I was actually having a good time. This is the first time at a party that I didn't need friends to help me have a good time. It felt awesome to be independent.

People are having a great time on the dance floor, so I decide to join. All the alcohol in my body makes it so I am carefree, like Madison. I dance the night away, not caring if I looked weird or not.

I now understood why people drank. It's because they want to become something they are not for a night. They wanted to have a good time, not an awkward time.

I felt like I should look for my friends, but I am having too much fun. I am truly having fun right now. If I would have told myself I would be having this much fun five years ago, I would have died laughing. I didn't have fun up until now.

I was dancing in every which way. I didn't know what I was doing, but I liked it. I kept moving around dancing, when I felt a pair of hands on my waist.

I didn't think anything of it because I'm drunk and I wanted to have fun.

But little did I know,

the fun would stop there.



**HOOOLLLYYY SHIIITTT. the fact that I know whats coming next and you guys dont AGH IK IM KILLING YOU IM SORRY

im literally so glad caly is having fun. she DESERVES it.

I legit wrote half of this chapter at school and Im very proud of myself that no one caught me hahaha.

IM SORRY FOR THE SLOW UPDATES ONCE AGAIN. SCHOOL IS KILLINGGG MEEE. and mardi gras is starting in new orleans so i'll have even less time:( but i'm trying i promise

keeeeeppp voting my loves. COMMENT ON THIS CHAPTER OK BYE LY


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