sixty four

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"I'll miss you so much. Visit soon!" Gemma said to me as I am getting my bag out of the trunk of the car.

"I'm planning on it," I tell her. How could I not already want to visit again? England is beautiful and Anne and Gem are like my family now. I'm going to miss them more than anything.

"Gem, I'll call you. Harry and I will call you. I promise. I'll keep in touch," I say to Gemma assuring her that I'm not leaving forever.

"Good. I'm looking forward to it!" She says hugging me very tightly.

Anne walks up to me, "Thank you, Caly. Come back soon." I love this family. My family.

"I am," I say with glossy eyes. I whisper in Anne's ear, "Thank you for welcoming me into your family. I'm proud to even know you." Anne gives me the longest hug possible and says into my hair, "You deserve the world."

Harry hugs Gemma and tells them that he promises he is going to come back very soon and that he will keep in touch. Anne and Gemma smile at his words.

With a few tears running down my face, we walk into the airport leaving Anne and Gem. I never knew I'd miss them this much.

After a while, we get into the plane and grab some snacks for the plane ride. Harry holds my hand on the plane ride just like last time. I am less freaked out this time around. I look out of the window and see the beautiful England I have come to love. I'm going to miss it.

After eating all of the snacks, we get off the plane. We get our luggage and take a cab home. When we got home, we were so tired from the plane ride and jet lag, so we decided we should call it a day and go to sleep. As I lay down with Harry, he kisses my forehead and wraps his arm around me.

"I love you," Harry whispers into my hair as I am about to fall asleep.

"I love you," I say as I drift into sleep.

I wake up to the smell of food. I get up from the bed and twist the ring on my finger. I still can't get over how gorgeous it is. The huge diamond in the middle of the silver band makes me wonder how much it cost. I hope not a lot. Harry doesn't need to spend that much money on me.

I see Harry cooking on the stove in the kitchen. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss him on the back. He turns the stove off and turns around to kiss me on the lips.

"Good morning, angel," he says in between kisses. I love when he calls me angel.

I broke the kiss and we ate pancakes. Harry grabbed the syrup for me so my pancakes weren't dry. Everyday went by like this, as happy as this. Everyday was perfect with Harry.

I went to lunch with Madison one day during the Christmas break that I had left. I told her everything that happened in England. She wanted to hear every detail, so that's what I told her.

Lastly, I showed her the ring. She practically yelled in the restaurant. She thought Harry proposed to me. I told her what the ring was really for and I think she was even happier for me.

Niall, Louis, Harry, Madison, Hope, Zayn and I all got together also. We went out to bowl. It was so much fun. The laughs everyone had was amazing. Louis and I were a bit awkward with each other, but overall everyone had a blast.

The original group had to get together also: Niall, Louis, Madison, and I. We all hung out in my apartment. Harry went back to his apartment for the day. We talked about what happened in England and everyone seemed to be really happy for me, except Louis. It's fine though.

Niall told us about what all of them did during Christmas break. It sounded fun, but nothing compared to what I did. Harry made my life sound fun.

Harry and I spent the most time together, every night practically. I'm pretty sure I've moved in with him because half of my clothes are at his place and I spend almost every night there. He hasn't asked me officially yet, but I think it's coming soon. After he gave me this ring, it should be coming soon.

The ring. I look at it every day and admire it. I feel like it connects us in a way. When Harry is not with me, I feel like he is through this ring. Harry always wears his chain also. It looks so good on him.

I got a manicure during Christmas break just so the ring would look good on my finger. I could take pictures of it and not cringe at my nails.

Tonight is the night before New Year's Eve. Harry and I had plans to go get ready at Madison's house, then go to this club that recently opened. All of us never go out, so we figured why not? I'm actually pretty excited because I haven't been to a club in a while. It's going to be nice to dress up and go somewhere that isn't a restaurant or Harry's apartment. Don't get me wrong, I love Harry's apartment.

I am at Harry's house watching a movie cuddling up to him. If we could stay like this forever, I'd be perfectly fine. I had my head on his chest and his arm was wrapped around me. It felt perfect.

After a while, we went called it a night. I feel asleep dreaming about the curly haired boy dreaming next to me.



**alright so this is kinda just catching you guys up on what's been going down and coming up during the break.

school starts in four days and im not okay about it. help me.

so ps. i love y'all and you all are so beautiful and amazing. just so you know

dont be a ghost reader !! comment ur thoughts.

thank you for reading this book. i love you all.


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