thirty five

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I woke up to an empty bed. I was hoping Niall would stay the night, but he said he couldn't because he had things to do, whatever that meant. I prayed that it didn't have to deal with that Hope girl, because I didn't like her a lot. She acted so weird around Niall, it made me uncomfortable. I needed to ask Niall about her, but I don't want to invade his privacy. I'm not his girlfriend, so what did it matter to me?

I made myself get up out of bed after what seemed like forever. As I was about to make some breakfast, Caly barges through the door.

"I made a key. Get dressed, put makeup on, and get ready," she says.

"Why? Get ready for what?" I asked a little started.

"No questions. Get ready," she said sternly.

"Caly, it's 10 a.m. What could I possibly be getting ready for?" I asked confused.

"There's an outfit already in your closet. Put it on and get your makeup ready. Meet me downstairs," Caly says. She walks out of my room without any further instructions. My door slams shut, making me jump a little.

I go to my closet and Caly was right, there is an outfit waiting for be put on. It was a beautiful, black dress and nude heels. The heels were not too high, just as I like it. I slipped the dress on and it fell to my mid thigh. It hugged my waist perfectly. This dress was the definition of beautiful.

I put on the heels that were equally as beautiful and started on my makeup. It took me about half an hour to perfect my face. I walked downstairs to where Caly told me to meet her. I spotted her sitting on the couch, smiling at her phone. She's probably texting Harry. Those two were so in love, but Caly most likely didn't know that yet. I know love when I see it, and they definitely had it. Caly says love doesn't exist but I can tell Harry is going to change her perspective on love soon.

Caly finally notices me when I walk a little closer to her.

"What are you wearing?" I ask laughing. She has a chauffeur hat on and a black suit on. I would say it's Harry's, but it didn't look like he would own a lot of suits.

"Hi, I'm Caly Paretti and I'll be your chauffeur for tonight," she said shaking my hand, "If I may?" she stuck her arm out. I connected our arms and she walked me outside. I laughed the whole way. Why was she doing this?

My eyes widened when I saw the limo outside of my house. Was that for me?

Caly answered my question for me when she opened the door to the black limo and motioned for me to get in. I got in the backseat of the long car and Caly went in the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I was instructed to not answer any of your questions, Ms. Campbell. Enjoy the ride," Caly said as if she didn't know me.

What was going on?

I decided not to talk to Caly for the rest of the ride. She wasn't going to tell me anything anyways. I looked out the window to try and figure out where we were going. I didn't recognize anything. I needed to learn this part of the city better.

We drove for about 30 minutes when I realized were probably not in LA anymore. I didn't know where Caly was taking me and with each second my anticipation heightened.

It was about 15 more minutes until Caly stopped the car. I sigh in relief that I finally get to see where I am. Caly opens the door for me and I take a look at my surroundings. I'm at a store?

I walk into the small shop and I see vinyls and cds. My jaw drops in awe. No one knows about my record player at my house. My secret love of retro music has been told to no one.

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