13RW: Hannah, who broke my soul tbh

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First of all. daily dose of salitness.




I don't know hER.

Oops. I'm too exhausted to upload daily oh well. Let's pretend a day is at least 36 hours :-D

***********okay BEGIN************

Disclaimer: as a lot of you- and that's GOOD- I don't support this show. I only "support" Jessica's storyline. or okay idk if I can call it support but I found her story more realistic. i really really REALLY hate how Hannah's depression is portrayed and I also hate sky's self harm "storyline " bc I found it actually to be offensive but that's a whole other story.

disclaimer out of the way so;
Okay so I can kind of relate to Hannah, but also I can't at all bc this show is kind of - actually Really much- not good at accurate representation.

I'll keep it short (haha hilarious joke) (my phone tried changing hilarious to Klaroline, that ladies and gentlemen is when you know you have a shipping problem).

I'll discuss Some tapes briefly. Oh and I don't remember everything (most of it I remember) but that's bc I saw this show months ago and i'm not about to torture myself by watching it again thank you very much.

TAPE 1: Hannah
The picture? ×sshole move. Unesseccary. But we later learn justin can't say no to Bryce, not even in situations where it IS VERY IMPORTANT. oh boi we learned that the hard way , jess :'( .

TAPE 2: Jessica
I'll dedicate a whole chapter to her because her story literally broke my heart.

TAPE 3: Alex
Honestly, his intentions were innocent. BUT he shouldn't have made that list. What was he thinking? That everyone would ignore it? That they wouldn't harass Hannah? I've seen guys make these lists , even one person who was my friend. He said that it isn't a big deal and that its just a 'joke amongst guys'. And that 'it wouldn't be such a big deal if girls did it.'
but you know what? Guys make these kind of lists way too often. And take them seriously.
10 pointa for hooking up with girl number 1? Go for it.

That is seriously f×cked up. Okay back to Alex. Alex sweetie, it's not your fault Hannah did what she did. She was mentally ill. BUT you unintentionally started her bad reputation and for that you should take some blame.

TAPE 4: Tyler
Creep. Can choke. Next.

TAPE 5: Courtney
You gay honey, embrace it, live it, be it. YOU CAN'T LIE THE GAY AWAY HUN, doesn't work like that.
I got why she wasn't so keen on coming out tho, she felt like she couldn't do that to her dads because then people will think "of course the daughter of a gay couple is gay too."
"Alleged rapist" shush, zip it, sToB.

TAPE 6: Marcus
You d×ck. This is what I mean with taking lists seriously. 'She's easy'
so she'll jerk you off in a restaurant? How delusional are you MaRCuS. Learn how to respect women or f×ck off. Oh and he proteced bryce, even worse.

TAPE 7: Zach
He's a good guy. Petty, but a good guy. He's kinda a tool because he doesn't understand why Hannah was kinda harsh to him. Bruh, your friend Justin spread a picture , your friend Alex made a list, your friend Marcus made her feel like trash.
Of course Hannah is gonna reject you. Plus she was unhappy and depressed therefore couldn't really see everything as it is. (The throwing the paper away scene).

TAPE 8: Ryan
That poem was private you selfconceited prick. But he hates Courtney so he gets some plus points.

TAPE 9: Justin 2
Justin. Why. Why. Why.

Like Hannah said "that girl had two chances that night, both let her down".
Yes, Hannah let Jessica down. Hannah should have come out of that closet and tell bryce to stop (eventhough K
I get why she wouldn't, Bryce is crazy).
And Justin should have gone down stairs and called for help. He knew damn well that Bryce didn't go into that room to 'talk' with Jessica.

But I guess I get why, "what is yours is mine" Bryce said. Those are powerful words for someone who never got anything in his life (justins home life made me sad tbh). But it still angers me alot. It scarred her for life, Justin and all you had to do was go downstairs and get help. More mad at Bryce tho, the hate I have for him is just .... maximum level.

TAPE 10: Sherry
Selfish. Jeff deserved better. Should have called the police. Idc about her, she made the right choice at the end tho.

TAPE 11: Clay
MY SMOL BEAN. You didn't kill her Clay. She killed herself. Sorry if it sounds harsh but yes she killed herself and Clay is not at fault.
He was insecure, he didn't know whether Hannah liked him.
He couldn't look into Hannahs head. Bc she gave mixed signals (I don't blame her for that, I'm just trying to see this from Clays perspective).
From hannahs perspective, Clay was being a bit vague too. Sometimes he seemed uninterested but he was just shy or didnt know what to say. Hannah thought Clay hated her.

TAPE 12: Bryce
YOU CAN DIE. I hate him so so so so much. So much. Just thinking about him makes me wanna run him over.
With a truck. With spikes om the tires. About 10 times.

He's such an arrogant psychopath.

It was clear that Jessica
And Hannah both gave no consent.

From Hannahs perspective we think Jessica was unconsiouss, but later we learn so was half unconsioussness. Right?  maybe Hannah knew Jessica was awake but then she says "can you blame someone for something that happened while they were unconsiouss."

From Jessica's perspective we learn that she was consciouss but very confused. She saw double, everything was vague, she couldn't keep her eyes straight ahead, and she couldn't move. Because the alcohol made her very confused and very slow.
She asks "where is justin?" , "what is happening".
Clearly stating she doesn't know what is going on. Also she cries out when Bryce, you know, so he should have heard that. He probably did.
There are no excuses. This girl didn't consent and couldn't have. Bryce knew damn well it was rape. Well turns out he didn't know? We hear in episode 12. I CALL BS.

Hannah, hannah I'm so sorry. Even if she's fictional the "it felt like i was already dead" just kills me. She went into complete shock. She wanted to flee but he pushed her against the tub.

BRYCE I HOPE U ROT IN JAIL. Although I'm not gonna wish rape on him , like alot of people do, because I swear, you don't want that for anyone. He deserves the isolation, the loneliss, the bullying, the humiliation and the 'women-less' surroundings that prison provides. Because he needs to stay away from women... far far away.

TAPE 13: Mr. Porter
He failed. He failed at his job. He failed Hannah. But, I get his mistakes. Its hard to say the right things.
But there is absolutely one thing he did wrong: "maybe you changed your mind."

It's consent or it is not.

Hannah was sure it was NOT consent. So it ISN'T consensual. Don't ever ask a sexual assault/rape victim if they secretly enjoyed it or if they just 'regretted' it. Regret is not rape? Well : RAPE IS NOT REGRET.

It's honestly the most heartbreaking thing to hear.

Okay thay was it. I'll post the chapter on Jessica later.

Oh SHOUT OUT TO MY BOY JEFF, Rip you angel.


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