BL / bxb are HIGHLY problematic and I'm concerned, here's why:

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^^ This vid explains the problem with consent in Thai bl. I'd recommend you watch it!

⚠️ Trigger warning: talk about consent and sexual assault ⚠️

what a title.

for y'all who read / watch a lot of lgbt and ESPECIALLY bxb content, read pls

A/N: so for series I'd usually call it BL (boy love) and here I'd call it bxb (boy x boy). but as I'll be talking about both I'll just call it BL :)

so. BL is ridiculously popular. and obviously I got no problem with it i mean lgbt should be normalized and get as much representation as it can (except doesn't apply for us girls for some reason bc GL IS NONEXISTENT?? I'm frustrated).
anyways I'm here to talk about the very VERY problematic side of the BL world.

as this is wattpad I'll talk abt wattpad in (A) and as the series got very popular especially during quarantine, about Thai BL series in (B).

we got so many amazingly written bxb stories on here like you writers, love you. But y'all ain't safe from my criticism yet

• ... got a question: why do you think gay relationships need a "feminine" man and a "masculine" man ????

obviously those type of relationships exist and i dont find anything wrong with it, where it gets problematic is where you make it the default. As if there always should be one very fragile always in need of help feminine guy (whihc is also insulting to women wtf) who gets completely dominated by this masculine ripped af dude.

are y'all aware that gay men... are... like other men..? sexuality doesn't determine everything about a person so making it their only personality trait ... insulting + it reinforces stereotypes.

I'll explain further in the Thai bl section bc it's a big BIG problem there.
okay so i read a lot of crime stories. usually I like the murder mystery ones. I also sometimes read some stalker stories etc. and although this problem is also very evident in straight stories in bxb the reactions of readers are very problematic.
like a stalker could literally murder the guy's whole family , kidnap him and even sexual assault them and STILL y'all be shipping them. Why? Because he's a guy? I honestly can't understand why any of you continue to ship the most fucked relationships. and don't even say that it's fiction. if you can still ship a rapist with the victim EVEN in FICTION then there's still something very wrong with your morals and also is sending the worst message ever. victims gets invalidated, people lose their lives, rapists get away with it a lot, victims get shamed and more; and you got the audacity to say "meh it's just fiction and they're cute so imma support this ship". it's so fucked up its making me so angry fr. check yourself.


TharnType (Tharn X Type, TharnType the series)
• if you haven't heard of this, let me tell you they're insanely popular. This is a Thai series so if you're not into the Thai series you probably didn't hear of it, anyways if you do watch it or are on the internet a lot you probably did somewhere. I almost wanted to make a whole chapter on them but idk if people would read so I'll rant here.

Okay so I did ship them, and at the end of the series I really did but it's so so hard to ignore the beginning and some things in the series. This series has a PROBLEM WITH CONSENT. I am tired, so so tired of people dismissing consent for gay couples. Consent = consent, regardless of gender.

Type is homophobic due to the sexual abuse he endured at the hands of a pedophile (a man), this made him a very angry and hateful person towards gay people. He discovers that his university room mate, Tharn, is gay, he doesn't accept this hence tries to move room, when this doesn't work he wants tharn to move out, by taunting him and being a bad roommate he thinks tharn will give up. Tharn on the other hand doesn't want to move bc he didn't do anything wrong, he also wants to prove to Type that he'll make him fall form him. SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT STORY RIGHT.

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