CRACK SHIPS: ships that are kinda unrealistic but shouldve just happened

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So. We all have those two characters we really like together and at one point we're like... they.. they would be perfect together.
But you just know it's never gonna happen.

And you know what kind of ships they usually are : they're gay.

In my very well researched discovery which is just existing on the internet and reading what people think abt a show,.. IT IS ALMOST ALWAYS THE GAY SHIPS.

And it makes sense. Because we have to search for them often as we either don't get anything, we get one character so there can't be more..(? What's up with that) or it's just queer baiting and the characters are made canonically straight or they're set up with someone from the opposite sexe.

So lemme tell y'all which ship should've just happen but didn't 😃 and never will😃 there are categories tho so lemme attempt to categorize them.

1) The : it was never gonna happen but damn WHY NOT. category :

TEEN WOLF: Liam x Theo
Okay so I didn't plan on hopelessly shipping them. Like I knew a show like teen wolf or by their second name "queer bait central", that they wouldn't make this happen. Like they got 2 gays and that's enough for them lmaoo. Oh right one of them twins and the lizard dude are gay too but they were barely in it so lemme just talk over that.
Anywyas, THIAM. I was kinda shipping them bc I ship characters that hate each other because I'm problematic like that lol. I did understand that it was a bit fucked up in the beginning but when it comes to supernatural shows my ideas about what's problematic and not changes a bit so they're fiiiine. But damn there aren't many heterosexual explanations for Liam and Theo tho. Like guys is it gay to have unstoppable anger issues and visual delusions that can't be stopped unless your bestiee that u hate helps you out of it by Having a special connection to you?? And friendssss is it gay to put your trust into someone eventhough it could end your life??? ANDDD is it gay to see the best in someone because you feel such a connection eventhough everyone doesn't see it that way???

don't even come at me with the whole " cant men just be friends" like stfu you know how many millions of male friendships there exist in shows?? Indeed. Millions.

And how Theo looked at Liam in the elevator ??? And the "I'm not dying for you... but I will fight with you"


anywyas. THIAM. Should've happened but they wouldn't give it to us bc there were enough lgbts in the show and teen wolf is master at queer bait.

Shadow hunters: Raphael X Simon
Did y'all see this too????? THE TENSION. also they're vampires but being gay is too unrealistic lmao. I haven't watched this show for so long and if I remember right they haven't really interacted in a long time but making Raphael straight is an attack on the el gee bee tees. Like girl thst man is a whole pride parade. And Simon.. bi icon. I know what I see.
I just wanted two vampires together tf instead I get lesbian lizzie with raging homosexual Raphael. Offensive !!

Shadow hunters: Lizzie x A WOMAN.
Lesbian Lizzie. Before anyone acts stupid and says she can be pan or bi or whatever .. ofc. Any sapphic Lizzie is great. I just like to see a lesbian OR a bi person who doesn't only date men. And Lizzie is the perfect candidate. She got that sappho energy. Just radiating.

My hero academia : kirishima X bakugou
I swear I didn't ship anything on this show I sweaaar. I'm just here for my todoroki fix. But then I saw kirishima and bakugou and I was like hMmm okay. IT WAS JUST A CRAXK SHIP TO ME OKAY BUT I SUDDENLY TOOK IT SEEIOUS. idk when or how it happened but I suddenly shipped them for real. I think it's because their dynamic is not as abusive or hateful as with bakugou and deku for example. Y'all like to ship them but their whole relationship got zero redeeming qualities.
Anyways enough bout them. With kiribaku it's different. Bc kirishima is the only one who can get kacchan to do stuff without getting murdered. He even got him to wear a suit??? And bakugou showed real concern for kirishima when he was attacked.
Ngl I really don't give a fck if any of the characters in MHA get together bc i don't really care abt the romance in here. It isn't a main theme. But I do like to crack ship kiribaku.

2) the what in the queerbaiting bs is THIS.
Supernatural: Castiel x Dean
Do I need to say more. The homophobic homosexuals of supernatural. Like Castiel is an angel who doesn't know wtf humans are doing. So the fact that he would fall in love with a human bc it's just what his heart says is more than understanble.
But this is supernatural. It's the no homo bro dude show. I mean the actors have literally mocked shipping even though it's what carried that show. Only misha Collins is a real one. That man ship destiel he's the captain. But I think jensen ackles is just too much of a BrO dude to really get behind it.
I'm glad I didn't watch the whole show because if I waited like 10+ years only to see my fave gays getting a love confession, then one of them rejects them in homophobe and then the gayngel get send to superhell for being super gay??? Damn that would be the dissapointment of a life time.
Anyways the show knew what it was doing by attracting the alphabet mafia to their show only to shut them down bc they wanted their "I'm not comfortable with the gay energy we created in this room" watchers to not have to deal with gays.

Teen wolf : Derek X stiles
Well. Ngl I didn't even really ship them. But I don't remember why not. Legit no idea maybe if I rewatch I would ship them more. The problem is the advertising tho. Dylan O'Brien and the dude playing Derek were literally in these vids where they would act affectionate with each other to lure in fans. And then they are both straights. Like idk why they're promoting it as if they're a ship if they're not doing anything with it. Oh right I know.
Same as supernatural.  It's to bring in certain fans to keep them watching and to keep all the fans who don't wanna see it. Once again teen wolf is a very straight show even though the creator said he wanted to create a world where homophobia doesn't exist. Yes creator, there isn't homophobia bc ur gays aren't doing gay shif so nothing to be phobic abt lol.

This anime. I thought it was a lgbt anime like Given?? But it isn't. It's just creating an entire ship that viewers ship to create a fandom. It plays into the same thing teen wolf does. Kinda tiring.

3) the , they're literally so in love but it gets described as a strong bromance bc censorship and sensitive straights ruin everything but they're 100% confirmed to be in love bc of the books they're based on or bc you've EYES- category :

Word of honor
So this is based on a novel where they're indeed soulmates. This show is kinda unhinged in their homosexual agenda Lowkey. Like it gets promoted as a bromance but they kept in so much from the books I love it. Like they literally call each other soulmates, they wanna spend their lives together, they've never turned their backs against each other ever, they literally were like two dads raising their kid, the STARES. this show kept so much from the books. The only things they didn't keep was the obvious psychical things like kissing but all the subtle and not subtle ngl were kept in. Ive legit NEVERR seen a censored show be this bold. Love it to death fr.

The untamed
This is literally the same as word of honor. It's based on a novel where they're husbands. But the show portrays it as a bromance. Yeah wangji only waits 16 years for wuxian to return and only focused on getting Wuxian back for all those years like the historian besties thst they are. They never turn against each other. Even when the whole world was against wuxian, wangji never. Not once. Turned against him. He fought the world for Wuxian. He left everything and everyone behind and dropped the rules he learnt for his entire life to be with Wuxian. Goddamn I love them so much. They and WOh are literalky the best lgbt couples Ive ever seen eventhoihj they're heavily censored.

Banana fish
This again is very obvious. Especially when you look at the opening themed and the overall themes. How they reach for each other but get ripped away from each other. And how casually ash just kissed eji and how flustered he was because of it ahhhhh. Love love them so much. They literally saved each other
Eji gave up bc his life got turned around when he could t be a pro athlete anymkre. He felt like he had no future. Then he met ash. And he lived again.
Then you have ash. Who's been abused and used so much in his life that all he knows his keeping that burning hatred and sadness alive in him go get through life. But eji is the one who softens him to make him feel again. He could never trust anyone because someone always wanted something from him nothing came for free in his life. And there was eji. Giving him unconditional love. Nothing in return. And trusting him with his life. I WILL NEVER GRT OVER THEM I LOVE THEM MORE THAN ANYTHING.

so imma go cry over bananafish again and y'all can watch these show of the last category bc at least they're not as disappointing as the others

Okay byeeee

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