dont say no the series: this is AWKWARD but cute ig + I HATE tharntype

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So yes I got irritated with bl series so I didn't watch them for a while so I almost forgot I was watching this one. I saw a vid abt leo and fiat and they were in season 2 of tharntype.
I'm not the biggest tharntype fan I must say .. which is an unpopular opinion I know lol. I just don't reaaally ship them so it isn't worth he fcked up shit or bad writing. There are too many miscommunications and fights whihc irritate me a lot. Also the whole consent debate.. don't like them too much.

But I got kinda interested in the side couple Leo and fiat bc they're very cute together. Aesthetically.
And i think they actors got great chemistry and act well.


So don't say no the series is a series that focuses on Leo and fiat as a the main couple but I didn't know that before so I first watched eps from dont say no the series before I watched their original story in tharntype2.

I literally had no fucking clue what they kept referring to so I stopped watching and went to watch their scenes in tharntype s2, lmaoo why did I do that they were much better without me knowing what happened in tharntype2.

So we learn that Fiat is a rich playboy who sleeps with a lot of men ig. Well good for him fr we don't shame being sexual active in this household.
I also really love actually that the series just openly says Fiat is gay and that he isn't really shamed in a homophobic way - as other series have done- for being so sexually active. You could argue that he's portrayed as some gay stereotype I see that, but they didn't really do that. In this aspect tho... other aspect UHMM.

So fiat is best friends (?ig) with Leo. Leo is uhh actually they don't really say much about his character or where he's from or what his life is like. It could also be bc I watched this some time ago and I just can't remember what his backstory is. Anyways Leo is in love with fiat. But fiat doesn't have a clue. Even though Leo and fiat are basically dating because they literally act like boyfriends.

In tharntype2 we learn that fiat likes Type. Yeah type, we remember him. I actually like Type tho. It's Tharn that I like less🤨 Yes sorry. Anyways Type and fiat are kind of friends but also not bc Type is basically just a tutor or something.

So I didn't really think the storyline was very special but it was interesting tho. And I  understood very well how fiat was pursueing this "love" he couldn't have (type) bc of his harsh loveless upbringing , he probably had a desperate need for love and afraid of losing someone who loves him (Leo) or not believing he's loved, makes him afraid of committing to anyone and fully given himself to love.


???? Fiat ?????? Drugs ?????? Type????
like ?????? LIKEEEEE WHAT.

Like type gets all fuuucked up and can't walk straight so fiat helps him and walks with him. But fiat his intentions aren't to actually help type. He wants to kiss type (it's even implied he wants to sleep with him???). So he does. But type is literally half unconscious Against the wall panicking bc he's so messed up bc of intoxication. It's sad ://

Nothing more happens bc they get interrupted but what the fck.
This is honestly so typical fcked op consent bs a lot of BLs pull. And this series came out in 2021 I thought we began to leave these type of storylines in the past but apparently not. Isg I do NOT like the writer of tharntype at all fck them.

Anyways we get some more background on why fiat acts like this but damage is done bc Tharn and type breakup over it ??? see this is also why their relationship is so exhausting. So type gets literally drugged and suddenly he a cheater. Like Tharn pls stfu.

Okay so back to fiat and Leo. There was a part missing bc I couldn't watch it on Line like I did before so I missed some part. What I read is that fiat apologized. Idk what more.

Well, I only watched this when I was already watching dont say no the series so yeah this kinda pissed me off and set the mood for dsnts.

So I thought this series began cute. Actually this whole series is a combi of just being fluffy but also hot at the same time. There's also drama in the story and family problems. Kind of the standard mix for a Thai bl. The beginning is like this:
It's about what comes after you begin a relationship. Often times the series kind of stop in the beginning of the relationship but here it shows the awkwardness and just newness of relationships. Leo never had one and fiat didn't settle down with anyone long enough so they're both discovering. It's cute.

Like not even the normal kinda oh so cute awkward. The more "im crawling out of my skin" awkward
And coming from me this is rare. Honestly I don't feel second hand embarrassment that quickly but this pushing it hahshsdhdg bro.

I mean they keep saying out of pocket awkward  SHIt in front of their friends like pls say this when no One around so I don't have to worry abt you sounding so silly.

Okay all this aside I really like how well they communicate tho.
They're a very healthy relationship.
They're also extremely cute together and fit togehter so well.
They don't shame each other for anything and talk abt everything.
They have interesting backstories (except idk abt Leo lol). So it is a series worth to watch if???

Which sounds silly and hypocritical since I didn't finish it oopsss.

For me the whole tharntype2 scenes they had kinda clouded their series a bit since the tt2 storyline was so bad. But I stopped watched because I found it extremely awkward and sometimes it was just too fluffy for me. Like I wanted more humour more friendships between other characters etc. And I usually like the side couples more but haven't seen any so I got bored.

I still kind of want to continue watching bc I heard it does get good. Maybe I need to get over the first part and get to the solid story.


Watch it. Or don't. Doesn't matter hahsh great chapter yall okay hyeeeeee

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