GRAND ARMY: i love joey and some of yall are SICK.

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This title is passive aggressive sorry lol. It's not aimed at any of you guys, but at particular "fans" of this show.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

So I actually love this show. Like idk if people hate it or not so idk the general opinion on this series BUT I LOVE IT ALOT. I've watched it multiple times .. isn't always the best idea but still.

idk if you haven't seen this show, if you have you'll know exactly what I'm talking about so I'm not going to repeat all the plot and if you haven't, SPOILERS!!! for ALL episodes.

(Most) main characters are great. My faves are Joey and Dom. Dom is literally such a strong and inspiring person, and there are many people who've to grow up too fast to support their family like dom so the story is very important.

The show deals with every important topics such as racial profiling and racism, discrimination, sexism and misogyny, and sexual assault.
anyways watch it,

but beware:

⚠️ Trigger warnings and content warnings⚠️
Sexual assault, racism, discrimination, some indication of homophobia (not direct).

So I wanna talk about Joey delMarco.
And also how some of the watchers have been treating her whihc absolutely DISGUSTS ME?!! I think even people with good intentions might have thought about her in a way that I'm gonna discuss so pls don't think I'm calling you a horrible person or something.

⚠️ spoilers for all episodes but you can still read this and watch it after tho or other way around.


So Joey is portrayed as this popular girl who's really comfortable with herself, who has a lot of friends and would do anything for her friends, many people like her or want to be her. She's confident and knows exactly what she wants.
She also is (a self proclaimed) activist of social justice.

She often gets accused of being an attention seeker tho. As well as a girl with no self respect. Examples are when she organized a "free the nipple" protest where she encourages te girls of the school to not wear a bra to protest against unfair dress codes and girls being send home Bc they are supposedly a distraction.

She's best friends with 3 guys Luke, George, and Tim and her best friend who is the sister of Tim. She has known George since she was young, Luke idk when she met him, Tim is her best friends brother and she has a crush on Tim too.

So Joey is in a few words a carefree extraverted confident girl who knows what she wants.

But then one night, when she goes to the cinema with Tim George and Luke they get drunk (Joey very very drunk) and because Tim is making her feel bad for being too close with George and Luke (as he's jealous Bc he likes her). Bc of this Joey is angry with Tim and "flirts " with George and Luke to get back at Tim.
She kisses them, and apparently that was consent for Luke and George because they touch her and eventually rape her in the back of the cab (I'm not going to say "had sex wirh", it was rape). They later said that them "having sex" was inevitable Bc Joey "is down for anything" and "doesn't have a ton of self respect". They based her 'consent' of things that had nothing to do with consent at all.
Okay I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me explain what angers me so much about some watchers of this show. And for some reason it's mostly the Dom fans. Like y'all can like Dom without hating Joey? Dom and Joey barely even get interactions so it's just weird.

Victim blaming
This is the most disgusting thing people do. Victim blaming Joey.
- There are some obvious terrible persons who just straight up said she was asking for it. Not even gonna talk abt them I hope they never ever talk to a real victim ever.

- those who say Joey could've seen it coming because she was friends with bad people. Now hold up. What's that?? Yes, it's victim blaming. First of all Joey knew George from when she was much younger. Also because they can be some typical jocks assholes does NOT mean she should've just not be friends with them or they'd inevitable SA her?? What kind of fucked up logic??

Literally dismissing joeys behaviour resulting from trauma
So especially the dom fans got mad bc Joey got mad at dom when dom accidentally threw a basket ball at Joey. It was just a few days after she got raped and you could literally see how hard it was to deal with the trauma. EVEN DOM UNDERSTANDS IT. she even later in the episode asks if Joey is okay.
So yeah if you're all for mental health but not when the symptoms are a bit too 'ugly' for you aren't they?

Fake woke
Yes, joeys activism portrayed how she still is a white girl who tries to be an ally. She dismisses her friends when they say racist shit, but she doesn't really educate them or really call them out. She also kind of indicated to be a bit of a savior.
So yes I think it was a good portrayal of how even if you call yourself "woke", that it can quickly go into performative activism.
- now as I said, joeys perfomative activism has NOTHING to do with what happened to her at ALL. There is no connection. Like tell the rapists not to rape, not the victims to not be a victim.

—> Joey is a very good example of how girls who are 'Out there' get sexualized and then said to ask for it. Then got blamed if anything happens.  Truly fuckdd up.

If you've watched this, do you agree? If you have not watched it : I would really recommend!! As I said I watched it a few times because joeys story and how she dealt with trauma. It was so real. Like there was no romanization of trauma, it didn't end in suicide, it didn't show only horrible solutions as only solution. It showed the effects of trauma is (to me) realistic ways and I could really relate. That is also why I wanted to give a warning tho! Because for me it was Triggering but at the same time I somehow felt more understood? The way Joey stayed true to herself, she's a true inspiration to me.

Okay sorry for the rant - ish chapter oops


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