AFTER 3: almost decent(?) but the lackluster zero energy sex scenes💀

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So unfortunately my friends and I have this "tradition" of going to see After movies in the cinema.

So yes I've seen all of them on the big screen :') and yes I've seen that lake scene on the big screen as well :')

Anywyas I originally wasn't trying to bash this movie series bc 1. I don't think I'm the right age category(?) I think it's legit for 14-17 year olds? Maybe 18/19. My 14 year old self would eat this shit up. But at the same time it is about college and I've the age for that / I'm the same age as Tessa and Hardin I think soooo it is or me in a way.

2. I literally don't got the patience for lackluster and boring hetero relationships. if it was gay I would've had way more patience bc representation needs to be supported!! But it's a straight story so I got like 0 patience.

3. It's from wattpad ... but ANYWAYS It's a Wattpad story originally and I read book 1 and 2 when they first got popular So yearsssss ago. I think I liked book 1 idk abt book 2, Maybe? Idk I just read a lot of bad boy books my god what a time. Maybe that made me gay lmaooo.
But now that it's a popular movie series and the books are bestellers I feel like Anna todd can be criticized bc she a professional now so leggooooo.

seeing the Wattpad logo in the cinema still freaks me out tho like wow

Did I hate it? No? Not really. Would I watch it again? NO. would I recommend it? Not really but if you really want to then yeah ig go for it.

So as I saw it in the cinema I can't pull up the movie to revive my memories - although I don't wanna watch the movie again so maybe I'm lucky with this ksjdhdhd.

What I remember of the plot is that Tessa's dad shows up and promises to stop drinking. And hardin doesn't like the dad ig but whatever.
Tessa has this big opportunity to work(?) internship(?) idek they never specify anything abt any professional work Tessa is apparently "so good at". Anyways it's in Seattle. And Tessa and Hardin having the talent of miscommunicating over the simplest things, of course didn't tell Hardin that she was going to move to Seattle.
Like the man child Hardin is, he's angry and frustrated ( his 2 emotions 🥲) that Tessa didn't tell him and he's scared she will leave him ig.

Hardin and Tessa's dad bond over.. alcohol? Idek and hardin help tessas dad to get out of debt later in so they get along eventually.

So Tessa moves to Seattle. But first the lives with lance and his wife because apparently she got 2 rooms to choose from bc it's sO eAsyY to rent a room in Seattle 😀 isg the opportunities Tessa has for literally doing nothing yes I'm jealous.

They also went to a cabin for some reason which was so luxurious like damn and they had the worst sex scene In the hot tub and many more sex scenes u can literally copy paste bc they're all the same like where's the flavouuuuur.

Also Hardin goes to Seattle too blah blah. Storyline idk go watch it lmao. 

• Addresses the toxicity
So the movie did actually address the toxicity of their relationship as they talk about the fact that they never communicate and that they control each other.

• Hardin admitted he was wrong
He finally admitted that his reactions to things wasn't right and that he hurts Tessa by lying and dissapointinv her

•There was more plot
I mean I did see everything coming from a mile away but at least there were reasons why scenes were there. Like there was some plot.

•There were less plot holes
I don't think I was as confused this time as last time so that's good. Less plot holes to rack my brain over.

•There wasn't really a useless Love triangle as before
I fucking hate love triangles. Especially in movies like these. But luckily this Time there wasn't any cheating for Love triangle. I mean Hardin and Tessa thought there was but no they were just as always misunderstanding situations.

• Once again all poc characters are just there to.. idek do nothing.

•Hardin is still so unlikeable
This man got no character development I'm telling y'all. It's been 3 movies and this guy is the same like what the hell. He still reacts explosively and he still doesn't do shit for Tessa. It's just annoying at this point. He also just has two moods : angry and frustrated.
Idk the actor maybe he's a good actor but not in after bc his facial expressions are literally the same for every emotion. Tessa's actress in the other hand is very good at portraying different emotions so the contrast is striking tbh.

• sex scenes were lackluster and unnecessarily
My god have I never been more bored annoyed and cringed at sex scenes. I mean I don't like sex scenes too much bc yk my past. but these ones are just ??? Tf. Like it's all the same formula: Hardin makes some kind of innuendo and then they lock eyes and immediately get horny af but they're literally just staring at each other with 0 chemistry and 0 passion. Then Tessa just hops onto Hardin and he just puts it right in and goes for it like sir????? is Tessa just always ready for sex in some magical way like what's going on what abt some foreplay. And the SOUNDS. oh god my friend and I were squeezing each other's arms bc we cringed so much. Pls half of this movie can me cut.

• their relationship is literally built on nothing?????
J don't understand their relationship. They never talk so idk why it would be fun to be around each other.
They don't have passion between them as said before about the sex scenes.
They always fight about the stupidest stuff so they're basically almost always fighting.
When they have some bonding time the movie just shows some montage of them feeding ducks or something and pointing at stuff and laughing. Idfc but this seems like nothing special I DONT GET IT.
Supposed "best friends" in movies and series have way way more chemistry but we're not supposed to call them gay and in love bc they're friends but Hardin and tesss give us literally nothing not even friend material and we are supposed to ship bc they're a man and a women put togehter as a ship who need to have this relationship. Man I'm tired.

IsG if there's one thing the kissing booth, yes the kissing booth, did wat better it's breaking the couple up. Like I hope Tessa and Hardin either get better and act like they're in an actual relationship except be like friends with benefits minus the friends kr they break up.

Well if you haven't watched the movie ig this was confusing but the movie itself is too so oops.

Bye ✌️

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