2nd January (Tue)

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Today I watched more 'Friends' while my mum worked. Because she was working all day and dad is also at work (saving people's lives from fires, but really just drinking lots of tea ☕️) we have to do a massive shop at Aldi tomorrow-YAY(!)

I also made a Sporcle quiz and them did some maths homework (+, -, * and / fractions)- I would love it if we just had a collective EURGHHHHH for maths. I know some people love it and there are many clever people who can do maths, I just don't get it! My brain can comprehend that many numbers and equations and letters and symbols and I often wonder how the hell I'm a Ravenclaw 🧐

See you tomorrow x

Basically a Diary, 2018 (#1)Where stories live. Discover now