10th February (Sat)

19 0 2

Today we went to Simply Dutch (a shop) in hopes of buying Harry Potter merch. But when we got their, it was a bit anticlimactic. There was some boxes with 'Harry Potter' engraved on them, and a stuffed snowy owl; which you could call Harry Potter related but I don't. The rest of the shop was cool though, really steam-punky with bar stools made out of tractor seats and clocks with exposed cogs.

I also read 'The blueberry muffin conundrum' by 32rabbits * and I'm loving it, mainly because it includes me**

We made a Mexican style tea with guacamole, refried beans, salsa, chicken, and Nando's sauce; which smelt and tasted like nail polish and petrol

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We made a Mexican style tea with guacamole, refried beans, salsa, chicken, and Nando's sauce; which smelt and tasted like nail polish and petrol

Come back tomorrow for more of my (insert appropriate adjective) life 😜

*haaayyy Amy *waves* 😘
** Just kidding!

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